Viewing the Registrations by Course Part Report

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Viewing the Registrations by Course Part Report

The Registrations by Course Part view provides registration data on a single course part or all course parts. The resulting report lists the data in a table with a row for each student that has registered for a course part. The table identifies the course part, the student, the class registration status, the course part status, time taken per course part, and date information, including as start and end dates, registration date, and completion date.


 Time taken per course part is the cumulative amount of time (in minutes) taken by a student to complete a course part over all attempts.

Perform the following steps to run the Registrations by Course Part report:

  1. In the Class Registrations service of the Education application, open the LMS Shared Views folder.
  2. Click the Registrations by Course Part icon. A prompt dialog displays.
  3. If you want to view registration data for a single course part, do the following in the prompt dialog:
    • If you know the ID number for the course part, enter the ID number in the Course Part ID field and clear the default value in the Course Part Begins With field.
    • If you know all or part of the name of the course part, leave the default value in the Course Part ID field and enter all or part of the course part name in the Course Part Begins With field.

  4. If you want to view registration data for all course parts, leave the default value in the Course Part ID field, and clear the default value from the Course Part Begins With field.
  5. Click OK to run the report.

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