Configuring Dot Net SMTP Client Attributes

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Configuring Dot Net SMTP Client Attributes

Before an organization can use the Dot Net SMTP client message system, an administrator needs to configure the system's attributes to specify the SMTP server that the system should use for sending messages.

Follow these steps to configure the attributes:

  1. Open the Dot Net Mail SMTP Client record.
  2. Click the Attributes tab. 

    Dot Net SMTP Client Attributes 
  3. Open the DefaultFromEmail sub-type record and enter a default From email address in the Value field (replace the [Enter valid Email Address] default value).
    • The system will use this address as the default From email address for messages sent using the Dot Net Mail SMTP Client if the user did not specify a From address in the Messaging dialog.
  4. Open the UserName sub-type record and enter the user name of the SMTP account holder for the SMTP mail server (replace the [Enter valid Username] default value).
    • This attribute is required if UseDefaultCredentials is set to False.
  5. Open the Password sub-type record and enter the password of the account holder, having the account in the SMTP mail server (replace the [Enter valid Password] default value).
    • This attribute is required if UseDefaultCredentials is set to False.
  6. Open the Host sub-type record and enter the name or IP address of your organization's SMTP server (replace the [Enter valid IP Address of the host] default value).
  7. Open the Port sub-type record and specify the port used by your organization's SMTP server (replace the [Enter valid Port] default value).
  8. Open the UseDefaultCredentials sub-type record and configure what user credential will be used for sending messages from this Messaging System:
    • True (or 1): The SMTP server will use the default credentials when sending email.
    • False (or 0): The SMTP server will use the UserName and Password values as credentials for sending email.
  9. Open the DeliveryMethod sub-type record and specify the deliver method of email:.
    • Network: Email sent through the network to the SMTP server.
    • PickupDirectoryFromIis: Email is copied to the pickup directory used by a local Internet Information Services (IIS) for delivery.
    • SpecifiedPickupDirectory: Email is copied to the directory specified by the PickupDirectoryLocation attribute for delivery by an external application.
  10. Open the EnableSSL sub-type record and specify whether the SMTP client uses SSL (Secure Socket Layer) to encrypt the connection. If True it will use SSL to encrypt the connection, otherwise, if set to False, it will not (replace the [True/False] default value).
  11. Open the PickupDirectoryLocation sub-type record and specify the folder where applications save mail messages to be processed by the local SMTP server (replace the [Enter valid Folder Path] default value).
    • This attribute is required when the DeliverMethod attribute has value SpecifiedPickupDirectory.
  12. Open the Timeout sub-type record and specify a value that indicates the amount of time after which a synchronous Send call times out (replace the [Enter value in Milliseconds] default value).
    • The default value is 100000 (100 seconds)
    • Save and close the Message Systems record.

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