Requiring Approval to Send Messages

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Requiring Approval to Send Messages

By default, when a user clicks the Send Messages button on the Aptify Messaging dialog, the system sends the messages immediately. However, an organization can configure a message system to require that a supervisor or administrator review all messages before they are sent.

Follow these steps to enable this option:

  1. Open a Message Systems record.
  2. On the General tab, place a check mark in the Requires Approval box.
  3. Save and close the record.

When this option is an enabled, a message run is not sent until it is marked as approved. The following is an example approval process:

  1. A user creates a bulk message with the Messaging dialog and clicks the Send Messages button. 
    • This generates a Message Runs record with Approval Status set to Pending.
  2. The user notifies the approver that the bulk message is ready for approval.
    • Alternatively, an organization can create a process flow to handle this notification automatically.

  3. The approver opens the Message Runs record and reviews the message details stored in the record.
  4. Once the approver is satisfied that the message is suitable to be sent, he or she changes the Approval Status to Approved and saves the record.
  5. The system then sends out the email messages.
    • Note that an organization may want to enable Field Level Security for the Approval Status field to limit the set of users who can approve a message run.


An organization can use Aptify's Process Pipeline functionality to automate some of the approval process (such as sending an email message to the person when a message run is ready for approval). See Managing Process Flows for information on creating a process flow.

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