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About the Space Threads Form

This service stores information about a particular thread within a space. This web form was added for the web interface in Aptify 5.5.2.


Space Threads Record

Actions Tab

This tab stores the actions associated with this thread. See About the Space Actions Form for more details.

Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the Space Threads record. The tab becomes available when the record is initially saved.

General Tab



The entire content of the thread.

Search Content

The content that is used to search for the thread.


The owner of the thread, typically the creator. This field is linked to the Persons service.


The type of thread. By default, the values are Update (the default value for threads), Add, Praise, and Question.


If the thread is a child of another thread, specifies the parent. This field links to another Space Threads record.


The space associated with this thread.

Authorization Name

Specifies which groups and/or individuals can view the thread. Values are Public (the default value), Only Me, Following, My Organization, and Known Users.

Links Tab

This tab stores the links associated with this thread. See About the Space Links Form for more details.

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