Deleting a Dashboard Area

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Deleting a Dashboard Area

Perform the following steps to delete a dashboard area:

  1. Click the Options... link from the upper-right hand corner of the default dashboard.
  2. Select Edit "<Dashboard Name>" from the context menu.
  3. Select the Layout tab on the Dashboard Options form.
    • You may need to maximize the dialog window to see all of the dashboard's parts and areas.
  4. Remove all parts from the area you want to delete.
  5. Click the Remove Area link to open the Select Dashboard Area dialog.
    Remove Area 
  6. Select the area to you want to remove and click OK.
    • The area is removed from the dashboard.
    • You may want to resize the remaining areas to fill any space left unoccupied after deleting the area. See Resizing a Dashboard Area for details.
  7. Click OK to save, close, and reload the modified dashboard.

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