Inserting Parts into Messages
Inserting Parts into Messages
To streamline message creation, you can use standard Message Parts when creating new bulk messages. Some examples of message parts include a standard, formatted order history for each person to whom the message is sent, or a specifically formatted street address. Message parts allow you to use common information for more than one set of bulk messages.
- On the Aptify Messaging form, click the Insert Parts button.
- From the Select Part dialog box, select a message part to insert into the message text. Then click Select Part.
- The system administrator creates and manages the available Message Parts. For more information, see Configuring Message Parts, including a list of standard Message Parts delivered with Aptify.
- You can also insert a Message Part into the message using the Part Quick Select field. Pre‐defined message parts are inserted into the message text by entering the message part into the Part Quick Select field and clicking the Insert Part button. A new Message Part record can be opened by clicking the hyperlink.
- Repeat steps 1 and 2 to insert additional parts into the message as needed.
, multiple selections available,
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