Overriding the Quote Amount

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Overriding the Quote Amount

The Quote Amount field may be overridden by the user to encourage a sale or make a special deal without using the predefined rate schedules.

  1. To override the quoted price and discount (if any), select the Price Override option located at the bottom of the pricing section. Selecting the Price Override option activates two fields, the Price Override Reason field and the Quote Amount field.

    Sample Price Overrides on Insertion Order

  2. In the Price Override Reason field, select from the list the valid reason defined during the setup stage that best represents the reason for the price override.
  3. In the Quote Amount field, enter any price to replace the calculated quote. As you tab away from the field, the other pricing fields update accordingly. The Discretionary Discount also updates automatically to display the difference between the grand total for the original quote amount and the new quote amount.

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