Installing e-Business with Ektron

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Installing e-Business with Ektron

This section contains the following topics related to configuring an existing Ektron integration with Aptify after you have installed e-Business to an Ektron site:

If you currently have e-Business 5.0 or e-Business 5.0 SP1 or 5.0 SP2 integrated with an existing Ektron site, please contact Aptify Technical Support or Aptify Consulting to determine how to best upgrade your Ektron integration to leverage the baseline Ektron integration provided first in e-Business 5.0 SP3 and now with e-Business 5.5. In some cases, you may choose to continue using your existing integration model that was developed prior to SP3.



If you need to set up the integration between Aptify e-Business and Ektron for the first time, perform the procedures in the "Ektron CMS Integration" section of the Integrating with a Content Management System chapter of the Aptify e-Business 5.5 Developer Guide.

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