About the Booth Generator Form
The Booth Generator is used to automatically generate booths for a floorplan. This functionality is only available if the floorplan has no existing booths. The Booth Generator button is located on the Booths tab of the Floorplans record.
Starting Location Area
The Starting Location options determine where numbering starts for the booths. For example, if the bottom left option in the Starting Location area is selected, booth numbering begins in the bottom left of the floorplan. Only one option can be selected for the starting location.
Booth Names Area
Booth names identify the booth, and can be assigned a default alphanumeric prefix, suffix, or both. Booth names are editable after the booths are generated and saved.
A default prefix can be defined for each booth name in the floorplan. Prefixes do not display in the Booth Generator grid. When the booth grid is saved, the prefixes are part of the booth names saved in the generated Booth records.
A default suffix can be defined for each booth name in the floorplan. Suffixes do not display in the Booth Generator grid. When the booth grid is saved, the suffixes are part of the booth names saved in the generated Booth records.
Initial Number
The number entered in the Initial Number field is the number that the booth generator uses for the first booth it creates. For example, if Initial Number is set to 100, the first booth generated is Booth 100.
Incrementation Rules Area
The Incrementation Rules area is made up of a Horizontal area and a Vertical area. Booths can be generated horizontally or vertically. The area selected determines how the booth grid is generated.
Horizontal Area
Horizontal Radio Button
When this option is selected, the Booth Generator creates booths horizontally, generating the grid from left to right.
Apply Rules Button
If the Apply Defaults button in the Horizontal area is clicked, the Adjacent field and the Aisle Separation field are both set to 2. The Vertical Adjacent field is set to 99, and the Vertical Aisle Separation field is set to 1.
The number in the Adjacent field indicates how booth numbers should increment horizontally across the expo floor. If the number is 2, booths that are next to each other horizontally are numbered 1, 3, 5, while the booths directly across the aisle are numbered 2, 4, 6.
If Horizontal defaults are applied, the default for this field is 2. If Vertical defaults are applied, the default is 99.
Aisle Separation
Aisle Separation indicates the specific increment to skip when an aisle is crossed horizontally. For example, if the Aisle Separation is set to 2, the booth number increments by 2 once an aisle is crossed. If Horizontal defaults are applied, the default for this field is 2. If Vertical defaults are applied, the default is 1.
Vertical Area
Vertical Radio Button
When this option is selected, the Booth Generator creates booths vertically.
Apply Rules Button
If the Apply Defaults button in the Vertical area is clicked, the Vertical Adjacent field and the Vertical Aisle Separation field are both set to 2. The Horizontal Adjacent field is set to 99, and the Horizontal Aisle Separation field is set to 1.
The number in the Adjacent field indicates how booth numbers should increment vertically across the expo floor. If the number is 2, booths that are next to each other vertically are numbered 1, 3, 5, while the booths directly across the aisle are numbered 2, 4, 6.
If Vertical defaults are applied, the default is 2. If Horizontal defaults are applied, the default is 99.
Aisle Separation
Aisle Separation indicates the specific increment to skip when an aisle is crossed vertically. For example, if the Aisle Separation is set to 2, the booth number increments by 2 once an aisle is crossed.
If Vertical defaults are applied, the default is 2. If Horizontal defaults are applied, the default is 1.
Number of Adjacent [Horizontal or Vertical] Booths Prior to Aisle Separation
The number of booths that are directly next to each other between aisles.
- If the Horizontal radio button is selected, this field controls the number of adjacent vertical booths prior to aisle separation.
- If the Vertical radio button is selected, this field controls the number of adjacent horizontal booths prior to aisle separation.
Generate Grid Button
When the Generate Grid button is clicked, the booths are automatically generated to populate the floorplan with booths. Booths are generated based on the settings defined in the Incrementation Rules area, as well as the Number of adjacent [Horizontal/Vertical] booths prior to aisle separation setting.
Booth Button
The Booth button is used to change a cell in the grid from an aisle or space to a booth.
Aisle Button
The Aisle button is used to change a cell in the grid from a booth or space to an aisle.
Space Button
The Space button is used to change a cell in the grid from an aisle or booth to a space.
Booth Names Button
The Booth Names button is used to reapply the defined incrementation rules to the booth configuration by renumbering booths and applying the appropriate naming convention to any new booths.
Booth Names Button Examples
Example 1: Some booths are replaced with spaces. Clicking the Booth Names button renumbers the remaining booths.
Example 2: New booths are added with the Booth button. Clicking the Booth Names button automatically provides names for the new booths, and renumbers existing booths as appropriate to the incrementation rules.
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