Managing the Booths

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Managing the Booths

After a Floorplans record is created in the database, users must next create and assign booths for the floorplan (unless the floorplan is linking to a third-party floorplan system). Booths are sold to customers when a customer orders an Expos product.

If creating booths directly in Aptify, they are created after a Floorplans record is added to the database. If a floorplan does not have existing booths associated with it, the user can make use of the Booth Generator to automatically create a visual layout of the booths in the floorplan. Booths created by the Booth Generator can be edited for further configuration. Booths may also be created manually, if additional booths are required.

This topic contains sub-topics that expain how to work with booths, including how to create them, how to combine or separate booths, and how to assign those booths to customers when they place an order.

The Generating Booths Automatically and Using the Booth Combination Wizard topics only apply to floorplans that do not link to a third-party floorplan system. If the floorplan will link to a third-party system, do not create or modify booth layouts within Aptify (this should occur in the third-party floorplan system). See Linking a Floorplan to EXPOCAD Desktop for details.

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