About the Meeting Class Field Mappings Form

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About the Meeting Class Field Mappings Form

Many fields in Meetings correspond to fields in Classes. For example, both a Meeting and a Class have a Start Date. Depending on how a user is interacting with a particular class, they might be looking at the Class Start Date or Meeting Start Date. Therefore, Aptify has developed an infrastructure that synchronizes similar fields between the two entities.

An organization can modify the synchronization behavior by adding, editing, or deleting Meeting Class Fields Mappings records. Each record identifies a field in Classes to map to a field in a Meeting and identifies the direction of the flow of the field data (Class to Meeting or Meeting to Class).

Meeting Class Field Mappings Form

Attachments Tab

This tab stores any files relevant to the Meeting Class Field Mappings record.

General Tab

Class Field (Required)

The name of the Class Field that is being mapped.

Meeting Field (Required)

The name of the Meeting Field that is being mapped.

Sync Direction (Required)

The direction of the field mapping data flows, either ClassToMeeting or MeetingToClass.


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