Aptify 5.5.1 Web Interface Hotfix Release Notes

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Aptify 5.5.1 Web Interface Hotfix Release Notes

First published in May 2014.

In addition to installing the Aptify web browser-based interface and components, this Aptify version 5.5.1 includes several updates to the Aptify Desktop client. These updates are provided in advance of the next core product release, Aptify Desktop 5.5.2

No additional setup or installation is required by the user to implement the issues detailed below. For additional details on installing the Aptify web interface, see Implementing the Aptify Web Interface.

This page provides an overview of the issues resolved in Aptify version 5.5.1. The content of this document is broken down into the following sections:

User Controls

The following user controls issues were addressed:


Updating Photo Causes Save Operation to Loop for Persons

In e-Business 5.5, when a user updates the photo on a Persons record, the Save operation gets called repeatedly. This is an annoyance to Desktop client users, but it causes problems where the photo is updated programmatically, such as when using the Social Network integration process flow. In this instance, using the Social Network Integration process flow, the user does not have the opportunity to abort the save so the process goes into an infinite loop resaving the same record anytime the photo is updated. This hotfix resolves this issue and prevents the save loop for programmatic processes like the example included. (Issue 13322)

Show Linked Fields on Merge Wizard

Currently in Aptify 5.5.1, when two records are merged, the Merge Wizard displays linked fields using an ID number rather than the linked record's name. For example, when merging two Persons records, the CompanyID appears as one of the fields but not the Company Name. Other fields including PrimaryFunctionID, Status, MemberTypeID, PreferredCurrencyTypeID, PrefCommMethodID also display as IDs and not as the field names, as desired. This hotfix updates the Merge Wizard so that it also shows the virtual fields tied to the linked fields to provide more meaningful information to users. Note that virtual fields that cannot be set directly, appear with a gray background, while fields that can be set as surviving value have a white background. (Issue 13592)

Aptify Merging Tool Displays Fields with Same Values for Selected Records

When using the Aptify Merging dialog, the left column of the dialog displays the names of the fields that differ between the two records. By default, the tool only displays those top-level entity fields that contain different data for the selected records. However, with Aptify 5.5.1 and earlier, the tool may display fields that contain the same data. This hotfix updates the Aptify Merging functionality so that only the fields that contain different data are displayed when using the Aptify Merging dialog. In addition, if none of the top-level entity fields contain the same data, a dialog is displayed alerting the user that there are no differences between the records (as shown below), however, a user can still proceed with the merging process as needed.

(Issue 17031)


The following Products issues were addressed:


Duplicate Emails Sent For Order When Product Download Is Used

Aptify 5.5.1 updated the Downloadable Products functionality (introduced in e-Business 5.5) so that orders for downloadable products placed in the Aptify Desktop client generate Product Download records just like orders placed from an e-Business web site. However, with this change in 5.5.1, it is possible that a customer will receive two "Download Now Available" emails for each order that contains one or more downloadable products. This hotfix updates the Aptify Orders functionality to ensure that a customer receives only one "Download Now Available" email per order, as expected. (Issue 14741)

Registrant Information Appears Blank When Registering Product

In Aptify e-Business 5.5.1, there is a scenario where Registrant information is blank when a user attempts to register a product. This can occur when registering a Product with Product Grouping enabled, as well as for a Kit Product when the Register group option is used. This hotfix resolves this issue to ensure that the Registrant info displays as expected regardless of the options used during registration. (Issue 17187)


The following Expos issue was addressed.

Booth Description Is Not Shown In the View Cart Page

In Aptify e-Business 5.5.1, there is a scenario when a web user registers for an exhibit product and selects a booth, the view cart page and the checkout pages do not display the Booth details. In the Exhibit booth registration page, users can selected the Booth from the drop-down and the Booth name is filled in, but this is not displaying appropriately. This hotfix resolves this issue ensuring that the Booth Description appears as expected throughout the application. (Issue 16946)


The following Meetings issues were resolved:

Meeting Registration Displays Invalid Registered Member Count

In Aptify e-Business 5.5.1, there is a scenario where a user may encounter an invalid registered member count during the meeting registration process. This scenario can occur when a user attempts to register for a meeting using the Group Register feature, and the details update incorrectly. This hotfix resolves this issue ensuring that the Meeting Registration displays the correct member count regardless of the registration process. (Issue 17108)

Improve Meeting Registration Process Performance

This hotfix includes updates to Aptify e-Business 5.5.1 to improve performance related to the Meeting Registration process, including an improved response time for registering multiple people for meetings product that contain multiple sessions and removing orderlines. (Issue 16589)

New Meeting Wizard: Dates Need to Push to Next Year If Day of Copied Meeting Has Passed

Aptify 5.5.1 includes a scenario where, when a user selects an existing meeting to copy using the New Meeting Wizard, the wizard may incorrectly select dates that have already passed for the new meeting. This hotfix updates the date calculation logic. If the copied meeting's month and day has already passed for the current year, the wizard updates the dates to use the next year. (Issue 15211)

Clearing the Registrant In The Related Meeting Session Dialog Overrides the Existing Order Line Rather Than Adding a New One

Currently in Aptify 5.5.1, a user may be unable to add more than two meeting registrants for the same meeting using the Meeting Session Selection grid. After adding the first two top-level meeting registrations to the order, attempts to add a third registration overwrites the information for the second registration. This hotfix updates the Meeting Session Selection grid to allow users to create meeting registrations for more than two registrants for the same top-level meeting on a single order. (Issue 15198)

Need Meeting Conflict Functions to be Overridable

In Aptify 5.5.1, the following Orders entity functions are private and not eligible for override

  • CheckMeetingsSessionsConflictionInRegistered()
  • CheckMeetingsSessionsConflictionInCurrentOrderLine()

This hotfix updates the Orders entity to enable overriding for the functions identified. (Issue 16086)

Orders and Payments

The following Orders and Payments issues were resolved:

Credit Memo for Generated Back Order Should Not Credit Shipping Charges on New Order

In Aptify 5.5.1, there is a scenario when a credit memo is generated for a back order and incorrectly includes payment general entries for shipping charges on the credit memo. This hotfix adds a new entity attribute called CalculateShippingForBackorder. When set to 1, the system uses the current logic, which recalculates shipping charges on a backorder. When set to 0, the system assumes that all relevant shipping charges appear on the original order and separate shipping is not charged for the backorders. Credit memos created for backorders when CalculateShippingForBackorder is set to 0 no longer track any entries related to shipping charges. The only payment lines tracked in the credit memo deal with the individual backordered order lines and any applicable sales tax for those order lines. (Issue 16433)

InvoiceNumber Not Set for Orders

In Aptify 5.5.1, the InvoiceNumber field in the Orders entity does not populate even when the GenerateInvoiceNumber attribute is set. This occurs whether you want to use the Order ID as the Invoice Number or if you have specified other logic for assigning an invoice number. This hotfix updates Aptify's logic to ensure it is updating the invoice number field correctly. (Issue 5436)

Do Not Attempt a ZDA for Quotation Orders If CCAccountNumber Field Is Blank

In Aptify 5.5.1, if a user creates a quotation order and the Bill To person's last payment method was a credit card reference transaction, an error occurs if the user tries to save the quotation without changing the payment type first. This error occurs because the system is attempting to perform a ZDA (Zero Dollar Authorization) for the reference transaction, which is correct if account information is being provided, but if the CCAccountNumber is left blank, the system should not attempt to perform a ZDA and instead should bypass this step and save the order. This hotfix updates the quotation order functionality to include a secondary condition instructing the system to bypass the AuthorizeElectronicPaymentZDA function when the CCAccountNumber field is blank, so the quotation order saves as expected in this scenario. (Issue 17131)

System Should Not Recalculate Sales Tax for Batched Order

With Aptify 5.5.1 and earlier, the system attempts to recalculate sales tax when a user opens an order, even if that order has been batched already. If sales tax information has changed since the order was placed, it can lead to situations where a user is unable to save otherwise acceptable changes to an order since sales tax totals cannot change on a batched order. This hotfix disables the sales tax calculation for batched orders. (Issue 17203)

Problems in Registration Process From the View Cart Page

In Aptify e-Business 5.5.1, there is a scenario that occurs when a web user attempts to register for a meeting, in the View Cart page, the "Registration For" field does not display the registrant name. This hotfix resolves this issue and ensures that the field displays as expected. (Issue 16936)

Overriding the Default OrderLine Description When Generating Meeting Registrations from e-Business

With e-Business 5.5 and earlier, an organization cannot modify the default order line description that is generated for meeting registration orders placed over the e-Business site. The e-Business site uses whatever description that is defined at the product level, which is the same description that appears for meeting registration orders placed in the Desktop client.
However, there are situations where an organization may want to generate a different order line description for meeting registrations placed over the web. With this hotfix, organizations can now override the description for meeting registration order lines as needed. Note that the Meeting product needs to have the Allow Description Override option enabled to support this feature. (Issue 15369)

Cancellation Order for Downloadable Product Appear On "My Download" Page

In Aptify e-Business 5.5.1, there is a scenario that occurs when a user creates a Cancellation order for a Downloadable product. The product appears incorrectly with the Cancellation order and is still accessible on the My Download Page. This behavior is incorrect, as the original product download should be disabled. This hotfix updates the system configuration to ensure that when a Cancellation Order is created in this scenario the product is no longer available for download. (Issue 16644)

Payment Contribution Object Incorrectly Stores Credit Card Security Number in Orders Record History

In Aptify 5.5.1, updates to the Payment Contribution object were made to support reference transactions that included adding the ability to pass the credit card security number from the wizard to the appropriate order/payment. However, if you look at the record history for an order created by the Payment Contribution process, the Security number is displayed incorrectly. This hotfix resolves this issue to ensure that no credit card details are displayed. (Issue 16606)

Order Cancellation Wizard Calculates Incorrect Cancelled Amount For Extended Product OrderLines With Manual Discount

In Aptify 5.5.1, there is a scenario where the Order Cancellation Wizard calculates the "Cancelled Amount" incorrectly for order lines. This can occur with extended products when the discount is entered manually on the original order. The "Cancelled Amount" calculation does not deduct the manual discount from the extended price. As a result, the Cancelled Amount displays the non-discounted amount and incorrectly calculates the Refund Amount as well. This hotfix updates the Order Cancellation Wizard to respect manually applied discounts and ensure that all calculations are made as expected. (Issue 15260)

Order That Has Been Modified by Another Process Can Ship with Incorrect Information When Using Auto Ship Prompt Dialog

In Aptify 5.5.1, there is a scenario where an order can include incorrect GL entries if shipped using the Auto Ship dialog. For example, if a user has an order that qualifies for auto-shipment open and while the form is open a second user modifies the order (such as adds another order line), if the first user then saves the order and accepts the auto-ship option, then the order may not generate the appropriate GL entries, Subscriptions, and Scheduled Transaction Groups. This solution updates the Orders logic to ensure that the system verifies that the following elements have not been changed by another user prior to auto-shipping: order shipping status, orderline(s), and order totals. If any of the areas mentioned has been modified, the user will receive a notification that the order cannot be saved and to reopen the order and refresh for the latest information.



The resolution for this issue also addresses Issue 15110 (Duplicate Order GL Entries and Scheduled Transaction Groups Created for Same Order Shipped More Than Once). For Issue 15110, if the first user has the auto-ship dialog open while a second user ships the order, and then the first user clicks OK on the dialog to ship the order, the order would contain duplicate entries. This solution prevents the first user from completing the auto-ship process once the second user has already shipped the order. 

 (Issue 15262)

ZDA Fails When Creating Saved Payment Method If Merchant Account Passes Fraud or Additional Parameters

Currently in Aptify 5.5, if a Merchant Account is configured to pass Fraud Mapping parameters or Additional parameters to PayPal, then attempts to obtain a reference transaction number to use as a Saved Payment Method for a Person or Company fails. Likewise, attempts to save a quotation order also fails when trying to obtain a reference transaction number. This hotfix resolves this issue by bypassing the Fraud Mapping and Additional Parameter settings when trying to obtain a reference transaction number with a Zero Dollar Authorization (ZDA) or a $1 Auth/Void transaction. However, actual transactions tied to an order and a payment will continue to respect the Fraud Mapping and Additional Parameter settings. (Issue 15270)

Data Type Mismatch Between CCExpire and Reference Transaction Expiration Date

In Payment Information, the Credit Card Expiration date field is a Datetime field and the Reference Transaction Expiration Date is a Date field. This can cause a problem for reference transaction payment types. If a user enters a Credit Card Expiration date that is less than a year from today, Aptify will attempt to use the CCExpireDate as the reference transaction expiration date. However, if there is a time component to CCExpire (a time specified other than midnight) then that process fails due to the data type mismatch. (Issue 17018)

Orders Form May Load with Disabled CCPartial Field Instead of CCAccountNumber When Credit Card Payment Type Loads by Default

Currently in Aptify 5.5.1, if the default payment type that loads for an Order is a credit card or a credit card reference transaction, the order form loads that payment type as expected the first time you open the order in a session. However, if you process an order with that payment type and then open a new order, the new order form incorrectly displays a blank, disabled CCPartial field in place of the editable and blank CCAccountNumber field. This hotfix updates the Order configuration to ensure that Orders form loads as expected with a blank CCAccountNumber field when the default payment type is a credit card or credit card reference transaction type. (Issue 15315)

Record History Stores Security Card Number

In Aptify 5.5.1, when an order is created in e-Business, the record history in the Desktop client for that order may store the credit card's security number, if one is present. This hotfix resolves this issue and ensures that the Credit Card Security Number is not stored or displayed in Aptify Record History. (Issue 16675)

Improve Performance of Credit Card Type Recognition

Aptify e-Business 5.5.1 may experience delays in matching credit card types, this hotfix includes updates to optimize system performance and reduce the amount of time to return results. (Issue 16034)

Credit Card Recognition Update

In Aptify e-Business 5.5.1, a default installation will assume that there is only one Web Enabled (and Active) Payment Type per Credit Card Type for the credit card recognition functionality to work as expected. When a user enters a card number, the system should check the credit card type's IIN range to identify the card type, and then query the payment types to find a payment type of that credit card type that is Web Enabled and Active. If there are no results, the recognition fails. If by chance there is more than one Web Enabled/Active payment type for a specific Credit Card Type, the system should pick the Payment Type with the lowest ID from the qualifying payment types (the SQL query that retrieves payment type ID based on credit card type ID can order by ID ASC). This is the fall back behavior but not the recommended approach (since we suggest only one web enabled/active payment type per credit card type).This hotfix resolves this issue and ensures that the field displays as expected. (Issue 16167)

CCPartial Not Set for Reference Transactions Placed Using a Web Service

In Aptify 5.5.1, there may be a scenario where a client uses a web service to create Orders. If those orders are paid with a Reference Transaction payment type the order does not have CCPartial set. Orders placed within the Desktop client work but CCPartial is added by a separate function that is not called when the process is run from a web service. This hotfix updates the Payment Information object to set the CCPartial for reference transaction payments when placed via a web service. (Issue 15319)

Update Payment Type's Type References to Support Increased Field Size

In Aptify 5.5.1, the data type size for Payment Types has been increased. The PaymentTypes.Type field was adjusted in size from 25 characters to 35 characters to support the new Type of "Credit Card Reference Transactions" which requires 33 characters. However Aptify did not update the spGetPaymentTypeType stored procedure to support the increased field size. As a result a Credit Card Reference Transaction name can be returned truncated to only 25 characters. However, the relevant code in the Payments object expected the truncated value so the system operated as expected. However, client configurations that assume the full value may not function as expected. Therefore, this hotfix updates the stored procedure and Payments object code to consistently support the entire term for the supported payment type types. (Issue 15190)

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