Aptify 5.5.6 Release Notes
This document provides an overview of the new features and resolved issues found in Aptify version 5.5.6. The content of this document is broken down into the following sections:
- New Features (Aptify Framework)
- New Features (Core Business Applications)
- Resolved Issues (Aptify Framework)
- Resolved Issues (Core Business Applications)
- Resolved Issues (Add-On Applications)
- Non-Generated Database Object Table Changes
New Features (Aptify Framework)
The following new framework features have been included in Aptify 5.5.6:
- Framework
- Security Keys Entity's Base View 'vwSecurityKeys' to allow DB Owners to View all Security Keys
- Make Development of Custom JavaScript Configurations Easier
- Aptify Web: Ability to Change Password for Domain Users
- Aptify Web: Ability to Change Password for SQL Users
- Aptify Web: Indication of Password Expiration
- New Application Dashboard for User and Group Management
- Ability to Export List View Contents to Excel When Office is not Installed on the Desktop Client
- Support for Merge Entity Plug-Ins in Aptify SOA
- Aptify Web Crystal Reports 2013 and 2016 Compatibility
- Support Aptify Running in a Database Named Other than 'Aptify'
- Enhanced UI for Merging Tool
- Reactivate Users Wizard/EBO
- Messaging
- Viewing System
The following new features were added to the Framework System as part of Aptify 5.5.6.
Security Keys Entity’s Base View 'vwSecurityKeys' to allow DB Owners to View all Security Keys
Aptify 5.5.6 updates the security keys entity's base view 'vwSecurityKeys' to allow the data base owners to see all Security Keys records, regardless of the Users and Groups permissions of the Security Key. (Issue 1641)
Make Development of Custom JavaScript Configurations Easier
Aptify 5.5.6 includes a blank file 'client_configurations' that provides a temporary work space for a developer to work on configurations for development of the JavaScript functionality in a JavaScript development environment, like Visual Studio, to debug it. This makes it easy to create client configuration.
Once the development is complete, the recommendation is to remove the function and place it in the UI Part. (Issue 1175).
Aptify Web: Ability to Change Password for Domain Users
Aptify 5.5.6 provides the ability for a web user (trusted user) to change the password. The web user can change the password in 'Change your Password' form of Aptify Web. (Issue 1167)
Aptify Web: Ability to Change Password for SQL Users
Aptify 5.5.6 provides the ability for an Aptify SQL user with administrator privilege to change the password. This technical limitation is due to usage of the Control Server permission. The password changing ability feature will be made available for the non-administrator SQL users in the future release of Aptify after the technical limitation has been removed. (Issue 1272)
Aptify Web: Indication of Password Expiration
Aptify 5.5.6 provides the continuous notification for the password expiration before the date of expiration as per the pre-set interval or expired password if a user has logged in after the date of expiration without changing the password before expiration. (Issue 443)
New Application Dashboard for User and Group Management
Aptify 5.5.6 introduces a new application dashboard for user and group management. The new application dashboard shows the licenses display control on top area and users ELV in the rest of the area. (Issue 518)
Ability to Export List View Contents to Excel When Office is not Installed on the Desktop Client
Aptify 5.5.6 provides the ability to export the List View contents into an excel file format that can be opened when the excel environment is available or with the help of third-party tools like Apache Open Office or LibreOffice to view its content. (Issue 1243)
Support for Merge Entity Plug-Ins in Aptify SOA
Aptify 5.5.6 provides support for the merge entity plug-ins in Aptify SOA. This helps the end user to use the merge logic based on the organization's business rules.(Issue 1239)
Aptify Web Crystal Reports 2013 and 2016 Compatibility
Aptify 5.5.6 improves compatibility of Aptify Web for Crystal Reports 2013 and 2016. (Issue 1447)
Support Aptify Running in a Database Named Other than 'Aptify'
Aptify 5.5.6 provides support to run Aptify securely and maintain over time with a database that is not named Aptify. (Issue 510)
Enhanced UI for Merging Tool
Aptify 5.5.6 updates the merging tool by providing an indication to 'drag and drop the fields' in the merging tool. The layout of the merging tool has been improved to avoid overlapping of icons and for better UI/UX. (Issue 782)
Reactivate Users Wizard/EBO
Aptify 5.5.6 provides the administrator with an ability to use the ‘Reactive User Logins wizard/EBO’ to run a view of the users marked as ‘Active’ but their login does not work because it is in the SQL server database. (Issue 521)
The following new features were added to the Messaging System as part of Aptify 5.5.6.
Ability to Have a Message Template with an Attachment
Aptify 5.5.6 updates the Message Template to include an attachment feature. The new Message Template allows the user to save the Message Template with an attachment. (Issues 1341 and 617)
Viewing System
The following new features were added to the Viewing System as part of Aptify 5.5.6.
Ability to Define Group List View Results and Aggregate Data
Aptify 5.5.6 provides new features to view the data easily without the requirement to create a chart view or pivot grid view. The user can define and display the summary information within a list view with grouping tab. The grouping tab allows the user to configure grouping and aggregate settings on the same screen. (Issues 73, 90, 1197, 1293, 1219, 1296, 1344 and 1431)
New Features (Core Business Applications)
The following new Aptify Core Business Application features have been included in Aptify 5.5.6:
Business Applications
The following new features were added to the Business Applications system as part of Aptify 5.5.6.
Aptify Web: Adding a Picture/Logo to a Company Record in Aptify Web
Aptify 5.5.6 provides the web user with an ability to upload the company logo or picture on company record. The added picture will be displayed on the Summary Form, Company Record, and the Company Card View. (Issue 836)
Subscription and Membership
The following new features were added to the Subscription and Membership system as part of Aptify 5.5.6.
Multiple Membership Support - Phase 1
The following new features were added to the Multiple Membership Support as part of Aptify 5.5.6.
Ability to Identify a Person or Company by a Primary Membership
Aptify 5.5.6 provides an ability to identify a person or company by a Primary Membership. A drop-down has been added to the Member Type Record to select the Membership Type (Primary/Secondary). If the Primary Member Type is selected, the person’s member type information is reflected on the Membership tab. If the Secondary Member Type is selected, the existing membership information on the Membership Tab still remains same and the Secondary Membership details are tracked under the Subscription/Membership tab. (Issue 1419)
Summary Form Membership Section Updates for both Person and Company to Include Membership Information
Aptify 5.5.6 provides a new pop-up link with text as “Additional Membership” to display the Dues Information on the Summary Form. The Additional Membership tab includes information such as Membership Type, Status, Start Date and End Date. (Issue 1420)
Trigger Updated to Populate Various Membership Details under Membership Tab for Primary Membership Product
Aptify 5.5.6 provides a new feature to populate the Member Type, Join Date, Dues Amount, Dues paid through, Last Paid Date and Termination date under the Membership tab to only update when the Primary membership product has been ordered. (Issues 1421 and 1502)
Rearranging the Membership Information in Subscription Tab According to Status and Expiry Details
Aptify 5.5.6 provides the improved view of the Membership information in the Subscription Tab. Under the Subscription Tab, the active membership records are shown first. Within these records, the records which are expiring in near future are sorted and displayed at the top of the view. (Issue 1422).
Ability to Identify the Next Level Membership for Up-Selling on e-Business
Aptify 5.5.6 provides an ability to identify the next level membership for up-selling on e-Business site. The rank field is introduced to define the hierarchy for membership so that the ranking could be used for determining the upgrade option to a member on e-Business site. (Issue 1424).
Align Secondary Membership’s End Date to the Primary Membership’s End Date or its Own End Date Whichever Comes Earlier
Aptify 5.5.6 provides a checkbox feature to align the secondary membership’s end date to the primary membership’s end date or it's own end date whichever comes earlier. (Issues 1425, 1523 and 1525).
Aptify Web: Subscription Succession Feature Usage in Aptify Web
Aptify 5.5.6 provides the end user with an ability to use the Subscription Succession functionality in Aptify Web which was previously usable only in Aptify Smart client. (Issues 82 and 913)
Resolved Issues (Aptify Framework)
The following framework related issues have been resolved in the Aptify 5.5.6:
- Framework
- Validation should appear when Entity for View Category is Different than Parent View Category
- Aptify Smart Client taking Time to Load Completely
- Installation of Aptify JavaScript moved to Database Installer
- Update the Form Template and Dashboard UI Part controllers to include a server-side filter for the UI Platform in Respective Application
- Changes to Aptify.Security.Provider file for Apollo Support
- LinkBox End Point can Result in Error if no Search Configurations are Defined
- Outlook Add-in Functionality Issue and Error while Logging into Aptify from Outlook Add-in
- Shared Folders (View Categories) do not Update to Aptify Web without Running Metadata Items Process Flow
- Aptify Web: Suggested Tabs were not Displayed on Forms
- Messaging
- Viewing System
- Update Export to Excel Feature in Web to Use .XLSX file Extension by Default
- Improved Favorites UI
- Increase in Window Alerts Size
- Hide Alerts Button on Summary Form when there are no Alerts
- Sorting Does Not Work on Prompt View that Returns Large Amount of Records
- Aptify Web: Scroll Bar on Tab Menu Closes Automatically while Scrolling Down
- Aptify Web: Scroll Bars in Aptify Web Improved to make User Friendly
- Ability to Open a Record in a Specific Tab
- Opening Certain Persons or Companies Record Takes a Long Time to Load or Times Out Due to Large Number of Sub Types
- Enable GL Batch Wizard for a Prompt View
- Prompted Calendar View is not Refreshing but Appending another Calendar
- Calendar View with Prompt Doesn't Display the Data Correctly When Run Second Time
- Default Drill-Down List View Does Not Display Data with Special Characters
- Prompt Views with a Large Amount of SQL May not Load in Aptify Web
- Country Code Drop Down to Display Countries that Share the Same Telephone Code as One Single Row
- Aptify Web: Topic Code Value Types of Multiple Choice, Numeric and Text Functionality Implementation in Flat View and Tree View
- Improvements to the Views Entity Validation Logic
- Aptify Web: Show 1/1/1900 Dates as Blank
- Aptify Web: Search Results Column Should Resize Columns
The following issues were resolved in the Messaging System as part of Aptify 5.5.6.
Validation should appear when Entity for View Category is Different than Parent View Category
In Aptify, there was an issue where the validation pop-up message does not appear when an entity of the view category is different from the parent view category. This issue has been resolved to show a validation message if a wrong parent category is selected. For example, the validation message to select the person entity is "Entity for this view category should be same as parent view category. Change entity from 'Orders' to 'Persons' ". (Issue 1427)
Aptify Smart Client taking Time to Load Completely
In Aptify, there was an issue where the Aptify Smart client taking time to load completely. This issue has been resolved by updating attributes of the 'Aptify Shell.exe', 'Startup.exe' and 'AptifyAsyncProcessor.exe.config' files. (Issues 1145 and 1726)
Aptify JavaScript installation moved to Database Installer
Aptify 5.5.6 includes the JavaScript files in the Object Repository under the ‘AptifyWebClientFiles556’ package. These files will be extracted out of the Object Repository and into Aptify Website by the installer. (Issue 1216)
Update the Form Template and Dashboard UI Part controllers to include a server-side filter for the UI Platform in Respective Application
Aptify 5.5.6 improves the Form Template and Dashboard UI Part controllers to include a server-side filter to be aware of the UI platform on the Service Application that is configured on the SOA web-site. All hardcoded values of the [!Form Template Static Data!] are replaced with Static Data Prefix key to get correct static form template data based on Static Data Prefix key for respective Application. (Issues 1351, 1352 and 1358)
Changes to Aptify.Security.Provider file for Apollo Support
Aptify 5.5.6 updates the 'Aptify.Security.Provider.dll' file for improved exception error messages and errors handling in Apollo. (Issue 1330)
LinkBox End Point can Result in Error if no Search Configurations are Defined
Aptify 5.5.6 updates the 'Aptify.Services.Framework.Utilities.dll' file to improve the generic error message to be specific for the search configurations of the service application. (Issue 1329)
Outlook Add-in Functionality Issue and Error while Logging into Aptify from Outlook Add-in
In Aptify, there was an issue where the user was unable to log into Aptify Web through the Aptify Web outlook add-in. This issue has been resolved. (Issue 1462)
Shared Folders (View Categories) do not Update to Aptify Web without Running Metadata Items Process Flow
In Aptify, there was an issue regarding the shared folders visibility. The shared folder was not visible automatically to the web users until running of Generate HTML5 Web UI Part Metadata items process flow. This issue has been resolved. (Issues 26 and 1562)
Aptify Web: Suggested Tabs were not Displayed on Forms
In Aptify, there was an issue where on a form, the suggested tabs (tabs that were recently visited) were not displayed in the address bar after the form was closed and re-opened. This issue has been resolved to make sure that the suggested tabs will be displayed on the tab menu drop-down list box on each form. (Issue 1163)
The following issues were resolved in the Messaging System as part of Aptify 5.5.6.
Sending Message Runs with Report Attachments via App Server
In Aptify, there was an issue where the bulk message sending from Messaging GUI at a future date fails when the message has a report as an attachment or report attached to it. This issue has been resolved. (Issue 1116).
Viewing System
The following issues were resolved in the Viewing System as part of Aptify 5.5.6.
Update Export to Excel Feature in Web to Use .XLSX file Extension by Default
Aptify 5.5.6 improves the export to excel feature. The web user can extract the data into an excel file with .XLSX format by default. This allows to take advantage of the newer file format. (Issues 1348 and 1625)
Favorites UI Improvements
Aptify 5.5.6 improves the Favorites section with better visibility dimensions, and smooth opening and closing features. (Issue 1227)
Increase in Window Alerts Size
In Aptify, there was an issue where the window alerts size was small and the alert message was not visible properly. This issue has been resolved by increasing the size of the Window alerts. (Issue 1464)
Hide Alerts Button on Summary Form when there are no Alerts
In Aptify, there was an issue where the Alerts button does not hide even when there were no record alerts. This issue has been resolved to show the alerts button active only when there are more than 1 active record alerts. (Issue 1299)
Sorting Does Not Work on Prompt View that Returns Large Amount of Records
Aptify 5.5.6 improves the views with prompted filters and large amount records to display the results without buffering when sorting is applied. (Issues 1225 and 1359)
Aptify Web: Scroll Bar on Tab Menu Closes Automatically while Scrolling Down
In Aptify, there was an issue where the Scroll Bar on Tab Menu closes automatically while scrolling down. This issue has been resolved. (Issue 552)
Aptify Web: Scroll Bars in Aptify Web Improved to make User Friendly
In Aptify, there was an issue where the Scroll Bars were thin and not user friendly. This issue has been resolved by making the scroll bar consistent in size across the application by increasing the width. (Issue 981)
Ability to Open a Record in a Specific Tab
Aptify 5.5.6 includes a new feature in the active button form component which helps to open a full record in a specific tab when clicking on a button in the summary form. An open URL or tab input property was added to support this function. (Issue 1300)
Opening Certain Persons or Companies Record Takes a Long Time to Load or Times Out Due to Large Number of Sub Types
In Aptify, there was an issue where opening Persons or Companies Record takes longer duration than expected. This issue was resolved by implementing the cache improvements for the EntityLevelMetadata, EntityIDToEntityName, GetRecordUtilities objects and improvements in Metadata.dll. (Issue 326)
Enable GL Export Batch Wizard for a Prompt View
Aptify 5.5.6 provides the GL Export Batch Wizard for a prompt view in Aptify Web. The end user can export the data to an excel spreadsheet with this feature. (Issue 1137)
Prompted Calendar View is not Refreshing but Appending another Calendar
In Aptify, there was an issue with the prompted calendar view. Each time the prompt is changed and re-run, it will append another calendar to the bottom of the previously returned calendar. This issue has been resolved. (Issue 1564)
Calendar View with Prompt Doesn't Display the Data Correctly When Run Second Time
In Aptify, there was an issue with the calendar view with a prompt. The view does not display the correct data when it was run for the second time. This issue has been resolved. (Issue 1629)
Default Drill-Down List View Does Not Display Data with Special Characters
In Aptify, the issue where the data with special characters were not displayed in the drill-down list has been resolved. (Issue 660)
Prompt Views with a Large Amount of SQL May not Load in Aptify Web
In Aptify, there was an issue where the prompt views with a large amount of prompts may not load in Aptify Web. This issue has been resolved. (Issue 1618)
Country Code Drop Down to Display Countries that Share the Same Telephone Code as One Single Row
Aptify 5.5.6 improves the Country Code drop-down to show the countries that share the same telephone code as one single row. (Issue 1211)
Aptify Web: Topic Code Value Types of Multiple Choice, Numeric and Text Functionality Implementation in Flat View and Tree View
Aptify 5.5.6 improves the topic code controls for Multiple Choice (Drop-Down), and Numeric and Text (Text Box) for better UX. The Topic Display mode selection improvements were done for both Flat View and Tree view. (Issues 1164, 1188 and 1189)
Improvements to the Views Entity Validation Logic
In Aptify, there was and issue with the views entity validation logic due to which the logged in user cannot see the created/updated views by the view owner. This issue has been resolved. (Issue 1518)
Aptify Web: Show 1/1/1900 Dates as Blank
In Aptify, there was an issue where the 1/1/1900 is reflected in the List Views or Standalone Views by default when the date was not selected or kept blank. This issue has been resolved. (Issue 1488)
Aptify Web: Search Results Column Should Resize Columns
In Aptify, there was an issue where the search results column does not auto-resize and the data gets overlapped. This issue has been resolved to display the data properly and include a scroll bar when the columns were expanded. (Issue 844)
Resolved Issues (Core Business Applications)
The following core Aptify Business Application issues have been resolved in the Aptify 5.5.6:
- Accounting
- Business Applications
- Aptify Report Wizard: Allow Operation on Record(s) Selection for Crystal Reports and SSRS
- Aptify Web: AR Trial Balance Copy Report Loads an Extra Prompt Filter in Web
- Aptify AR Aging Report by Batch Date (Batches.EffectiveDate)
- Improvements to Bulk User Import Process
- Support for Windows Server 2016 OS
- Update CM Tool to Handle Aptify Installations against Non-Aptify DB Name
- Melissa Data Verification Fails when TLS 1.2 is Enabled and TLS 1.0/1.1 is Removed
- GL Batch Export not Working on Chart Drill-Down View
- Aptify Web : Export to Excel of Selected Records from Chart View Drill-Down is not Working
- Improvements in Application Server's Database Operation to Retrieve Pending Process Flow Run Records
- Improvement in Entity Metadata Cache Exception to log Entity Name
- Customer and Member Management
- Preferred Mailing Address as Default Address
- Provide Validation for Incorrect Windows User While adding User ID
- Incorrect Title Appears on "All Persons" Form View on Companies Record
- Improvements in Contributor Email Field
- Merge Company Records not Working
- Aptify Web: Selecting Blank Zip Code Field on Person Record Freezes Web
- Aptify web: Committee Tab on Persons Record shows Term Start/End Dates Instead of Committee Member's Start/End Date
- Aptify Web: Duplicates Tab in Aptify Web may Load Blank when the Tab Identifies Records with Default Character Length Exceeds 30 Characters
- Aptify Web: Changing Countries on a Person Record Still Retains the State in SQL Server
- Aptify Web: Company Summary Form, Company Name is Displayed Twice
- Meeting and Housing Management
- Meeting Transfer Wizard Failed to Process on an Environment where Database Name is Other than Aptify
- Close Meetings Wizard Does not Show the Data in Aptify Web if Volume of Registrations is High
- Meeting Resources Conflict Pop-up Causes Failure for New Meeting Wizard in Aptify Web
- New Meeting Wizard was failing to Create New Meetings
- Orders
- Wrong Sales Tax for Shipping Applied to Cancellation Order
- Check Box Functionality Issue on Sub Type Grid
- Order entity 'Default Purchase Type' Attribute Changes are not Respected
- Payment is Created when Order Status is set to Cancelled
- Wrong Sales Tax for Shipping Applied to Cancellation Order
- MBV - Sorting Tab Does not Display Calculated Fields when Logged in with End User Credentials
- Aptify Web: Issue with Billing Address Same as Shipping Address
- Aptify Web: On GL Batch Wizard All Records are Shown (Batch Detail Pop-Up) Irrespective of the Details in the View
- Aptify Web: Order Cancellation Wizard Shows Wrong Refund Amount when Back Order is Created
- Aptify Web: Complete Standing Order Form and Form Logic
- RemoveOrderLine() method is not Getting Called from Aptify Web
- The Purchase Type is not Immediately Changing on Order Line Description
- Aptify Web: Order does not get Shipped when using Save and Close
- Products
- Subscriptions and Membership
The following issues were resolved in the Accounting as part of Aptify 5.5.6.
Discrepancy in Tax Calculation in Order Lines vs Payment Side due to Rounding-Up
In Aptify, there was an issue where the tax calculation was not consistent in order lines and on the payment side. This issue has been resolved. (Issue 1454)
Business Applications
The following issues were resolved in the Business Applications as part of Aptify 5.5.6.
Aptify Report Wizard: Allow Operation on Record(s) Selection for Crystal Reports and SSRS
In Aptify, there was an issue with the report wizard where all the records were displayed in the crystal report irrespective of the required records selected. This issue has been resolved. (Issue 621)
Aptify Web: AR Trial Balance Copy Report Loads an Extra Prompt Filter in Web
In Aptify, there was the issue where the AR Aging report does not work properly and requests for additional field LinkID. This issue has been resolved. (Issue 972)
Aptify AR Aging Report by Batch Date (Batches.EffectiveDate)
Aptify 5.5.6 provides the ability to view an AR Aging Report by the effective batch date. (Issue 1128)
Improvements to Bulk User Import Process
Aptify 5.5.6 introduces the Bulk User Import Wizard functionality for creating new users. Aptify user with Administrator credentials can import and create new users in bulk with the Generic Import process. The Generic Import process includes a new sample spreadsheet within the new import source record. (Issues 520, 1270, 1386, 1401 and 1405)
Support for Windows Server 2016 OS
With the release of Aptify 5.5.6 Web and Smartclient, Aptify has confirmed support for Windows Server 2016 OS, and conducted testing on Windows 2016 OS as a platform and no compatibility issues have been identified. Please contact our Support team if you run into any problems or have questions about using Aptify. (Issue 1378)
Update CM Tool to Handle Aptify Installations against Non-Aptify DB Name
Aptify 5.5.6 provides an ability to run upgrade installations against Aptify database that are not named as Aptify so that it is possible to host multiple client DBs on public cloud infrastructure. (Issues 1152 and 1301)
Melissa Data Verification Fails when TLS 1.2 is Enabled and TLS 1.0/1.1 is Removed
In Aptify, there was an issue when the environment is updated to allow only TLS 1.2, it has been observed that Melissa data verification no longer works and returns "Address verification failed" error. This issue has been resolved. (Issue 1460, 1257 and 1448)
GL Batch Export not Working on Chart Drill-Down View
In Aptify, there was an issue where the GL batch export wizard was not working for the chart drill-down list view. This issue has been resolved. (Issue 1361)
Aptify Web: Export to Excel for the Selected Records from Chart View Drill-Down is not Working
In Aptify, there was an issue where the Export to Excel function was not working for the selected records from a chart view drill-down. This issue has been resolved. (Issue 1723)
Improvements in Application Server’s Database Operation to Retrieve Pending Process Flow Run Records
Aptify 5.5.6 improves the functionality of database operation to retrieve the pending process flow run records using an application server. (Issue 1183)
Improvement in Entity Metadata Cache Exception to log Entity Name
Aptify 5.5.6 improves the Entity Metadata Cache Exception to log the Entity Name which reduces the time to identify the entity and helps in diagnosing the problem. (Issue 1370)
Customer and Member Management
The following issues were resolved in the Customer and Member Management system as part of Aptify 5.5.6.
Preferred Mailing Address as Default Address
In Aptify, the issue related to showing the preferred mailing address as default address selected has been resolved. (Issue 1302)
Provide Validation for Incorrect Windows User While adding User ID
Aptify 5.5.6 improves the user ID creating process by providing a validation on the user form for incorrect windows user while adding the user ID. (Issues 1393 and 1161)
Incorrect Title Appears on “All Persons” Tab on Companies Record
In Aptify, there was an issue where the person latest title information was displayed for the past employees. This issue has been resolved. (Issue 1222)
Improvements in Contributor Email Field
In Aptify, there was an issue with the “ContributorEmail” field. This field has been updated to a virtual field to get the 'Email1' information automatically from the linked person record. (Issue 1218)
Merge Company Records not Working
In Aptify, there was an issue where a user was unable to merge two company records. This issue has been resolved. (Issue 1607)
Aptify Web: Selecting Blank Zip Code Field on Person Record Freezes Web
In Aptify, there was an issue where the person record on Aptify Web becomes unresponsive when the blank zip code is selected. This issue has been resolved. (Issue 1516)
Aptify Web: Committee Tab on Persons Record shows Term Start/End Dates Instead of Committee Member's Start/End Date
In Aptify, there was an issue where on the person record the committee term's start/end dates are shown instead of person's start/end date. This issue has been resolved. (Issue 559)
Aptify Web: Duplicates Tab in Aptify Web may Load Blank when the Tab Identifies Records with Default Character Length Exceeds 30 Characters
In Aptify, there was an issue where the duplicate check tab may load blank when the default character length exceeds 30 characters. This issue has been resolved. (Issue 1665)
Aptify Web: Changing Countries on a Person Record Still Retains the State in SQL Server
In Aptify, there was an issue where in the person record the state details do not change and retain same when the country details were changed. This issue has been resolved to show the state information blank (unless selected from the drop-down) when the country details were changed. (Issue 1177)
Aptify Web: Company Summary Form, Company Name is Displayed Twice
In Aptify, there was an issue where the Company Name was displayed twice on the Company Summary Form. This issue has been resolved. (Issue 601)
Meeting and Housing Management
The following issues were resolved in the Meeting and Housing Management system as part of Aptify 5.5.6.
Meeting Transfer Wizard Failed to Process on an Environment where Database Name is Other than Aptify
Aptify 5.5.6 updates the meeting transfer wizard to be compatible with the client database even when the database name is other than Aptify. (Issue 1215)
Close Meetings Wizard Does not Show the Data in Aptify Web if Volume of Registrations is High
In Aptify, there was an issue where the close meeting wizard does not display data when the volume of registrations is high. This issue has been resolved. (Issue 1190)
Meeting Resources Conflict Pop-up Causes Failure for New Meeting Wizard in Aptify Web
In Aptify, there was an issue where the meeting resources conflict pop-up causes failure for new meeting wizard in Aptify Web. This issue has been resolved. (Issue 1458)
New Meeting Wizard was failing to Create New Meetings
Aptify 5.5.6 updates the Meeting Product Type by removing the hardcoded value which eliminates an assumption that the Product Type ID 1 is for Meeting Type on all Aptify systems. This will make sure that a New Meeting with a New Meeting Product Type will get created successfully in the New Meeting Wizard. (Issue 1451)
The following issues were resolved in the Orders system as part of Aptify 5.5.6.
Wrong Sales Tax for Shipping Applied to Cancellation Order
In Aptify, there is an issue while canceling the same order by refund/credit memo. The tax on shipping charges is not included in the cancellation amount by checking the checkbox to return shipping charges. This is because the shipment charge which is getting applied on the cancellation is different than the original order which does not have the tax on it. This issue has been resolved. (Issue 1619)
Check Box Functionality Issue on Sub Type Grid
In Aptify, there was an issue in orderline under Education Unit tab. The Education Unit Record checkbox is checked by default which is incorrect. The checkbox should be unchecked by default. This issue has been resolved. (Issue 1453)
Order entity ‘Default Purchase Type’ Attribute Changes are not Respected
In Aptify, there was an issue where the Default Purchase Type in the orderline does not change with respect to the purchase type. This issue has been resolved. (Issues 584 and 1601)
Payment is Created when Order Status is set to Cancelled
In Aptify, there was an issue where a new payment was created when the existing order status was updated to Cancelled. This issue has been resolved. (Issue 846)
Wrong Sales Tax for Shipping Applied to Cancellation Order
In Aptify, there was an issue where wrong sales tax is applied to the cancellation order. This issue has been resolved. (Issue 1580)
MBV - Sorting Tab Does not Display Calculated Fields when Logged in with End User Credentials
In Aptify, there was an issue where the sorting tab does not display the calculated fields when logged in with end user credentials. This issue has been resolved. (Issue 1456)
Aptify Web: Issue with Billing Address Same as Shipping Address
In Aptify, there was an issue where a new order was created with the billing address is selected same as shipping address automatically even after the checkbox is un-checked. This issue has been resolved. (Issue 856)
Aptify Web: On GL Batch Wizard All Records are Shown (Batch Detail Pop-Up) Irrespective of the Details in the View
In Aptify, there was an issue where all records were displayed irrespective of the details in the view. This issue has been resolved. (Issue 1207)
Aptify Web: Order Cancellation Wizard Shows Wrong Refund Amount when Back Order is Created
In Aptify, there was an issue where wrong refund amount was displayed when a back order was created. This issue has been resolved. (Issue 1205)
Aptify Web: Complete Standing Order Form and Form Logic
Aptify 5.5.6 provides the ability for a web user to create standing orders which automatically generate orders based on an event. (Issues 622, 908, 1165, 1166 and 1284)
RemoveOrderLine() method is not getting called from Aptify Web
In Aptify, there was an issue where the RemoveOrderLine() method is not getting called when an orderline is removed from Aptify Web. This issue has been resolved. (Issue 1620)
The Purchase Type is not Immediately Changing on the Orderline Description
In Aptify, there was an issue where the purchase type change is not reflected immediately on the orderline description. This issue has been resolved. (Issue 1524)
Aptify Web: Order does not get Shipped when using Save and Close
In Aptify, there was an issue where the status of the order does not get updated to 'Shipped' after clicking Save and Close button and 'Yes' on the shipping pop-up message. This issue has been resolved. (Issue 1180)
The following issues were resolved in the Products system as part of Aptify 5.5.6.
Duplicate Record is Getting Created in Second Level Subtype Entity from Aptify Web
In Aptify, there was an issue where a duplicate record was created in second level subtype entity from Aptify Web. This issue has been resolved. (Issue 1617)
Subscriptions and Membership
The following issues were resolved in the Subscriptions and Membership system as part of Aptify 5.5.6.
Order Save was Failing Due to Issues in Subscription Date Object
In Aptify, there was an issue with order saving for custom web applications that were using generic order save logic. This issue has been resolved. (Issue 1579)
Resolved Issues (Add-On Applications)
The following features were resolved for Aptify add-on applications in Aptify 5.5.6:
Remove CSS Code Written Specifically For Pledges from Framework CSS File
In Aptify, there was an issue where the category field on Pledge record was not aligned properly in an absolute layout. Aptify 5.5.6 updates the CSS file to ensure that the category field is aligned properly. (Issue 1379)
Non-Generated Database Object Table Changes
Below is a list of non-generated Database Objects that have been modified due to changes made with the release of Aptify 5.5.6. If your organization has modified objects from any of the database objects below while retaining the name of the original database object, additional modification will be necessary to integrate any changes made with upgrading to Aptify 5.5.6.
Note to Developers
If your organization has directly altered any of the objects below, those alterations will be overwritten when the core object is replaced during the upgrade process. If a modification to the functionality of a core database object is required, a copy of the core object should be created with a unique name. The modified functionality may then be implemented in the copied object. Again, the existing object itself should not be modified; developers should create a copy of the object using a different name if different functionality is required. See the "Best Practices for Configurations, Writing Code, and Deployment" chapter of the Aptify x.x Developers Guide for more details.
Database Object Name |
spGetFormTemplateStaticDataUIPartIDParameterized |
spGetRelatedSyncListForSyncPackage |
spGetMemberTypesObject |
fnGetTopicCodePossibleValue |
vwSubscriptionMembership |
fnGetBalanceAmount |
spGetScreenPopProviderMetadataItem |
spScreenPopProviderMatchDemo |
spGetViewInfoIfUpdated |
fnGetPaymentTotalAsOf |
spCloneAttachment |
spGetPersonAdditionalMembership |
spGetCompanyAdditionalMembership |
spAlignDateToPrimary |
spCheckIfNoDefaultMemberType |
spGetStandingPurchases |
spGetStandingOrderSchedule |
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