Aptify 5.5.5 Release Notes

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Aptify 5.5.5 Release Notes

This document provides an overview of the new features and resolved issues found in Aptify version 5.5.5. The content of this document is broken down into the following sections:

Important Notes and Issues

Concerning Interim Releases of 5.5.5

Aptify 5.5.5 is a cumulative release of all previously released interim releases of 5.5.5 (, 3000, and 4000). The release notes below include features and bugs fixed in those earlier releases and anything additional for the 5.5.5 release. The items are not broken out into releases, however you are interested in comparing the earlier releases, you can download the PDF the release notes for each version below to compare. Keep in mind that these are also cumulative releases and release notes (i.e. 3000 also includes the 1000 release notes).


SQL User Password Changes Not Encrypted in Record History

With previous versions of Aptify, when changing the password of a non-trusted (SQL-based) Aptify user, the password is displayed as plain text in record history. Aptify 5.5.5 resolves this issue. Note that this issue does not affect trusted (Windows domain) accounts. If you organization uses SQL-based users, it is important you upgrade as soon as possible. If you are unable to upgrade at this time, contact our Support team.

Support for Microsoft Office 2016 and Microsoft SQL Server 2016

With the release of Aptify 5.5.5, Aptify has confirmed support for Microsoft Office 2016, and conducted testing using SQL Server 2016 as a platform and no compatibility issues have been identified. Please contact our Support team if you run into any problems or have questions about using Aptify with this version of SQL Server. (Issue 22986)

New Outlook Add-in for the Aptify Web Interface

Aptify 5.5.5 introduces a new Outlook Add-in for the Aptify web interface. This add-in supports the use of Outlook web-based clients like Outlook.com (formerly known as hotmail.com) and Office 365, as well as desktop-based versions of Outlook (using Microsoft Exchange versions 2013 and higher). This integration includes the following features:

  • Ability to send emails to recipients found by searching Aptify Persons, Companies, and Committees records (Issue 24175)
  • Open Aptify Persons, Companies, and Committees records directly from Outlook.
  • If person has exclude from email set, icon will appear alerting sender.
  • Ability to save sent emails as Aptify contact logs (Issue 24076)
  • Ability to upload multiple files when creating Aptify contact logs (Issue 24331)
  • Can save outlook meeting requests as contact logs with links to those attending (if they are already records in Aptify)
  • Can create follow-up contact logs, can choose an existing (from drop-down) or enter a contact log ID.

See Using the Web Version of the Aptify Outlook Add-In and Installing the Web Version of the Aptify Add-in for Microsoft Outlook for more details.

(Issue 23159)

Aptify Code Base .NET Framework Migration From .NET 3.5 to .NET 4.5

In Aptify 5.5.5, all of the assemblies within the Aptify code are updated to migrate from .NET 3.5 to .NET 4.5. 

(Issue 24573)

Support for Responsive Layouts in Web

Aptify 5.5.5 introduces the form template layout mode concept, which can be used to administer the way in which form template objects are positioned in the web interface for all form templates or for the form templates for single entities. Flow (also know as responsive, flow-based, and object positioning) is the default layout with Aptify 5.5.5 and the recommended layout going forward. If certain forms are not rendering correctly with this layout type, you can change a specific form to use Absolute positioning. See Aptify Web Form Template Layout Mode for more details.

(Issue 19972/AW-26)

Support for Automatically Generating Aptify Web Metadata Generation

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there are instances where when a user updates an element, such as updating a view or adding a member type, the metadata for the change must be manually generated to display these changes. For example, if a user updates a Chart view in the Aptify Desktop client, the changes do not display in the web interface unless the view metadata is manually generated. Aptify 5.5.5 adds framework to automatically update metadata and includes a number of metadata configurations for common scenarios. To support this feature, Aptify includes a new entity called Metadata Generator Configurations that specify the entity to generate against as well as the appropriate HTML5 metadata generator to run and the event in which to trigger the generation.

Note: By default, all Metadata Generator Configurations records delivered with Aptify are inactive as well as their corresponding event handlers. See Automating Metadata Generation for more information about enabling and using this feature. (Issue AW-192)

Note Concerning Entity Save Process Taking Significant Time in Due to Metadata Generation for Form Template UI Parts: If your organizations is the running (which was a controlled early release of 5.5.5), you may notice a significant increase in the time it takes to save entities. This is because an event to generate the Form Template UI Parts was unintentionally enabled in this release. Applying Aptify 5.5.5 will disable this event and using the metadata generation process described above will allow the generation to run asynchronous, reducing the time it takes to save an entity (and other records that utilize the automated generation process). 

Ability to Refresh Cache Without Restarting IIS for Developers

With Aptify web, when certain changes are made, for example when a new currency type is added, IIS must be restarted before the change is reflected on the web interface. Aptify 5.5.5 includes a new aspx page that can be used to refresh the browser cache without restarting IIS. This can be especially helpful in a development or test environment where multiple changes are made over a short period of time. The below steps illustrate how this functionality works using the example of an accounting user adding a new currency type. These steps also illustrate automatically generating the appropriate metadata, see Support for Automatically Generating Aptify Web Metadata Generation for more details.       

  1. Login into Aptify web interface as accounting user.
  2. Go to the Currency Types service and create a currency type.
    • If you have enabled the metadata configurations with 5.5.5, the currency type metadata should be updated via a process flow run on your application server. See Automating Metadata Generation for more details.
    • If not, you will need to manually run the Generate HTML5 Web UI Part Metadata Items and the Generate HTML5 Web Form Template UI Parts process flows against the Currency Types entity. 
  3. Navigate the refresh cache page using an URL similar to below:
    • https://[server/ name]/AptifyServicesAPI/forms/AptifyRefreshCache.aspx
  4. Click Clear Cache.
    • Once complete, in the box below, the Clear Cache option, information will be displayed about what was cleared as well as any errors received.
  5. Reload/refresh the page.
  6. Test that the new element is available, in this example currency type.
    • For example, open a new order and verify that the new currency type is available.


Support Application Server Running 64-bit Process on 64-bit Operating Systems

With previous versions of Aptify, the Application Server service, AptifyAsyncProcessor.exe, runs as a 32-bit process on 64-bit Windows operating systems. Aptify 5.5.5 includes an updated version of the AptifyAsyncProcessor.exe to support the 64-bit process. See Updating the AptifyAsyncProcessor.exe File for more information about updating your application server.


Generic Import Wizard: Imports from Access 2013/2016 64-Bit Fail

When using the Generic Import wizard with the Aptify 5.5.4 Desktop interface to import a Microsoft Access 2013 or 2016 file, the import may fail if running the 64-bit version of Microsoft Office 2013 or 2016. The error that is generated is: The 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine. The import fails because the user's computer has the 64-bit version of Access 2013 or 2016 installed, while the Aptify shell requires the 32-bit version. 

The current workaround for this issue is to install the 32-bit version of the Access Database Engine Redistributable on the user's computer. If you have not already done so (with previous hotfix versions like, the installation file, AccessDatabaseEngine.exe, can be found in the Access Database Update sub-folder of the setup for the APTIFY_555_Desktop_Update. Once the Access Database Engine Redistributable is installed, the user's computer must be restarted.  (Issue 24890

New Features (Aptify Framework)

The following new framework features are included in Aptify 5.5.5:

Aptify SOA Framework

The following new features are added to the Aptify Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) framework as part of Aptify 5.5.5.

Improvements to GetRecord Endpoint: Record Names and Eliminating Sub-Type Record Version Number

Aptify 5.5.5 includes updates to the GetRecord SOA endpoint that eliminates the retrieval of unnecessary information, which should improve the overall performance of the endpoint. (Issue 23230)

SOA Improvements

Aptify 5.5.5 makes the following improvements to SOA for the Aptify web interface:

  • Support of greedy path parts: Developers can now identify greedy path parts to define an arbitrary route for their controllers and parse it themselves. This issue adds a new IsGreedy field in the Controller Routes sub-type entity. Note that a path cannot be both literal and greedy. Also, for a given controller, only the last route specified in the sub-type can be marked as greedy.  (Issue 23358)
  • Update the ImageField controller to support update and delete operations: The controller now supports the following http methods: DELETE, POST, PUT, PATCH. DELETE will null out the requested field. POST, PUT and PATCH all update the existing field. Data can be specified in two ways, and both ways require the content-type header to be specified. If the content-type header is plain/text, the body of the HTTP message should be URL that is resolvable from Aptify Services. Services will retrieve the content from that location and set the field with the data. If the content-type header starts with 'image/', Services will use the body of the request as the binary value for the field.   (Issue 23364)
  • Ability to enable and disable signal hub plug-ins: Updated the Services Framework object and added a new section to web.config for defining hubs configuration. (Issue 23638)
  • Support for server-side output caching: A new Caching Policy record, year caching with server cache, enables server side caching. The output cache is keyed via URL and query parameters. A plug-in supports the standard Time Based caching attributes to control client side cache headers. It also supports:
    • EnableServerCaching: Enables and disables (true or false) the cache.
    • ServerCachingRequiredParameters: query parameters that must be present on the request for server caching to be considered
    • ServerDays: how long the server cache is kept
    • _xAptifyIgnoreServerCaching: Optional query parameter used to bypass server cache entirely

      Only controllers with GET routes are candidates for server caching.

      There is no way at this time to easily determine whether a response is served from server cache or goes to the database without looking at the SQL Profile.

       (Issue 23468)

  • Support for configurable options for Remember Me and Account Lockout on web user authentication: Current web user authentication provider does not provide the option to enable or disable the Remember Me and Account Lockout logic, so by default they are disabled. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the web user authentication provider to execute the Remember Me or Account Lockout logic if it is explicitly enabled.   (Issue 23651)
  • Support for rate and review of products for web stores: Updates the services layer to support this functionality. (Issue 23910)


(Issue 23131)

SOA: Update JavaScript Files

Aptify 5.5.5 updates the following JavaScript files for the Aptify Services Oriented Architecture (SOA):

  • Aptify.Framework.Utility.js (Issue 23590)
  • Aptify.Framework.Utility.Cache.js (Issue 23588)
  • Aptify.Framework.Utility.Inheritance.js (Issue 23591)

Aptify Web Framework

The following new features are added to the Aptify Web framework as part of Aptify 5.5.5.

Aptify Web: Address Control: Add More Form Template Based on the Country Selected and Add Common Phone Control

Aptify 5.5.5 includes the following improvements for country-specific address and phone support:

  • Add More Country-Specific Address Templates: Build on the functionality added in 5.5.4, Aptify 5.5.5 include support by default more country-specfic address templates. By default, Aptify now includes: United States, Canada, Mexico, United Kingdom, and China. See Managing International Addresses for information on how an organization can use different address form templates, and see Creating a New Form Template for information on how to create new form templates.
  • Create Common Phone Control in Web: Starting with Aptify 5.5.5, the phone field has been simplified to better support different phone formats in different countries. There is a now a new drop-down to select the country code (note that countries with the same code are added to the same option), and the entire number (minus the extension) is added to the phone number field. This way you can format the numbers as best fit's your needs.


Ability to Clear Browser Cache When New Version Is Deployed

Currently, when a new version of Aptify web is deployed (for example, when upgrading from version 5.5.3 to 5.5.4 of the web interface), there is no indication that the end user must clear their cache in order for the changes to take affect. Starting with 5.5.5, Aptify provides a dialog to alert users that a refresh is needed (as shown below). 

Note: if your organization is already are using Aptify web, users who have accessed Aptify web through their current browser, will receive the following dialog after applying Aptify web 5.5.5. Clicking OK on the dialog will clear the application cache and reload the new version. 

Clear Browser Cache Dialog


Aptify Web: Inform User of Password Problems when Logging In

Starting with Aptify 5.5.5, when a user attempts to login into the Aptify web interface with their credentials, either trusted (Windows domain) or non-trusted (SQL users), if there is a problem with the password, an error displays. For example, if the password is expired, the account locked, or the account disabled, the appropriate message will display informing the user of the issue.

Note: If a user has problems logging in, the message instructs them to contact their system administrator. In future releases of the Aptify web interfaces, users will have the ability to reset their own passwords. (AW-821)

Aptify Web Form Template Layout Mode

Aptify 5.5.5 introduces the form template layout mode concept, which can be used to administer the way in which form template objects are positioned in the web interface for all form templates or for the form templates for single entities. There are two form template layout modes available, Absolute and Flow. In the Absolute form template layout mode, form template objects have absolute positions. Absolute is the default form template layout mode. In the Flow form template layout mode, form template object positions are flexible, and can adapt the appearance of a form to fit the size of the window, whether that is determined by device or window re-sizing. Two new entity attributes, FormTemplateLayoutMode and FormTemplateWidthCalculationMode are added to administer form templates to generate Aptify Web Form Template UI Parts. FormTemplateLayoutMode controls the form template layout mode, and the valid values are Absolute and FlowFormTemplateWidthCalculationMode sets the form template width calculation mode, and the valid values are Pixel and Percent.

The Flow form template layout mode provides the following advantages:

  • Readable font size
  • Clean user interface (UI)
  • CSS changes are easy
  • Adapts to various devices and screen sizes
  • Centralized font and font size
  • Web interface window is centered when viewed on large displays
  • Improved Shell Header UI
  • Improved Application List UI

Enabling the Flow form template layout mode overcomes the following limitations of the Absolute form template layout mode:

  • Controls with fixed positioning
  • Changing font and font size
  • Adding extra margin between rows
  • Inability to adapt to changing devices or screen size
  • Dynamic controls are difficult to administer
  • Dynamically changing control size is difficult
  • Having to update CSS in multiple areas to change object positioning
  • Extra coding required to overcome limitations

See Enabling Flow Form Template Layout Mode for All Form Templates and Enabling Flow Form Template Layout Mode for an Entity Form Template for more details about this feature.


Know Limitations

The flow layout mode has the following known limitations:

  • Recommended font size is 13 pixels, with a maximum of 15 pixels 
  • View properties dialog and Schedule Message wizard are always displayed in an absolute position

    The view properties dialog and Schedule Message wizard do not render well in flow layout mode. This will be addressed in a future release.

  • Single entity form templates cannot be configured with a mix of form template layout modes

  • Single entity form templates cannot be configured with a different form template layout mode having embedded controls

Add Capability To Display or Hide Images to Message Box

Aptify 5.5.5 adds the capability to the web interface to display or hide images that can be used on different kind of message boxes. For example, warning type messages will have a warning icon. This implementation allows developers to pass in a value of false for the showImage parameter for the Aptify.Framework.Utility.UI.MessageBox.js file, so that those images can be hidden if needed.  (Issue 23650)

AptifyJS:  Add Helper Method to Get Current Person ID

Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript file to add a helper method that gets the current Person ID. (Issue 23969)

Aptify Web: Ability to Open a Specified URL in a New Browser Tab from a Dashboard

Aptify 5.5.5 adds a new button type, Open URL, to the Aptify web interface. Specify a URL in the button properties to open any URL, including a view or record in the Aptify web interface. See Configuring the Open URL Action Type for more information. (Issue 22310)

Aptify Web: Add Switch Dashboard Button

Aptify 5.5.5 introduces in the web interface support for the Switch Dashboard button action type. This support enables users to change from one dashboard to another dashboard by clicking a button, including dashboards that are tied to an application not currently in the user's applications list. An error message is issued when a user selects a dashboard for an application that they do not permission to access. This feature updates four JavaScript files in the Aptify web framework to provide the ability to switch between dashboards. See Switching Dashboards for more information. (Issues 22860, 15106, 23207, and 23211)

Aptify Web: Add Attachment Count

In previous releases, the web interface did not display a count of the attachments in a record. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript file to add the attachment count to the web interface. (Issue 15533)

Aptify Web: Enhancements To Spaces Framework

Aptify 5.5.5 modifies the framework for the Spaces feature to provide the capability to scroll posts to load the next set of posts. (Issue 23649)

Aptify Web: Implement Zip Code/Postal Code Look-up Functionality

Aptify 5.5.5 adds support for postal code auto-population in the Aptify web interface to match the existing feature in the Aptify Desktop client. This feature includes support for ZIP+4 codes. See Understanding the Postal Code Look-up Functionality for more information. (Issues 16517 and 23798)

Aptify Web: Improve Cross Browser Support

Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Aptify web framework to ensure that the following browsers can be used to run the Aptify web interface:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 and Edge (Issues 17774, 17779, 17781, 17782, and 17786)
  • Latest version of Mozilla Firefox (Issues 17780, 23215, 23216, and 23915)

See End User Browser Compatibility for the Aptify Web Interface for more information on supported browsers for the Aptify web interface. (Issue 23279)

Aptify Web: Improve Favorites Option

Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Favorites option in the web interface, adding the ability to delete and rename Favorites Groups. See Using the Applications and Favorites Menu for more information. (Issues 21719 and 22341)

Aptify Web: Provide the User With the Option to Decide Which Form Is Opened for an Entity, Either the Summary Form or the Standard Form

Aptify 5.5.3 introduces Summary forms for Persons and Companies to the web interface, and this feature adds the ability for users to determine whether the default form that is loaded is the Summary or the standard data entry form. The Summary form is a read-only form, and the data entry form can be edited. A top-level form template that is a summary form has the new IsSummaryTemplate bit field set. To disable the display of summary forms, an administrator can set the SupportSummaryTemplate attribute to 0 in the Persons or Companies entity. (Issue 18408)

Aptify Web: Search Improvements

Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Search functionality in the Aptify web interface as follows:

  • Link Box Search: Implement full text search approach used in the Quick and Universal Search and highlighting of the search term in the results. (Issue 19823)
  • Spaces Search: Implement full text search approach used in the Quick and Universal Search and highlighting of the search term in the results. (Issue 21046)
  • Entity Browser Search: Implement full text search approach used in the Quick and Universal Search and highlighting of the search term in the results. (Issue 19822/AW-422)
  • Search enhancements: Search control is enhanced to align with other Aptify products. (Issue 23644)

(Issue 22826)

Aptify Web: Support Record History Restore

Currently in the web interface, users do not have the ability to restore a previous version of a record history. Aptify 5.5.5 updates four JavaScript files, the Services Framework Endpoints Record History Restore and Application objects, and metadata to make a button available in a record to restore a previous version of a record history. See Restoring Previous Versions of a Record for more information. (Issue 15959)

Aptify Web: Support Run From Options for Generic Metadata Wizards

Aptify 5.5.5 adds the ability for an Aptify web interface user to define the scope of a metadata wizard using the Run From options on the Scope tab of a Wizards record. Aptify 5.5.5 updates four web framework JavaScript files to enable this functionality. See Defining the Wizard Scope Tab for more information. (Issues 17475 and 24918/AW-76 and AW-83)

Aptify Web: Support View Duplicates Upon Duplicate Detection

Currently in the Aptify web interface, when a potential duplicate is detected when a record is saved, the dialog presented to the user includes a non-functional View Duplicates button. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript file to enable the View Duplicates button and support its intended functionality. If there are more than one duplicate records, a grid listing the duplicate records is displayed. If there is only one duplicate record, it is opened in a new browser tab. See Addressing Potential Duplicate Records for more information. (Issue 24300)

Aptify Web: Upgrade Kendo UI and Other Third Party Controls


Aptify 5.5.5 updates to the latest version of the Kendo User Interface (UI) library and other third party controls for the Aptify web interface. These updates keep the web interface current with the latest fixes and features provided by these controls. (Issue 24840/AW-92)

Aptify Web User Interface Improvements

Aptify 5.5.5 makes the following improvements to the web user interface:

  • Search results can be re-sized (Issue 23929)
  • Resolve alignment issue for the Multiple Selection option in the Viewing System (Issue 22385)
  • Update the Pending Changes form to support entities with a large number of fields (Issue 21540)
  • Paging controls for the Survey Results Panel (Issue 21880)
  • Replace drop-down list box with icon to open date picker (Issue 23372)
  • Add scroll bar to Favorites list (Issue 23368)
  • Resolve alignment issue for Payment Information control (Issue 23788)
  • Add border to End Date field to the Company tab on the Persons form (Issue 23275)
  • Resolves the display of a Multi-line Text Box Control in a Sub Type record (Issue 23236)
  • Update the text font color for the Connect to Shared Folder and the new Delete Views dialog to align with the rest of the application (Issue 24164)
  • Persons record opens when a name is double-clicked in the recipient list in a Subscription Fufillments record (Issue 23752)
  • Add scroll bar to Universal Search results to support the return of a large number of categories (Issue 23284)
  • Resolve alignment issues for the icons for entities in the Filters tab. (Issue 23386)
  • Resolve field-size issues in the Classes form. (Issue 22969)
  • Resolve distortion when adding record links from HTML control toolbar (Issue 23840)
  • Resolve user interface (UI) problems in the Bulk Order wizard (Issues 23625 and 24425)
  • Resolve Card view display issues (Issue 24686)
  • Resolve display and functional issues in the List record (Issue 16613)
  • Audio attachments can be played within the web interface (Issue 21058)
  • Consistent user experience for On-line Learning Management Systems (LMS) Course Import wizard (Issue 24527)
  • Resolve display and function issues with Order Comments section (Issue 24504)
  • Resolve inability to delete a record added to a list (Issue 24680)
  • Resolve display issues with Campaigin Solicitors (Issue 24411)
  • Resolve UI issues with the Accounts Payable (AP) Export wizard (Issue 24294)
  • Resolve Sub-Type grid update issue (Issue 23661)
  • Stop the horizontal scroll bar from appearing when a cell in a List view is clicked (Issue 24514)
  • Center forms that have a static width (Issue 21698/AW-130)
  • Resolve zooming issues (Issues 24232 and 24235/AW-137 and AW-138)
  • Resolve New Meeting wizard copied meeting name overlap issue (Issue AW-304)
  • Resolve Invoice Messages form button alignment issue (Issue AW-350)
  • Resolve Company Browser tab display issue (Issue AW-398)
  • Resolve List Item entity list view display issue (Issue AW-396)

Bootloader Should Allow for Override of Default File Lists

Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript file to ensure that bootloader allows applications to change the list of default files that are loaded and allows for injection into the front of the line when queueing up files to load. (Issue 23968)

Displaying Alerts On Summary Forms

Leveraging Aptify's stock Alert functionality, Aptify 5.5.5 updates the HTML5 Web Metadata Generators object, updates JavaScript and CSS files, and adds component and form template parts to add the ability to open record alert information for the Company and Persons Summary forms in the web interface. See About the Persons Summary Form and About the Companies Summary Form for more information about the web interface implementation and Creating Alert Types for more general information about using alerts in Aptify. (Issue 24513)

Improved Support for iPad

Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Aptify web interface framework to improve support for using the Apple Safari web browser on the iPad running iOS 9. To do this, the following improvements have been made:

  • More intuitive scrollbars in grid views  (Issue 22281)
  • Improved system behavior while working with HTML fields (Issue 22848)
  • Resolved button clicking problems (Issue 23067)
  • Enabled scrolling within view hierarchies (Issue 23325)
  • Ability to connect to shared folders (Issue 23732)
  • Photos can be added to Persons records (Issue 23733)
  • Display of the Timeline data in the Persons Summary form (Issue 23735)
  • Proper alignment of buttons on Prompt wizard (Issue 23685)
  • Saving a new view with a filter does not create an error (Issue 23620)
  • Increased Field Size on Login Page (Issue 23734)

See End User Browser Compatibility for the Aptify Web Interface for more recommendations about using Aptify web on an iPad.

Reduce Calls to Server by Packaging UI Parts

Aptify 5.5.5 improves the performance of the web interface by adding two attributes to control the bundling of data requested for User Interface (UI) Parts, so that a single request results in receiving data for multiple UI Parts. The Aptify.Services.EntityUIParts.LettersPerPackage attribute controls bundling for the UI Parts for entities, where the bundle contains all of the entity UI parts for a letter sent in the request. The Aptify.Services.UIParts.PartsPerPackage attribute controls the bundling of UI Parts, where the bundle contains the specified number of UI Parts records, that start from a UI Part ID number sent in the request. See Defining the UI Parts Packaging Attributes for Aptify Web for more information. (Issues 23371 and 23528)

Regenerate UI Part Metadata Item When a Form Component Changes

Aptify 5.5.5 adds a new event handler to run the UI Part Metadata Item regeneration Process Flow for the Form Components UI Part Metadata Item after Form Components are created or changed. (Issue 24110)

Support the Ability to Specify Entities to be Loaded Into the Entity Metadata Cache

Currently, the Aptify Entity Metadata Cache loads all of the Entities in the system.  This works well for long-running applications which access many of the Entities over time, because a single request to the database to get the information results in the application having that information for the duration of the process. For applications like AptifyCreateProcessFlowRun.exe, which require a small set of Entity information, and do not run for a long time, the cost of retrieving all the Entity information outweighs the benefits of retrieving a lot of unnecessary information. Aptify 5.5.5 adds a new configuration file attribute, Aptify.Framework.Metadata.FilteredEntitiesPipeSeparated. The value for this attribute is a list of the top-level entities, separated by the pipe (|) character, to allow a developer to specify which top-level Entities should be loaded into the cache. The Entity Metadata Cache also includes sub-types of the listed Entities and any Embedded Linked Entities. If the application requests an Entity that isn't in the cache, it will be loaded on demand. If this attribute is not present in the configuration file, all of the Entities are loaded. As an additional optimization, the default value for the Update Check Interval attribute, Aptify.Framework.Metadata.UpdateCheckInterval, is changed from 60 seconds (1 minute) to 300 seconds (5 minutes).

See Defining the Entity Metadata Cache Attribute for Aptify Web for more information. (Issue 24033)

Update Newtonsoft.Json.dll to Version 9

Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Newtonsoft.Json.DLL file from version 6 to version 9 to support refactoring of the form template metadata generator. This change updates the strong name of this DLL, so any assemblies, websites, and executables that reference this DLL will need to be updated. See Installing Aptify Web for Aptify 5.5.5 for more information. (Issue AW-346)


The following new features are added to the Framework application as part of Aptify 5.5.5.

Ensure Assemblies Have Optimized Flag Set

With earlier versions of Aptify, some assemblies were not delivered with the Optimized flag set. Having the Optimized fields set can improve performance. With 5.5.5, Aptify has verified and updated as needed all assemblies so they are using the optimized option. 

(AW-1027, AW-1025, AW-1038, AW-1039, AW-1040, AW-1041, AW-1042)

Add RecordTemplateID Input Property to Link Box Form Component

Currently in Aptify, record templates for Link Box form components are defined using new record parameters. This method is not an intuitive process and is not supported in the Aptify web interface. Aptify 5.5.5 simplifies the record template definitions process by adding a RecordTemplateID input property to the Link Box form component. This input property is supported in Aptify Desktop client and the Aptify web interface. See About the Visual Designer Link Box for more information about the input properties for this form component. (Issue 23980)

Error Message in Message Run Record Should List the Persons for Whom the Message Failed

Currently in Aptify, if a message run cannot send one or more messages, it reports how many messages that it failed to send, but it does not provide specific information about which records failed. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Aptify Messaging Engine so it now reports for which records from the recipient list it could not send a message. (Issue 23438)

Improve Aptify Attribute Manager Support for Boolean Attribute Values

The Aptify Attribute Manager is used to retrieve configuration file values from the appSettings section. Typically, the attribute values are strings. Occasionally, the value is a number or boolean value. Developers typically get the Attribute's vlue and convert it to a boolean value. The conversion to a boolean value using VB.NET's CBool can be restrictive, especially when working with attribute values. Aptify 5.5.5 improve the Attribute Manager by adding a method, ToBoolean, on the AttributeValue class. This method should be used when retrieving a boolean value from Attribute Manager.

The ToBoolean method uses the following rules to determine the value returned:

  • If the attribute value is null or an empty string, the method returns false.
  • If the attribute value is numeric, the method returns false if the Value is 0, and returns true for all non-zero values.
  • If the attribute value is True, On, or Yes, the method returns true.
  • If the attribute value is False, Off, or No, the method return false.

For string matches, case does not matter, so the values true and True are equivalent. If the Value does not match any of the above criteria, an InvalidCastException is issued stating that the Value could not be converted to Boolean. (Issues 24378 and 24542

Launching Aptify CM Tool from Aptify Framework

Aptify 5.5.5 officially release the Aptify Configuration Management (CM) Tool, which assists developers in moving entities and metadata from one environment (the source) to another (the destination). This tool can be used to unpack entities during the initial server installation process, or during a server upgrade to a new version of Aptify. The CM Tool can also be used to move organization-specific entities and metadata from one server to another. This tool is the next generation of entity packing and unpacking. See Using the Aptify Configuration Migration Tool for more information about this tool.

In addition, with previous beta versions of the tool, the Aptify Configuration Management (CM) Tool is a separate install and has to be run from outside of Aptify. Aptify 5.5.5 adds the Aptify CM Tool installs the tools with the Apitfy database updates, and adds a button in the Aptify Desktop client . Note that the button is only visible when the logged-in user has a Developer license.

If your source and destination server are both running Aptify 5.5.5 and higher, the Aptify Configuration Migration (CM) Tool is already installed and can be launched directly from the Aptify desktop interface. However, if the source is running a lower version of Aptify, you will need to install the CM Tool on the server. If the Aptify CM Tool is not installed on the computer where the Aptify Desktop client is installed, a developer starting an Aptify session receives a message requesting that they install the tool.

 (Issue 23560)

Support for Derived Entities

Aptify 5.5.5 adds support derived entities. Derived entities are an extension of virtual entities in that there are no data structures created for the entity, but unlike virtual entities, the derived entity does support persisting data. The persistance is provided from the Embedded Entity linked field (DerivedEntityField). Derived entities provide a view of the data from another entity. For example, a simplified view of the Persons entity can be created to expose a subset of the Persons fields. This is useful when using a Web Services API for integrations.

Below is an overview of Identifying a derived entity and it's features: 


  •  An derived entity must have the Is Virtual Entity checked and an Embedded Linked field must be included in the entity. By default, the first Embedded Linked field with the Is System flag checked will be used. Alternatively, an entity attribute, DerivedEntityField, can be added to the entity with its Value set to the name of the entity field with the Embedded Link to the entity.
  • Derived entities require updates to the Generic Entity. Traditionally, changes to an entity required Create and/or Update stored procedures but if the only changes are to an embedded entity, there are no changes to the top level entity. The Generic Entity needs to be updated to identify a derived entity and change the validation and data modification logic to handle modifications for derived entities.
    • For Create operations, return an empty string for the Create SQL and update the logic to classify this as a valid condition.
    • For Update operations, return an empty string for the Update SQL and update the logic to classify this as a valid condition.
  •  Delete logic with Derived Entities: Process the fields from last to first, looking for Embedded Linked Fields that need to be deleted. Also, do not require spDelete stored procedure because the embedded entity handles the delete.
  • When creating Sub-Type GE records, where Parent Linked Values are passed from the parent entity into the newly created Sub-Type GE object, use the Sub-Type GE's SetValue method, instead of the field's Value method, because the GE's SetValue method understands Virtual Fields linked to Embedded Objects.

 (Issue 23653)

Support Record Template and New Record Parameters Simultaneously

Currently, the Record Template and New Record Parameters features are tied together, where making changes in one overwrites the settings in the other. Specifying a Record Template overwrites other New Record Parameters, and when specifying a Record Template, the New Record Parameters generated by a View's filters overwrite the Record Template settings. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the framework to ensure that in both the Desktop client and the web interface, New Record Parameters should be applied on top of the specified Record Template if both are provided. (Issue 23981)

Update Melissa Data Web Service to Support International Address Verification

Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Melissa Data Web Service Verification object to add the ability to configure the Melissa Data web service to support the verification of international addresses. In addiiton, Aptify adds a new attribute to the Address Verification Systems record for internation addresses. (Issue 14235)

Update ZipCode Utility with Latest Files From January 2017

Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Zip Code Update utility with the latest U.S. ZIP Code and congressional district information, as of July 2016. See Running the Update Utility for U.S. ZIP Codes for information on running the utility. (Issue 24851)

User Values Does Not Handle Values Larger Than 255 Characters

Currently in Aptify, User Values, which store Name Value pairs for Aptify users, do not handle values that are larger than 255 characters when using the GetUserValue and SetUserValue methods in the AptifyApplication object.  The User Values Entity contains a TextValue field that is set to nvarchar(max), which can hold larger values, but the AptifyApplication object methods are not using that TextValue field. Aptify 5.5.5 updates an object so that the GetUserValue and SetUserValue methods are able store larger values in TextValue and return the correct value. (Issue 23652)


The following new features are added to the Messaging System as part of Aptify 5.5.5.

Aptify Web Bulk Messaging: Implement Support for Message Actions

Aptify 5.5.5 implements support for performing message actions in the Bulk Messaging dialog for the Aptify web interface. Aptify 5.5.5 adds a new object, adds a new object repository object, and updates a process component to add message actions support to the Aptify web interface. The most common implementation of this feature is the ability to generate contact logs for messages sent from the system. (Issues 17947 and 22056)

Aptify Web: Support Global and Entity Level Aptify Messaging with UseAptifyMessaging Attribute

Aptify 5.5.5 adds support for opening the Aptify Messaging dialog from a field's email icon and supports the standard UseAptifyMessaging entity attributes already in use by the Desktop client. (Issue 17843)

Aptify Web: Support Schedule Message Wizard

Aptify 5.5.5 adds support for using the Schedule Message wizard in the web interface. See Scheduling Recurring Messages for more information. 

The Preview feature for message templates that is available in the Desktop client version of this wizard is not currently supported in the web interface.


(Issues 19225 and 24549)

Process Pipeline

The following new features are added to the Process Pipeline as part of Aptify 5.5.5.

Aptify Web: Configure Input Property Filters for Set Wizard Result Process Component

Aptify 5.5.5 adds filters to the list of input properties for the Set Wizard Result process component so that only the related input properties are listed. See Using Process Flows to Add Functionality and Conditional Paging Logic for more information.  (Issue 24226)

Create Process Component for Deleting Multiple Entity Records

Aptify 5.5.5 adds the ability to delete more than one record from an entity in a Process Flow using a process component, so that a rule step does not have to be used. This is accomplished by updating the Process Flow Utilities object by adding the DeleteEntityRecordsComponent process component. (Issue 22829)

Improve Embedded Field Support in Generated Entity Operations Process Components

Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Process Component Generator object to improve the support of embedded fields in generated entity operations process components. The improvements include not showing the actual field representing the embedded object to ensure that the ID cannot be manipulated ID, just the embedded fields, and ensuring that embedded fields that are required on their embedded objects are shown as required Properties. (Issue 22656)

Include Process Flow Name and Process Step Name in Process Pipeline Exceptions

Aptify 5.5.5 updates an object to improve the usability of exceptions generated for Process Pipeline actions. These exceptions now include the Process Flow Name and the Process Step Name in addition to the ID numbers and Result Codes.  (Issue 22898)

Optimization for AptifyCreateProcessFlowRun.exe

Currently in Aptify, the AptifyCreateProcessFlowRun executable creates a Process Flow Runs record for a specific Scheduled Task. The application is triggered by the Scheduling service, usually the Windows Task Scheduler. The application starts, does its work, and then terminates. Each time the application executes, the Entity metadata cache is loaded, which load all the Entities in the system. However, the AptifyCreateProcessFlowRun executable only needs a handful of Entities and there is little value to the Auto Refresh functionality. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the configuration file for AptifyCreateProcessFlowRun.exe to reduce the number of Entities loaded into the cache and to disable the AutoUpdateMode for the Entity Metadata cache. (Issue 24034)

Setup Program

The following feature is added to the Setup Program as part of Aptify 5.5.5. 

Update Setup with New Configuration Migration Tool

Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Setup Program with the latest version of the Aptify Configuration Migration (CM) Tool. assemblies and plug-in scripts. See Using the Aptify Configuration Migration Tool. (Issues 23066, 23503, and 24381)

Viewing System

The following features are added to the Viewing System as part of Aptify 5.5.5. 

Add New Views to Stock Aptify

Based on Aptify community feedback, Aptify adds the following new views to 5.5.5. 

View NameEntity NameDescriptionBaseView
Campaign Conversion                               CampaignsCampaign Conversion                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            vwCampaignSegmentDetails
Prospects per Campaign (BASE VIEW)                CampaignsProspects per Campaign                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         vwCampaignSegmentDetails
Case Detail by Member Type                        CasesCase Detail by Member Type                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     vwCasePersonDetails
Find Class Registrations                          ClassesFind Class Registrations                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       vwClassesWithClassRegistrations
Find Class Registrations by Date Range            ClassesFind Class Registrations                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       vwClassesWithClassRegistrations
Find Class Registrations by Date Range AND        ClassesFind Class Registrations by Date Range AND                                                                                                                                                                                                                     vwClassesWithClassRegistrations
All Company Subscriptions (BASE VIEW)             CompaniesShows all Companies with their subscriptions information, if available.                                                                                                                                                                                        vwCompaniesWithSubscriptions
Find Co. Subscriptions (BASE VIEW)                CompaniesFinds Companies by Company Name OR Subscription Product.                                                                                                                                                                                                       vwCompaniesWithSubscriptions
Find Co. Subscription by Date Range AND(BASE VIEW)CompaniesFinds Companies by Subscription Start Date AND Subscription Product.                                                                                                                                                                                           vwCompaniesWithSubscriptions
All Company Cases                                 CompaniesShows all Companies with Details from Cases they are linked to.                                                                                                                                                                                                vwCompaniesWithCases
Find Cases by Date Range                          CompaniesFind Companies with Case information by Company Name, Case Title, Case Date Reported, Case Priority, or Case Status.                                                                                                                                           vwCompaniesWithCases
Find Cases by Date Range AND                      CompaniesFinds Companies with Case information by Company Name and the Case's Date Reported.                                                                                                                                                                            vwCompaniesWithCases
Find Persons per Company                          CompaniesFind Persons per Company                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       vwCompaniesWithPersons
All Companies with Related Company Information    CompaniesAll Companies with Related Company Information.                                                                                                                                                                                                                vwCompaniesWithCompanyRelationships
Find Co. Subscription by Date Range (BASE VIEW)   CompaniesFinds Companies by Subscription Start Date                                                                                                                                                                                                                     vwCompaniesWithSubscriptions
Find Contact Log - Persons (BASE VIEW)            Contact LogBase View joining Contact Log and Persons services. User can Find Contact Log records per Person by ID, Person, Company, CL Description, CL Type, CL Category, CL Status, CL Priority OR Employee.                                                             vwContactLogWithPersons
Find CL- Persons by Date Range AND (BASE VIEW)    Contact LogBase View joining Contact Log and Persons services. User can Find Contact Log records by Date Range per Person by ID, Person, Company, CL Description, CL Type, CL Category, CL Status, CL Priority OR Employee.                                               vwContactLogWithPersons
Find CL- Persons by Date Range (BASE VIEW)        Contact LogBase View joining Contact Log and Persons services. User can Find Contact Log records by Date Range.                                                                                                                                                           vwContactLogWithPersons
All Entity Fields                                 EntitiesAll Entity Fields                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              vwEntitiesWithEntityFields
Find Entiity Fields (BASE VIEW)                   EntitiesFind Entiity Fields                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            vwEntitiesWithEntityFields
Entities with Base Views                          EntitiesEntities with Base Views                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       vwEnititiesWithBaseViews
All Meeting Speakers (BASE VIEW)                  MeetingsUsers should AVOID utilizing or creating ALL record views of a service unless performing an Administrator or Developer level function.                                                                                                                         MeetingSpeakers
Find Speakers (BASE VIEW)                         MeetingsFinds the Speaker by Meeting Title OR Speaker Status in all Meetings that have at least one speaker.                                                                                                                                                           MeetingSpeakers
Find Pay to Orders (BASE VIEW)                    OrdersFind Payments to Orders (BASE VIEW) - Find Payments by Persons, Companies OR Order ID. Only shows Records that have an actual Payment ID assigned. View Enables utilization of Messaging which is NOT available from Payments views.                           vwOrdersandPaymentLines
Find Company Orders By Date Range AND  (BASE VIEW)OrdersDisplays Revenue by Date Range AND Company Type OR Company(BASE VIEW)                                                                                                                                                                                          vwOrdersandCompanies
Find Company Orders (BASE VIEW)                   OrdersFind Company Orders (BASE VIEW)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                vwOrdersandCompanies
Find Company Orders By Date Range (BASE VIEW)     OrdersDisplays Revenue by Date Range AND Company Type OR Company(BASE VIEW)                                                                                                                                                                                          vwOrdersandCompanies
Find Orders with Payment Schedules by Date        OrdersFinds Orders with Payment Schedule information, based on the date entered. Excludes orders without any payment schedule.                                                                                                                                       vwOrdersWithPaymentSchedules
Find Pay to Orders by Date Range AND (BASE VIEW)  OrdersFind Payments to Orders (BASE VIEW) - shows Payments per Date Range by Persons, OR Companies. Only shows Records that have an actual Payment ID assigned. View Enables utilization of Messaging which is NOT available from Payments views.                    vwOrdersandPaymentLines
Find Pay to Orders by Date Range (BASE VIEW)      OrdersFind Payments to Orders by Date Range (BASE VIEW) - Find Payments per Date Range. Only shows Records that have an actual Payment ID assigned. View Enables utilization of Messaging which is NOT available from Payments views.                                vwOrdersandPaymentLines
YTD Cash by Date Range                            OrdersYTD Cash by Date Range- calculated on all Payments greater than $0 for payment lines within a user defined date range.                                                                                                                                         vwOrdersandPaymentLines
Find Payments w/Pay Lines by Date (BASE VIEW)     PaymentsFind Payments w/Pay Lines by Date (BASE VIEW)                                                                                                                                                                                                                  vwPaymentsWithPaymentLines
Find Payments w/Pay Lines by Date AND (BASE VIEW) PaymentsFind Payments w/Pay Lines by Date AND (BASE VIEW)                                                                                                                                                                                                              vwPaymentsWithPaymentLines
Find Payments w/Pay Lines (BASE VIEW)             PaymentsFind Payments w/Pay Lines by Date AND (BASE VIEW)                                                                                                                                                                                                              vwPaymentsWithPaymentLines
Person Payments (Form) - DO NOT DELETE            PaymentsPerson Payments (Form) - DO NOT DELETE                                                                                                                                                                                                                         vwPaymentsWithPaymentLines
Find Contact Logs (BASE VIEW)                     PersonsBase View joining Persons and Contact Log services. User can Find Persons records per Contact Log by ID, Person, Company, CL Description, CL Type, CL Category, CL Status, CL Priority OR Employee.                                                            vwPersonsWithContactLogs
CES Membership Chart                              PersonsCES Membership Chart                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           vwPersonsCESScoreChart
Person Expo Detail (BASE VIEW)                    PersonsPerson Pledges                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 vwPersonExpoBoothInformation
Person Case Detail (BASE VIEW)                    PersonsPerson Case Detail                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             vwPersonCaseInformation
Person Pledge Detail (BASE VIEW)                  PersonsPerson Pledge Detail                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           vwPersonPledgeInformation
Find Person Membership Details (BASE VIEW)        PersonsFind Person Membership Details                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 vwPersonMembershipInformation
Find Topic Codes                                  PersonsFind Topic Codes                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               vwPersonsWithTopicCodes
Find Cases by Date Range AND (BASE VIEW)          PersonsFind Cases by Date Range AND Person ID, Company, Person, Status, Category, Priority, Type OR Case ID                                                                                                                                                           vwPersonCaseInformation
Find Cases by Date Range (BASE VIEW)              PersonsFind Cases by Date Range                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       vwPersonCaseInformation
Find Person Classes (BASE VIEW)                   PersonsFind Person Classes                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            vwPersonClasses
All Persons With Education Units                  PersonsShows All Persons With Education Unit Details.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 vwPersonsWithEducationUnits
Find Person Relationships by Person               PersonsFind All Persons Related to the Person by Person ID OR First, Last Name.                                                                                                                                                                                       vwPersonsWithPersonRelationships
Find CL by Date Range per Co AND (BASE VIEW)      PersonsFind CL by Date Range GROUPED per Co AND (BASE VIEW)                                                                                                                                                                                                           vwPersonsWithContactLogs
Find Contact Logs by Date Rng AND (BASE VIEW)     PersonsUser can Find Persons records per Contact Log by Date Range AND ID, Person, Company, CL Description, CL Type, CL Category, CL Status, CL Priority OR Employee.                                                                                                 vwPersonsWithContactLogs
Find Contact Log by Date Range  (BASE VIEW)       PersonsUser can Find Persons records per Contact Log by Date Range                                                                                                                                                                                                    vwPersonsWithContactLogs
Find Subscription by Date Range AND (BASE VIEW)   PersonsFinds Persons by Date Range AND Subscrber Name, Company, OR Subscription Product                                                                                                                                                                               vwPersonSubscriptionInformation
Find Orders (Persons) (BASE VIEW)                 PersonsFind Orders from Persons service by Persons name OR Company Grouped by Status with Count or Orders, Sum or Grand Total and Balance.                                                                                                                            vwPersonOrderDetail
Find Orders (Persons) by Date Range (BASE VIEW)   PersonsFind Orders per Person by Date Range with Count of Orders, Sum or Grand Total and Balance.                                                                                                                                                                     vwPersonOrderDetail
Find Orders by Per OR Co by Date Range (BASE VIEW)PersonsFind Orders (Persons) per Person OR Company Date Range with Count of Orders, Sum or Grand Total and Balance.                                                                                                                                                   vwPersonOrderDetail
All Persons With Education (BASE VIEW)            PersonsAll Persons With Education levels recorded on Persons Education sub-tab                                                                                                                                                                                        vwPersonsWithEducation
Find Education Level (BASE VIEW)                  PersonsFind Education Level                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           vwPersonsWithEducation
Persons With Topic Codes Checked                  PersonsPersons With Topic Codes Checked                                                                                                                                                                                                                               vwPersonsWithTopicCodes
Find Subscription (BASE VIEW)                     PersonsFinds Persons by Name, Subscription Product, or Subscription Start Date.                                                                                                                                                                                       vwPersonSubscriptionInformation
Find Nominees (BASE VIEW)                         PersonsFind Nominees                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  vwPersonsWithCommitteeNominees
All Persons With Related Persons Information      PersonsShows All Persons With Related Persons Information                                                                                                                                                                                                             vwPersonsWithPersonRelationships
All Person Subscriptions (BASEVIEW)               PersonsShows all Persons along with any subscription information, if available.                                                                                                                                                                                       vwPersonSubscriptionInformation
All Person Class Details (BASE VIEW)              PersonsAll Persons registrations for classes                                                                                                                                                                                                                          vwPersonClasses
Find Cases (BASE VIEW)                            PersonsFind Cases by Person ID, Company, Person, Status, Category, Priority, Type OR Case ID                                                                                                                                                                          vwPersonCaseInformation
Badge Report View (BASE VIEW)                     PersonsBadge Report View: Displays 19 fields in View that should be used as the simplified display for creating Badge Reports.                                                                                                                                        vwPersonOrderMeetingDetailsForBadges
Persons With Functions Selected                   PersonsPersons With Functions Selected                                                                                                                                                                                                                                vwPersonsWithFunctions
Find Functions per Person                         PersonsFind Functions per Person - Users can type a % sign in the Name prompt and follow with a Company name to find Functions checked that are associated with someone from that company.                                                                            vwPersonsWithFunctions
All Pledges Payments                              PledgesAll Pledges Payments                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           vwPledgesWithPayments
All Membership Standing Orders                    Standing OrdersAll Membership Standing Orders                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 vwStandingOrdersAndStandingOrderProdcuts


 Add New Base Views to Stock Aptify

Using Aptify's base view functionality and feedback from the Aptify community, Aptify 5.5.5 includes the following new base views that organizations can use as a starting point to build powerful views.

EntityMBV NameDescription
CampaignsCampaign Segment DetailCampaign Segment Detail
CompaniesCompaniesWithSubscriptionsShows Company information with details about subscriptions they have purchased. MANUALLY GENERATED SQL.
CompaniesCompaniesWithCasesShows Company information with details from Cases they are linked to. MANUALLY GENERATED SQL.
CompaniesCompaniesWithPersonsShows Company information with details about Persons linked to the Company.
CompaniesCompaniesWithCompanyRelationshipsShows Companies with related company information.
Contact LogContactLogWithPersons 
Contact LogContactLogsWithTopicCodesContact Logs with Topic Code Information
EntitiesEntitiesWithBaseViewsEnables Users to see All Entity Base Views created in Aptify.
EntitiesEntitiesWithEntityFieldsEntities with Entity Fields information
MeetingsMeetingsWithProductsMeetings With Products Information
ObjectRepositoryObjectsObjectRepositoryObjectsWithRelatedObjectsObject Repository Objects With Related Objects Information
OpportunitiesOpportunitiesWithOpportunityDetailsOpportunities With Opportunity Details Information
OpportunitiesOpportunitiesWithOpporDetailsWithSalesTargetsOpportunities where Account Manage matches Sales Targets' EmployeeID with Opportunity Details
OrdersOrders and PaymentLines InformationShows Order Lines and the Payment Line(s) associated with the Order
OrdersOrdersandCompaniesShows Orders per Company Type.
OrdersOrdersWithPaymentSchedulesShows Orders with Payment Schedule Information.
PersonsPersonsCESScoreChartcontains a simplified set of information that may be usefuly when creating CES score charts. Also adds a CESScoreRounded column that rounds the score to the nearest integer. This is useful for displaying the score in the chart axis labels
PersonsExpo Booth InformationExpo Booth Information
PersonsPersonCaseInformationShows Person information with details from Cases where the person is listed as the contact.
PersonsPersonsWithTopicCodesPerson and Topic Code Information
PersonsPersonsWithPersonRelationshipsShows Persons information with related Persons sub-type details.
PersonsPersonsWithProductsSharedTopicCodesPersons With Products Shared Topic Codes Information
PersonsPersonsWithEducationUnitsShows Persons information with Education Units details.
PledgesPledgesWithPaymentsPledges With Payments Information
PledgesPledgesWithOrdersPledge With Orders Information
ProductsProductsWithProductPricesProducts With Product Prices Information
ProductsProductsWithMemberTypesProducts With Member Types Information
Standing OrdersStandingOrdersAndStandingOrderProdcuts 
SubscriptionsSubscriptionsWithRecipientCompanySubscriptions With Recipient Company Information
SubscriptionsSubscriptionsWithRecipientPersonSubscriptions With Recipient Person information
SubscriptionsSubscriptionsWithSubscriptionPurchasesSubscriptions With Subscription Purchases Information
UsersUsersWithLicenseAssignmentsUsers With License Assignments Information


Aptify Web: Ability to Copy and Paste Views

Aptify 5.5.5 introduces the ability to copy and paste views within the same service using the Aptify web interface. Users are able to copy a view from a service or a folder (the user's or a shared folder) and paste it to the folder list or one of the user's folders directly. This feature does not allow a user to copy a view to another user's shared folder. Aptify 5.5.5 updates CSS, JavaScript, and VB files and updates database objects and metadata to implement this feature. This feature also provides the option for the user to include or exclude the content of the Schedule tab in the copied view. This option is provided to the user through a prompt when the copy request is made. See Copying a View for more information.

The ability to specify whether the Schedule tab content is copied with the view is only available in the Aptify web interface.

 (Issues 17290, 22089, and 24891/AW-65)

Aptify Web: Ability to Delete Views

Aptify 5.5.5 introduces the ability to delete views using the Aptify web interface. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a CSS file and a JavaScript file to implement this feature. This feature also includes the a dialog box that enables the user to search by view name, sort the views by name, and check boxes to select the views to be deleted. See Deleting a View for more information. (Issues 22304 and 24163)

Aptify Web: Add Support for Proximity Wizard Implementation

Aptify 5.5.5 adds the Proximity Search wizard to the View Properties dialog to match the desktop client feature. See Using the Proximity Search Wizard for more information. (Issue 18181)

Aptify Web: Deleting Records From ELVs 

You can now delete records from a view using the delete button on the View toolbar. Note that this is applicable for records with and without dependencies to other records. Aptify 5.5.5 updates two JavaScript files to enable this functionality. (Issues 18927 and 23243)

Aptify Web: Ability To Configure the View Paging Options

Aptify 5.5.5 provides the ability for an Aptify web user to be able to configure the amount of rows displayed per page for a view, based on a user-entered or pre-defined values. The view should then return results and number of pages based on the page size configured. Aptify 5.5.5 updates four views framework JavaScript files to provide the ability to configure view paging options in the web interface. See Configuring the List View Paging Options for more information. (Issue 17172/AW-70)

New Features (Core Business Applications)

The following new Aptify Core Business Application features are included in Aptify 5.5.5: 


The following new features are added to the Accounting system as part of Aptify 5.5.5.

Standing Orders: Renew Reference Transaction Numbers that are About to Expire

Aptify 5.5.2 added the ability for the system to automatically renew all the Reference Transaction numbers that are about to expire by evaluating saved payments method for Persons and Companies. Starting with 5.5.5, Aptify expands this functionality to include the ability to renew references transaction associated with Standing Orders.  Below are some details

  • A Scheduled task (Renewal Reference Transaction) which fires a process flow (Reference Transaction Renewal) that renews reference transactions that are expired or nearing expiration by performing another Zero Dollar Authorization (ZDA) or One Dollar Authorization (ODA).
  • The process flow evaluates Standing Orders with reference transactions payments that are going to expire within the next 30 days. The source data is provided by a view deployed by the 5.5.5 setup program and owned by sa.
  • The process flow generates a new reference transaction number for any qualifying standing orders in a source view and the reference transaction date is updated to the current date. Note that if the current expiration date of the reference transaction is same as the expiration date of the credit card then those reference transactions payments are not renewed (since the card is set to expire).
  • This process used the same scheduled task that was delivered with 5.5.2 for Persons and Companies. If you are not currently using the Scheduled task, you need to enable it and configure the Scheduled Task settings to turn it on.

    Aptify Recommendation for Reference Transaction Renewal

    Aptify highly recommends using Saved Payment Methods for all reference transactions used for recurring payments, including standing orders. Below are some reasons why:

    • When a standing order is fulfilled a new order is created (that is not through the renewal process described above, but with a fulfillment), a new token is generated and the expiration date becomes the current date (as shown on the order). However, the Standing Order payment information does not get updated to reflect this, even though a new token is created.
    • Running the process above DOES update the expiration date. However, keep in mind, if you are renewing the token from the Standing Order and you originally used a saved payment method (SPM), the SPM will be out of sync as these are all individual PaymentInformation records, there is no way currently in Aptify to link these records.

(Issue 24913)

Aptify Web: Add Automated Process for Expanding Scheduled Transaction Groups

Aptify 5.5.5 delivers a process flow and a scheduled task to automate the expansion of Scheduled Transaction Groups for the web interface. Aptify 5.5.5 adds a Process Flows record, Expand Pending Scheduled Transaction Groups, and a Scheduled Tasks record,  and a new process component, all called Expand Pending Scheduled Transaction GroupsThe process flow is run against a user-selected view and can set to run as often as needed by your organization.

Using this feature requires the use of an application server. You will need to configure the Scheduled Tasks record with your application server settings. Configuring the expansion of scheduled transactions using the automated process described above is not supported in the Aptify web interface. This procedure must be performed using the Aptify Desktop client.



Aptify Web: Support for Cash Detail Record Forms

Aptify 5.5.5 adds support for Cash Details Record forms in the web interface. Support for these forms is added by updating a JavaScript file and updating related metadata. See Resolving Cash Detail Record Exceptions for information about using Cash Detail Record forms in the web interface. (Issue 24332)

Aptify Web: Support for the AP Export Wizard

 Aptify 5.5.5 adds support for the Accounts Payable (AP) Export wizard in the web interface. Support for this wizard is added by updating a JavaScript file, updating metadata, and adding a component, APProcessComponent. See Running the AP Export Wizard for more information about using this wizard in the web interface. (Issue 19219)

Aptify Web: Support for the AP Import Wizard

Aptify 5.5.5 adds support for the AP Import wizard in the web interface. Support for this wizard is added by updating a JavaScript file, updating metadata, and adding a component, APProcessComponent. See Running the AP Import Wizard for more information about using this wizard in the web interface. (Issue 19220)

AP Vendors File Pulls County Instead of Country

In Aptify 5.5.3 and up, there is an issue where when the AP Vendors file is generated, it is pulling the city, state, and county information, but the country information is not pulled. This is due to an error in the code that calls the address data, where the line that should call the country information is calling the county information. Aptify 5.5.5 updates an object to ensure that when the AP Vendors file is generated, country information is included as expected. (Issue 23937)

Business Applications

The following new features are added to the Business Applications system as part of Aptify 5.5.5.


The following new features are added to the Campaigns system as part of Aptify 5.5.5.

Committee Management

The following new features are added to the Commtitee Management as part of Aptify 5.5.5.

Customer and Member Management

The following new features are added to Customer and Member Management as part of Aptify 5.5.5.

Automatically Add Person Companies Records When A Person Changes Companies

Currently in Aptify, if a person changes companies, you can create Person Companies record to keep track of a person's  previous company history. Starting with Aptify 5.5.5, if the Companies record associated with a Persons record  is changed (i.e. the Company field in the top panel of the Persons record), a new Person Companies record is automatically created with the person's previous company information. In addition, a note is added to the Comments tab of the Persons Companies record as This record was auto-generated on MMDDYY. Where MMDDYY is the date in which the change took place. See Recording Relationships Between People and Additional Companies for more information about using Person Companies records.


Add Preferred Phone Concept to Persons Form on Desktop Client

Currently in Aptify, there is no way to specify a preferred phone number from the set of phone numbers that are listed in a Persons record. Aptify 5.5. updates two objects and updates Persons metadata to enable Aptify Desktop client users to specify a preferred phone number from the available phone number types. See About the Persons Form for more information. 

If the Persons form in your environment is modified, the preferred phone number function may not work. Perform the procedure in Validating the Preferred Phone Number Settings to validate the form template part settings for the preferred phone number function.

The preferred phone number function is not available in the Aptify web interface.


(Issue 24197)

Aptify Web: Ability to Open a Record to a Specific Tab 

Aptify 5.5.5 adds the ability in the web interface to add an Active Button to a form that will open a specific tab in the related record. For example, it is now possible from a Persons Summary record to click an Action Button that opens the Persons record with a specific sub-type tab displayed, instead of the default tab. For more information on the actions that can be taken from the Active Button, see About the Visual Designer Active Button. Use the procedure in Using the Visual Designer to Add New Fields or Controls to add a Open URL Active Button form component. (Issue 24419)


Aptify Web: Preferred Mailing Address as Default Address

Currently in the Aptify web interface, when a record with a specified Preferred Mailing Address is opened, the first address entered is displayed as the address. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the web interface so that when a record with a specified Preferred Mailing Address is opened, the address displayed is the preferred address.  (Issue 24321)


The following new features are added to the Expos system as part of Aptify 5.5.5.


The following new features are added to the Meetings system as part of Aptify 5.5.5.


The following new features are added to the Orders system as part of Aptify 5.5.5.

Add Support for Additional Orders Wizards in Aptify Web

Aptify 5.5.5 adds support for the following Orders system wizards in the Aptify web interface:

Aptify Web: Orders: Support Confirmation Message Prompt For AutoShipment

Aptify 5.5.5 updates the applications orders user interface JavaScript file to enable the web interface to support the issuing of a confirmation message prompt when the Order Entry system is configured to use the Auto Ship behavior. This functionality is enabled when the AutoShipNonFulfillmentProducts attribute is set to 1 in the Orders entity, as described in About Orders Entity Attributes. (Issue AW-67/13897)

Support Capture of ePayment Automatically

Leveraging the ePayment Capture process component already included in stock Aptify, Aptify 5.5.5 delivers a process flow and a scheduled task to automate the ePayment capture process for the web interface. Aptify 5.5.5 adds a Process Flow record, ePayment Capture Process Flow, and a Scheduled Tasks record, ePayment Capture SolutionThe process flow is run against a user-selected view.

Using this feature requires the use of an application server. You will need to update the Schedules Tasks record with your organization's application server settings. Scheduling of the capture of ePayments through the automated process described above is not supported in the Aptify web interface. The procedure must be performed using the Aptify Desktop client. See Scheduling ePayment Capturing for more information.


 (Issue 20129)

Expand Functionality for Bulk Order Records in Aptify Web

Aptify 5.5.5 expands upon the functions available in the Aptify web interface to modify Bulk Order records while running the Bulk Order wizard. The following functions are added:

  • Ability to add customers to Bulk Orders records (Issue 23401)
  • Ability to edit or delete existing customers in Bulk Orders records (Issue 23402)
  • Adjusts the vertical and horizontal scrollbars that can appear on the Customers tab of a Bulk Orders record (Issue 23404)
  • Ability to add a product to an existing Bulk Orders record and have that new product apply to all existing Bulk Order Customers (Issue 23481)
  • Editing and deleting products from a Bulk Orders record (Issue 23482)

See Using the Bulk Order Wizard for more information.

Support Automated Clearinghouse Payment Type Update

Starting with 5.5.5, Aptify improves support for taking Automated Clearinghouse (ACH) payments through a merchant processor. To support this, Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Payments object so that ACH payments can be made using PayPal. See Using the Automated Clearinghouse Payment Type for more information. (Issue 22599)

Support Order Button on Payments Form

In previous releases, searching for Orders from the Payments form is done using three buttons, Order Search, Order #, and Invoice #. In addition, these searching buttons are disabled in the Aptify web interface in previous releases. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Payments functionality to simplify the Order searching process on the Payments form. A single button, Order Search, is now used to search for Orders, and this functionality is available for use in the Desktop client and the web interface. See Recording Payments Using the Payments Service or Recording a Payment in a Different Currency than the Order for more information. (Issues 18432, 18215, and 18144)


The following feature is added as Payments system as part of Aptify 5.5.5

Support New MasterCard Bin Range

Starting in 2017, Mastercard will begin issuing cards using an additional range of six-digit Bank Identification Numbers (BINs) from 222100-272099. Mastercard has released a notice stating that these 2-series BINs will work the same way as the current 5-series BINs (51-55). With this in mind, Aptify has performed testing and has confirmed that cards issues within this new range should work as expected with Aptify. Aptify 5.5.5 updates your Aptify system so that it recognizes this new range of Mastercard credit card numbers. 


Subscription and Membership Dues

The following feature is added to the Subscription and Membership Dues system as part of Aptify 5.5.5.

Aptify Web: Support of Subscription Fulfillment

Aptify 5.5.5 adds support for subscription fulfillment, using in the Subscription Fulfillment wizard, in web interface. See Fulfilling a Subscription and Generating Subscription Fulfillment Output for details. (Issues 15974, 23634, and 23635)


Resolved Issues (Aptify Framework)

The following framework related issues are resolved in the Aptify 5.5.5:

Administrator and Developer Resolved Issues

The following issues are resolved in the Administrator and Developer areas as part of Aptify 5.5.5.

Aptify SOA Framework

The following issues are resolved in the Aptify Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) framework as part of Aptify 5.5.5.

Add XML Documents to Aptify.services.framework.endpoints.dll

Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Aptify.services.framework.endpoints.dll file with comments to enable developers to be able extract documentation on the endpoints from the object. (Issue 22840)

After SOA Restart, Valid Tokens in the Database Cannot be Used

Currently in Aptify, there is an issue where when Services loses its in memory cache for token information, it cannot be reconstructed. Aptify 5.5.5 updates two objects to change the AptifySession cookie to use the same value as the AptifyAuthorization header. This enables the system to go to the database when the in memory cache is missing.  If a header and cookie are both supplied in a request, the cookie is ignored. (Issue 23048

Aptify Services Cookie is not Distinct Across Different Instances of Services in Same Site

In the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where the Aptify Cookie is not distinct across different instances of Aptify Services within the same Micosoft Internet Information Service (IIS) site. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the SOA framework to resolve this issue. (Issue 22839)

Authentication Error When Multiple Instances of Aptify Web are Open in Browser

Currently there is an issue in the Aptify web interface where if more than one browser tab or window is open (or an app that shares that same SOA, and the user has to re-authenticate (i.e., the session expires), the user cannot authenticate without closing all windows or tabs, except for one. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the SOA tokens to ensure that in this scenario, the user is able to re-authenticate without closing windows or tabs. (Issue 23397)

Authentication is not Forced When System Detects User is Already Authenticated

In the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when a caller to Aptify.framework.utility.authenticateUser specifies they want to force authentication and the system detects that the user is already authenticated, a logout call does not happen, so actual authentication is bypassed. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript file to ensure that in this scenario, authentication is forced. (Issue 22876)

Authentication Sends an Expired Cookie When Authentication is Successful in Some Use Cases

In the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where in some instances, when an AptifySession cookie is sent on an authentication request and authentication is successful, the response cookie is expired when it should not be. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the SessionCookieHelper in the Security Provider object to reset the expiration if a token is associated with the cookie. (Issue 24818)

Controller Routes do not Respect RCF 3986

In the Aptify web interface, the regular expression for controller path parts that are non literal and of type string do not respect all valid characters in RCF 3986. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the set of characters supported by Aptify SOA controllers. (Issue 23047)

Domain Authentication Provider is not Caching Stored Procedure

In the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when services are authenticated using domain authentication and a service request is issued, each service request calling the spGetRelatedAuthenticationProviderAttribute stored procedure are seen. This data should be cached. Aptify 5.5.5 updates an object to ensure that in this scenario, the data is cached as expected. (Issue 23881)

Employee Linked to SOA User Used In Business Logic Instead of Logged In User's Employee

In the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when a new Person record is created through the SOA SaveData EndPoint, the employee linked to SOA user account is used to populate the Account Manager field, so that the SOA user's employee data may be used in place of the logged in user's. Aptify 5.5.5 resolves that behavior so that the correct information is used for the logged in user. (Issue 22775)

Field Level Restrictions are not Enforced During Updates from JavaScript API

In the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where field-level restrictions are not enforced during updates from the JavaScript API, due to a problem with the EntityBatchCreateUpdate SOA controller. Aptify 5.5.5 resolves this issue by updating an object. (Issue 23051)

FormTemplatePartDynamicData Controller Handles Duplicate Input Properties Incorrectly

In the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where the Form Template Part Dynamic Data controller processes duplicate input properties by using the first instance, when the Desktop client and the HTML5 Metadata Generator use the source value from the input property with the highest sequence. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the related .CS file to ensure that the correct input property is used. (Issue 24383)

Improve the Object Repository Image Handler Processing Logic

Aptify 5.5.5 updates an object to improve the Object Repository Image processing logic where a specific image size is requested so that the system looks for a previously created image of the appropriate size and use it.  If that does not exist, Object Repository image is processed into a file of the appropriate size using a different method. (Issue 23586)

Logout From Aptify Web not Working for Domain Users

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where the logout does not function properly for domain users. Aptify 5.5.5 updates two object files so that in this scenario, the logout works as expected. (Issue 23880)

Problem with Default Transaction Management in Create/Update Records

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an error that is logged when a user saves changes to an Entity record with Topic Codes updates and nothing else. This error states that the transaction is no longer active. This is due to a situation where there are multiple instances of the UserCredentials object involved in the Create/Update logic. Each UserCredentials object has its own DefaultTransactionID, and when the Generic Entity commits a transaction, it clears its instance of the UserCredentials DefaultTransactionID, but the other UserCredentials object(s) contain a reference to the TransactionID that is no longer active. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Services.Framework.Utilities object to update DoCreateUpdate to ensure that DefaultTransactionID is cleared for all UserCredentials objects (GE and oApp) when the transaction is completed. (Issue 24442)

Service Application Entity Field Lookups are Case Sensitive

In the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where field lookups for service application entities are case-sensitive, when they should be case insensitive. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the services framework so that field lookups are case insensitive. (Issue 23050)

Services: Authentication Errors Occur When Given a Valid User Name, Wrong Password, and an Anonymous Token

In the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where authentication errors occur when a valid username, an wrong password, and an anonymous token is provided. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the aptify.security.provider to ensure that in this scenario, SOA behaves as expected. (Issue 24126)

Services Error When Authentication Provider Does Not Provide a Status Code

With Aptify 5.5.4, in some cases Aptify services may throw an object reference not set to an instance of an object error if an authentication provider does not provide a status code. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the services framework to properly handle those situations. (Issue 23049)

Services Repository Image Size Processing Issue With Cache

Currentlly in Aptify SOA, it is possible to request an image from the Object Repository and, in that request, specify the Height and Width of image. The Repository library attempts to process the file, transforming it to the requested size. Before the image is processed, the Repository library checks for a cached version of the image in the requested size.  If it does, the cached file is used and no further processing is required. If not, the image is resized and saved as a file to the cache. The location of the cache is based on an Images folder, if defined, or the Repository folder.  There is a bug in the Images folder lookup that provides false positives to the Repository. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Repository to bypass the Images folder if a cached file has not been defined. (Issue 24160)

SignalR Could Report as Offline Even Though a Valid Token is Passed

In Aptify 5.5.4, there is an issue where an application could receive an offline status from the Javascript API even though services are up and running and a valid token is being passed. Aptify 5.5.5 improves the system's behavior when switching between online and offline modes. (Issue 23304)

SignalR Sends Errors During Connection and Reconnection Events When Anonymous Access is Enabled

In Aptify 5.5.4, there is an issue where when SignalR connection or reconnection events are performed using an anonymous token, an error is written to the event log. Aptify 5.5.5 updates Aptify.Security.Provider to ensure that in this scenario, errors are not generated. (Issue 23859)

SOA Aptify.Services.Framework.Utility Fixes

Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Aptify.Services.Framework.Utility object to address several fixes. (Issue 23646)

SOA: Improve Some Error Messages

Aptify 5.5.5 updates an object to improve the error messaging within the services framework. (Issue 23363)

SQL Injection Possibility Via Topic Codes

Currently in the Aptify SOA, an unparameterized value for topic codes is used, which is a vector for a SQL injection attack. Aptify 5.5.5 updates an object to use a parameterized query for topic codes. (Issue 23905)

Web User Authentication does not Abort Request When Error Encountered

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where if any of a web user's authentication methods encounters an error, the request is not aborted. The exception should be re-thrown to ensure that a token is not returned to the caller. Aptify 5.5.5 updates an object to ensure that in this scenario, the authentication request is aborted. (Issue 23860)

Aptify Web Framework

The following issues are resolved in the Aptify Web framework as part of Aptify 5.5.5.

Performance Improvement: Remove Redundant Indexes

There are entities in Aptify that have redundant indexes on base tables. For example, sub-type entities have a composite index on the Parent Linked field and the sequence Field. Some sub-type entities also have the Indexed flag checked on the Parent Linked field. This is a redundant index because the composite index, with the Parent Linked field listed as the first field in a composite index can be used in place of an index on that field. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the following entities to remove these redundancies and help improve performance of the database.

  • PaymentLines 
    • PaymentID field: Uncheck Indexed
  • CommitteeTermMembers
    • CommitteeTermID field: Uncheck Indexed
  • CommitteeTermNominees
    • CommitteeTermID field: Uncheck Indexed
  • AnswerSheetAnswers
    • AnswerSheetID field: Uncheck Indexed

  • ApplicationGroupPermissions
    • ApplicationID field: Uncheck Indexed
  • ApplicationUserPermissions
    • ApplicationID Field: Uncheck Indexed
  •  CommissionAgreementDetails
    • CommissionAgreementID field: Uncheck Indexed

  • CommissionPlanDetails
    • CommissionPlanID field: Uncheck Indexed
  • CourseEnrollmentTypes
    • CourseID field: Uncheck Indexed.
  • CourseInstructors
    • CourseID field: Uncheck Indexed
  • Employee Skills
    • EmployeeID field: Uncheck Indexed

  • SubscriptionPurchases
    • SubscriptionID field: Uncheck Indexed.
  • SubscriptionDeliveryLog
    • SubscriptionID field: Uncheck Indexed
  • ScheduledTransactionAccountEntries
    • ScheduledTransactionID field: Uncheck Indexed
  • ProductParts
    • ProductID field: Uncheck Indexed
  • PledgePaymentSchedule
    • PledgeID field: Uncheck Indexed
  • PaymentGLEntry
    • PaymentID field: Uncheck Indexed
  • PaymentAuthorizations
    • PaymentID field: Uncheck Indexed
  • OrganizationInterCompanyGL
    • OrganizationID field: Uncheck Indexed
  • OrderGLEntry
    • OrderID field: Uncheck Indexed
  • OrgOrderPermProdCatFilter
    • OrgOrderPermID field: Uncheck Indexed
  • MLEntityRelationCaches
    • MultiMLModeCacheID field: Uncheck Indexed
  • FundCampaignFunds
  • FundCampaignID field: Uncheck Indexed.
  • FundCampaignGivingCategories
    • FundCampaignID field: Uncheck Indexed.


Address Controls Not Loading Properly After Changing Address Type from ShipToAddress to BillToAddress

Currently there is an issue in the Aptify web interface where address controls are not loading properly after a user changes the Address Type from ShipToAddress to BillToAddress. Aptify 5.5.5 updates addresses framework user interface JavaScript file to ensure that in this scenario the address controls load as expected. (Issue AW-395

Aptify May Shift Upwards That Causes The Quick Search Bar To Disappear

With Aptify 5.5.4, the web interface may shift upwards after loading a view from the Favorites list and selecting a row in that view. Aptify 5.5.5 resolves that behavior. (Issue 23234)

Aptify Web: Search May Not Return Desired Results When Data And Search String Contains Stop Words

With earlier versions of Aptify web, when searching for records that contain "stop words" (eg: "of", "is" etc.) may not return expected results. For example, when search for Association of Software Companies, through the Aptify web quick search, nothing is returned. Using the default SQL stop word list, Aptify 5.5.5 updates the search functionality through Aptify web (including quick search, linkbox searches, and entity browser searches) so that results are returned in these cases as expected. 


Aptify Web: Buttons on the Customer Tab are not Consistent with Other Button Style

in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where the buttons on the Bulk Orders record's Customers tab do not match the style used by other buttons on the form. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a Javascript file ensure that these buttons match other button styles. (Issue 23422)

 Aptify Web: Cannot Add Attachments To a Sub-Type Record

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when a user adds an attachment to a Sub-Type record, and the record is saved and closed, the attachment is not in the record. Aptify 5.5.5 adds the attachment functionality to Sub-Types and additional Generic Entity (GE) object and updates a stored procedure to ensure that attachments can be added as expected. (Issues 21942)

Aptify Web: Chapter Assignment Rule Record Database Object Name Linkbox is Blank

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when a Chapter Assignment Rules record is opened from a view, the Database Object name linkbox is blank, while the value displays in the view. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the framework internal configuration and framework data controls user interface JavaScript files to ensure that in this scenario the Database Object Name linkbox contains the expected information. (Issue 24817/AW-63)

Aptify Web: Check Boxes Removed When Switching to New Tab

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when a user selects a check box for a row in a sub-type grid or list view, clicks on another tab in the record, and returns to the grid or view, the selected check box is now cleared. Aptify 5.5.5 updates two JavaScript files to ensure that in this scenario, the selected rows are not cleared. (Issue 23242)

Aptify Web: Drill Down ELV Toolbar Should Follow The UI Standard For Toolbars

In Aptify 5.5.4, there is an issue in the web interface, there is an issue where if a user drills down to a list view from a chart view, the toolbar icons are not correct in the list view drill down. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript file to address this issue. (Issue 17067)

Aptify Web: Drop Down for Group By on Chart View Populates as a Text Box

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when a user creates a Chart view, in the Grouping > Primary Grouping tab, the Group By field displays as a text field the first time the tab is opened. This field should be a drop-down list. The field displays correctly in subsequent viewings. This issue updates a JavaScript file to ensure that the Group By field always displays as a drop-down list. (Issue 22937)

Aptify Web: Favorite Groups are not Sorted Correctly Based on Rank

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when a user displays a list of client-created ranked favorite groups, the groups are not displayed in rank order. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript file to ensure that the favorite groups are displayed in rank order. (Issue 22948)

Aptify Web: Fields are Updated Only When Cache is Cleared

In the Aptify web interface, once a form is opened, all the data related to that form is cached. This cache is then used to display data for a form reload until it is determined that the data has changed in the database. However, when a field is updated as listed below, the cached information is displayed until the browser cache is cleared.

  • Through a backend update (for example, trigger updates) that does not generate any record history, This problem affects the Persons, Person Relationship, Companies, Orders, and Products records. (Issues 18928, 19671, 23350, and 22629)
  • Adding membership to a Company through the Membership wizard. (Issue 21410)
  • Member Type and Company Member Type in a Persons form when updated in Companies form (Issue 17120)

Aptify 5.5.5 updates five JavaScript file to ensure that in this scenario, the information is displayed as expected.

Aptify Web: Filter Rule UI Should Support Date Keywords

Currently in Aptify web, the ability to create filters that use date keywords is not supported. Aptify 5.5.5 supports the ability to type in date keywords such as NOW, GETDATE(), and TODAY in filter rules to create filter rules that are based on the current date. See About the Filter Rules Infrastructure for more information. (Issue 19688)

Aptify Web: getUrlParameter Does Not Work With Hashtags in URLs

Currently in Aptify web, there is an issue where Aptify.framework.utility.getUrlParameter does not work when the input URL contains a hashtag. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript file to ensure that URLs containing hashtags can be processed as expected. (Issue 23970)

Aptify Web: Generic Import Wizard Not Working When AptifyServicesAPI Is In Non-Default Path

Currently in Aptify web, there is an issue where when Aptify web is installed outside the default path (C:\inetpub\wwwroot\AptifyServicesAPI), the Generic Import wizard does not work. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the installer to ensure that in this scenario, the Generic Import wizard works as expected. (Issue 23820)

Aptify Web: Hierarchical Sub-View Records Not Shown on Dashboard

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where dashboards do not display sub-view records created from a view's Hierarchy tab. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript file to ensure that the sub-view records display as expected. (Issue 23259)

Aptify Web: IIS Restart is Required When AutoShipNonFulfillmentProducts Attribute Value is Changed

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when the AutoShipNonFulfillmentProducts attribute is changed, Microsoft IIS must be restarted. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Orders Entity object to ensure that in this scenario, Microsoft IIS does not have to be restarted. (Issue 22683/AW-27)

Aptify Web: Image is Cropped on New Person Record

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where photos added to a Persons record may be cropped incorrectly and leave white space at the bottom of the photo area. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript file to resolve this issue. (Issue 23164)

Aptify Web: Improve UI Part Versions Query

This issue updates the logic used to retrieve UI Part Version information for the web interface. (Issue 23250)

Aptify Web: List Record Errors

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there are issues in displaying List records. The first issue occurs when opening a List record for the first time, the grid does not display, but the grid does display when the record is saved, closed, and re-opened. The second issue occurs when adding a list item to a List record, the list item has an ID of 0 when it is opened. The third issue is that a Persons record cannot be opened from a List record. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the code in the Lists form template to ensure that List records display as expected. (Issues 16938 and 23494)

Aptify Web: Long File Type Fields are not Rendered Correctly

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where a record with a field that has an Extended Type of File, the record does not display correctly. In some instances, the Upload or Browse buttons are not displayed, and in others, icons are not displayed correctly. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript file to ensure that in this scenario, the records displays as expected. (Issue 23445)

In the Aptify 5.5.4 web interface, there is an issue where when using the Aptify Messenger, when the Text Formatting tool bar is clicked, special characters appear in the chat window and are appended to inserted hyperlinks. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the version of the Kendo user interface, which resolves this issue. (Issue AW-85/22891)

Aptify Web: Need Mechanism to Know Precise File Upload Path for File Type Fields

When a user uploads a file in the web interface, the file is added to the web server's Uploads folder (identified in the AptifyServicesAPI application's Web.config), and a GUID is added to the beginning of the file name. While this prevents duplicates, it makes it difficult to identify the uploaded file. This issue updates the File field type to display the full path and file name for the uploaded file. (Issue 23410)

Aptify Web: No Loading Indicator When Initiating a Search

In the Aptify 5.5.4 web interface, the search indicator is removed from the Search functionality. This is an issue when a user searches a data set that takes several seconds to process, as there is no indication that the system is performing the search. Aptify 5.5.5 updates three CSS files to ensure that in this scenario, an indicator appears while the search results are processed. (Issue 23059)

Aptify Web: NOT Operator has Incorrect Precedence in JavaScript Filter Rule Evaluation

Currently in the Aptify web interface, the JavaScript filter rule evaluation for the NOT logical operator is not following standard logical operator precedence. The NOT operator should be tightly bound to the expression following it, such that the expression, NOT 1 AND NOT 2, is evaluated as (NOT 1) AND (NOT 2), even when the parentheses are not provided. The JavaScript filter rule evaluation in Aptify Web is evaluating NOT 1 AND NOT 2 as NOT (1 AND NOT 2), which results in a very different truth table. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the filter rules framework JavaScript file to ensure that the NOT operator uses the correct precedence. (Issue 24438/AW-61)

Aptify Web: Online/Offline Functionality Not Working When Session Left Idle Over 1 Hour

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where the online and offline functionality stops working when a session is idle for over an hour. Aptify 5.5.5 updates an object to ensure that the online and offline functionality works as expected. (Issues 23021 and 23141)

Aptify Web Orders and Payment Information Control Does Not Refresh When Requested via UIPart

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue in environments where different payment types are specified for multiple organizations. In this environment, when the organization ID is changed on an order, the payment type is not refreshed to the value specified for the organization. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript file to ensure that in this scenario, the payment type refreshes as expected. (Issue 23909)

Aptify Web: Payment Type Data Overlapping on the Details Tab of the Payment Record

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when a user attempts to view a payment record, the Payments Information controls are overlapping. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript file and object to ensure that in this scenario, the Payments Information controls are displayed as expected. (Issue 23138)

Aptify Web: Record Forms Do Not Open for New Entities

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when a new entity is created from the Aptify Desktop client, a user cannot open a new record or an existing record (that has been created from the Desktop client) in the web interface. Once user resets the application (an option available from the Gear menu), the records can be opened as expected. Aptify 5.5.5 updates two stored procedures to ensure that in this scenario, the web interface works as expected. (Issue 24157)

Aptify Web: Reload Fails When SQL User and Server Date Formats Do Not Match

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where reloading Aptify fails when the date format set for the SQL user does not match the date format used for the SQL server. Starting with 5.5.5, if your Aptify environment is in a country that uses the Day Month Year (DMY) or Year Month Day (YMD) formats, you should select the appropriate. See the step related to this feature in Installing Aptify Web for Aptify 5.5.5.(Issue 23044)

Aptify Web: Remove Scroll Bar From Delete Confirmation Message Box

In Aptify 5.5.4, a delete confirmation message in the web interface may have an unnecessary scrollbar. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript file removes that scrollbar. (Issue 23237)

Aptify Web: Scroll Bar May Not Appear on a Calendar View

In Aptify 5.5.4, there is an issue where a scrollbar may not appear when working with a Calendar view. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript file to fix this issue. (Issue 16133)

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when a user selects and clears a topic code, new topic code record links are created, instead of the existing links being updated. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Aptify web framework to ensure that in this scenario, the existing record links are updated as expected.  (Issue 22517)

Aptify Web: Site Freezes After Saving Payment Record

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when a user updates a Payment record and saves the changes, the site freezes and the user is unable to select any tabs. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the web interface to ensure that in this scenario, the site works as expected. (Issue 23137)

Aptify Web: Sub-Type Data Record Added Does Not Persist In Cloned Record

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when a user clones a record, and adds sub-types to the clone, the sub-types do not persist when the clone is saved and re-opened. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript file to ensure that in this scenario, sub-types are found in the cloned record. (Issue 23852)

Aptify Web: Sub-Types are not Saved When Cloning Records

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when a user clones a record with sub-types, the sub-types appear in the cloned record initially, but when the cloned record is refreshed, the sub-types are missing. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript file to ensure that in this scenario, sub-types are found in the cloned record. (Issue 23710)

Aptify Web: System Hangs After Saving from Dashboard

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when a user clicks the Save button in the ribbon at the top of a dashboard, the system hangs. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the entity list view views framework user interface JavaScript file to remove the Save button icon from the ribbon that appears at the top of dashboards in the web interface. (Issue AW-117)

Aptify Web: Unable to Run Bulk Order Wizard from Forms Tabs

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where users are unable to run the Bulk Order wizard from the following:

  • Persons tab in the Companies form
  • Members tab in the Committees form
  • Active/Intactive Members tab in the Committee Terms form

Aptify 5.5.5 updates the wizards framework user interface (UI) and applications bulk orders UI JavaScript files and the SQLToExecute text file to ensure that in this scenario, the Bulk Order wizard can be opened from the forms tabs. (Issue 24586/AW-62)

Aptify Web: View Data is not Displayed on Dashboard

Currently in the Aptify web interface, when an entity list view on a Dashboard is sorted, the results may not be displayed. Aptify 5.5.5 updates an object to ensure that in this scenario, view data is displayed as expected. (Issue 24244)

Update UserValues Entity to have a Clustered Index on ID and Index on UserID


Aptify 5.5.5 updates the UserValues entity to have a Clustered Index on ID and Index on UserID. There is a benefit to having the UserID indexed since each User login retrieves this information. After these changes are applied, the UserValues entity will have a clustered index on the ID field and a non-clustered index on the UserID field.


Note: The 5.5.5 setup checks to see if there is already a clustered index on the entity. If there is, the clustered index is not changed.


Apify Web: Web User Button Not Working on Persons Record

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where the Web User button in a Persons record does not open a new or existing Web User form. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the metadata for the Persons entity, Aptify.Persons form template, and Persons Form Template Layout Sub-Class to ensure that the Web User button works as expected. (Issue 23428)

Aptify Web: Wizards Do Not Function For Prompt View Until Records Are Selected

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where view-based wizards (e.g., Subscription Renewal, Add Persons to Campaign, Add Persons to Committee as Members) can only be run within a Prompt view when records in the view are selected. Aptify 5.5.5 updates three CS files and one JavaScript file to ensure that in this scenario, the wizards can be run as expected. (Issue 18960)

Aptify Web: Wizards Do Not Function From Form View Tab Until Records Are Selected

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where can only be run from a tab that contains a view of data (such as the Subscriptions tab in an Orders form) when a row in the tab is selected. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript file to ensure that in this scenario, the wizards can be run as expected. 

The following wizards cannot be opened from a tab that contains a view of data when a row is selected:

  • Bulk Order wizard: cannot be run from the Person tab in a Companies record
  • GL Batch Export wizard: cannot be run from the All Linked Orders tab in a Persons or Companies record


(Issue 18961)

Auth Required Is Not Working When User Moves from Online to Offline State

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when a user moves from an online state to an offline state, they are unable to return to an online state. In some instances, the user returns to an online state automatically, but they are unable to take any actions. In other instances, the user is able to return to an online state manually, but after about 30 seconds the web interface returns to an offline state. Aptify 5.5.5 updates three JavaScript files to ensure that in this scenario, users are able to return to an online state as expected. (Issue 22819)

Cannot Clear a Person's Address by Setting the AddressID to -1 in JavaScript

With Aptify 5.5.4, when a developer sets an embedded AddressID to -1 on a Persons record, the system does not clear the address as expected. This issue updates the Javascript code so setting an AddressID to -1 clears the address. (Issue 23096)

Chart View Toolbar UI Distorted for Prompted Chart Views

In Aptify 5.5.4, the chart view toolbar in the web interface may not render properly for prompt views. Aptify 5.5.5 resolves that problem with the interface. (Issue 23398)

Check Box is Not Working Properly in Sub-Type View

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when there are multiple check boxes in a Sub-Type view, and a user selects a check box without clicking on the row, it will work as expected, but if the user clicks slightly outside of the check box, that row is selected and all other selected check boxes are cleared. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript file to ensure that in this scenario, the selection of check boxes works as expected. (Issue 23219)

Creating an Order Through Person Admission Wizard Causes Null Reference Exception

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when a user attempts to create a purchase order or quotation order using the Person Admission wizard (which is a CPA Manitoba configuration), a Null Reference exception is logged. This issue appears to be a side-effect of the solution to another issue 22843 (Multiple Pending Changes For Sub-Types Not Working). Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Service.Framework.Utilities object to ensure that in this scenario, the orders are created as expected. (Issue 23424)

Dashboard Created or Updated Using Desktop Client Is Not Displayed Correctly In Web

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue were when a user opens a dashboard created or updated using the Aptify Desktop client, the dashboard does not display correctly. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a process flow for the Desktop client with event handlers that fire when records change. (Issue 22016/AW-25

Default Address Form Template Does Not Load

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when the default Address Form Template has been modified to use the address format for a country other than the United States, the United States address format is still used when a new Persons or Companies record is opened. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript file to ensure that in this scenario, the correct address format is displayed. (Issue 23952)

Display Default Icon Within View Filters When Service Specific Icon Is Not Defined

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where no service icon appears in the filter dialog for services that use the default blue square icon. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript file to resolve this issue. (Issue 23208)

Find Dialog Does Not Return Results in Entity Base View Field on Views Dialog Advanced > Configuration Sub-Tab

With Aptify 5.5.4, the Find dialog that opens from the view properties dialog's Base View field does not return any information the first time you click on it. Aptify 5.5.5 resolves this behavior so the appropriate information appears as expected. (Issue 22000)

getEntityObjects() Does Not Call Callback When Passed Zero Records

Currently in the Aptify web interface, the Aptify.framework.genericEntity.getEntityObjects() function takes entity name or record ID pairs and a callback function to call when all of the identified records have been loaded. However, if no entity name or record ID pairs are passed, the callback function is not called. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript file to ensure that if there are no entity name or record ID pairs to pass, the callback function is called. (Issue 24420)

Issues with the Favorites Option

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there are issues with the Favorites option: 1. The search box for the Select Group function to move favorites does not work. The search box does work once the browser is refreshed, 2. If a record or view is added to Favorites, it cannot be moved to a different group during the same session it is added to Favorites. The browser has to be refreshed to be able to move it to a different group, and 3. Distinguishing Favorite groups from Favorite records is difficult. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript file to ensure that in these scenarios, the Favorites option works as expected. (Issues 22218

Multiple Pending Changes Folder List Is Moved Out of Box for Large Lists

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue in environments with large lists where a multiple pending changes folder list is moved out of the box. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a CSS file to ensure that in this scenario, the multiple pending changes folder list stays in the box, as expected. (Issue 23145)

Multiple Pending Changes for Sub-Types Not Working

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where if there are multiple changes pending for a sub-type record, the pending changes are not saved when the web interface returns to an online state. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript file and an object to ensure that in this scenario, the pending changes to a sub-type are saved as expected. (Issue 22849)

Multiple Pending Changes in Offline Mode Is Not Working as Expected

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where offline functionality is not working in the following scenarios: 1) Persons form address updates to both lines entered off-line are only partially reflected in the record after the updates are saved when the user is online. 2) Updates to two records from the same entity made in offline mode are not being saved. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Aptify.Framework.GenericEntity.RecordChanges JavaScript file to ensure that in this scenario, offline functionality works as expected. (Issue 23241)

Multiple Table UI Part Metadata Items Are Not Generated Correctly Unless Selection is All

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when the Generate HTML5 Web UI Part Metadata Items Process Flow has multiple tables defined, the UI Part Metadata Items do not generate correctly when the selection is ListOfUIPartMetadataItemIDs or ListOfUIPartMetadataNames. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the GenerateUIPartMetadataItemsComponent CS file and adds a new stored procedure to Get All UI Part Meta Data Items based on given inputs to ensure that in this scenario, the metadata items are generated correctly. (Issue AW-29)

Pending Changes are not Synchronizing Properly When Browser Closes or Crashes

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where Aptify stops working when a user is disconnected from the internet while in the process of creating a new record and the user tries to save the record before the interface indicates that the user is offline. When the user is able to log back into the system, the record does not exist and the pending changes functionality does not create the record. If this scenario is attempted for an existing record, the pending changes are saved, but the pending change record is not cleared and the interface shows that changes are still pending. These scenarios do not occur when the attempt to save the record is done after the interface indicates that the user is offline. Aptify 5.5.5 updates two JavaScript files to ensure that in these scenarios, the pending changes functionality works as expected. (Issue 23019)

Prompt View Drop Down Should Be Wider

In Aptify 5.5.4, there is an issue in the web interface where the field size for for the Prompt View field is too narrow. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript file to widen the Prompt View field. (Issue 21856)

Silent Exception Logged When Opening New List Record or Creating a Meeting Record

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when a user creates a new List or Meeting record, a silent exception, Cannot read property 'trim' of undefined, is logged. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Data Controls user interface Framework JavaScript file to ensure that an exception is not logged. (Issue AW-112)

Some FTPBinding Code Uses Wrong Entity Instance Names

Currently in the Aptify web interface, the documented names for form template related Entity Instances for Filter Rule Items on Form Template Part Binding Filter Rules are Form Template GE, Form Template GE Parent, Form Template GE GrandParent, and Form Template GE Great GrandParent. However, some places in the code, uses different names (such as Form Template Parent GE and Form Template GrandParent GE). Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript file and metadata to ensure that the correct names are used throughout the code. (Issue 24418)

Unable to Access Full Record in Aptify Web Where User Group has Read Only Permission

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when a user with read-only access to a Service (i.e., Persons) is able to see the Summary page for a record in a List view, but is unable to view the full record and the buttons on the page are disabled. The user can access the full record when using the Aptify Desktop client. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Framework Minified JavaScript file to ensure that in this scenario, the user is able to open the full record in the web interface. (Issue AW-116)

Web User Form Inaccessible Every Second Day on Aptify Web

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where users are only able to open a Web User record every other day. In addition, on days when the Web User records are inaccessible, the Web User button on Persons record is disabled, and an IndexOutOfRangeException log is generated. This occurs because of errors in how the Aptify SecurityKeyCache is structured and used, and race conditions that lead to data caching errors. Aptify 5.5.5 updates three Visual Basic files to ensure that in this scenario, the Web User records are accessible.  (Issue 24904)

Configuration Management Tool

The following issues are resolved in the Aptify Configuration Management tool as part of Aptify 5.5.5.

Process Flow Actions and Input Properties Duplicate After Unpacking Existing Process Flows

Aptify 5.5.5 resolves a problem where duplicate metadata may be added to the system when unpacking process flows using the Aptify Configuration Migration tool. (Issue 23420)


The following issues are resolved in the Aptify user documentation as part of Aptify 5.5.5.

Instructions for Deploying an Aptify Web site to a Publicly Accessible Website (DMZ)

The Aptify documentation does not contain any information about deploying the Aptify web interface web server in a DMZ. The documentation has been updated to include this information. See Deploying the Aptify Site as a Publicly Accessible Website within a DMZ (Issue 23939).


The following issues are resolved in the Expo Management application as part of Aptify 5.5.5.

Company with No Product Codes Clears ExpoCAD's Product Description Field

In Aptify, there is a scenario related to the Aptify ExpoCAD integration. Aptify’s ExpoCAD includes the ability to take a company's assigned Product Codes and push them to the ExpoCAD booth's Product Description field. However, some clients may be populating this description with some other data. If a company has no product codes, Aptify blanks out the Product Description field when the data is synched. Aptify 5.5.5 adds a new field to Companies so a user can specify the appropriate description in Aptify and have that pushed to the corresponding field in ExpoCAD.

The system uses the following logic to set the Company Profile/Booth Description in the ExpoInfo section of ExpoCAD:

  • If ExpoCADCompanyDescription is filled in on the exhibtor’s Companies record in Aptify, that description is pushed to the Company Profile/Booth Description in ExpoCAD.
  • If ExpoCADCompanyDescription is blank for the exhibitor’s Companies record in Aptify, Aptify pushes a Company’s Product Codes to the Company Profile/Booth Description in ExpoCAD. For example, if Danube Partners has two product codes (e.g., Consulting and Quality Assurance), the ExpoCAD description would read:
    • Product Codes:
    • Consulting
    • Quality Assurance
  • If ExpoCADCompanyDescription is blank and the company has no Product Codes, the Company Profile/Booth Description is blank in ExpoCAD.

(Issue 23151)

Form Template Administration

The following issues are resolved in the Form Template Administration area as part of Aptify 5.5.5.

Context-Based Filtering of Form Templates Not Working for Summary Forms

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where in environments where an administrator has created different Persons or Companies Summary form templates to be used by different users or personas, the filter rules created to specify which users see a particular form template do not work. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript file to ensure that the different Persons or Companies Summary form templates are seen by their respective users. (Issue 21898)


The following issues are resolved in the Framework application as part of Aptify 5.5.5.

Caching Issue for British English Culture

Currently in Aptify there is an issue in environments that use the BritishEnglish date format, such as Australia, where an Aptify web interface session cannot be started after refreshing due to caching problems that occur when the date is greater than the 12th of any month. Aptify 5.5.5 updates an object to ensure that in the above scenario, Aptify web sessions can be started as expected.  (Issue 23975)

Cannot Save Word Document When Using the Aptify Mail Merge Wizard

With Aptify 5.5.4, when using the Mail Merge wizard, if you attempt to save the generated Word document using the “save as” option, the file location dialog never appears. Instead the error “Word cannot complete the save due to a file permission error” is shown and the file is never saved. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the mail merge functionality so that the document can be saved in this case.

Note: The Mail Merge wizard is not currently supported in Aptify web. (Issue AW-670)

Cannot Change Security Key When Password has Apostrophe

In Aptify, there is an issue when in an environment where a user has a password that contains an apostrophe ( ' ), and the Encrypt Data option is disabled for the PWD field of the Web Users entity, saving the entity fails. Aptify 5.5.5 updates an object to handle apostrophes in SQL statements before executing the statement to ensure that in this scenario, the changes to the Web Users entity can be saved as expected. (Issue 23441)

Conflict Wizard Can Cause Duplicate Sub-Types (Including Duplicate Order Lines)

Currently in Aptify, there is an issue where when an order line contains sub-type records, using the Conflict wizard to resolve data conflicts can cause duplicate sub-type records to be created. This is due to the Conflict wizard logic clearing the sub-types and re-adding all records instead of comparing the current sub-type records against the generic entity in memory to identify the record changes and resolving the data conflicts. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Aptify Generic Entity object to change how sub-type records are handled by the Conflict wizard logic to ensure that data conflicts are resolved as expected and users are able to create entities as expected. (Issue 21716)

Default Error Logging To Event Viewer When No Database Connection Available

In Aptify 5.5.4, a feature is added where a client can choose to save the errors that are raised in the Aptify application to a new table in Aptify (ErrorLog). This feature relies on valid connection to the Aptify database. There is an issue where when a connection is not available, the error log file can be lost. Aptify 5.5.5 updates an object to ensure that in this scenario, the system attempts to write to the Event Log. If that attempt fails, the system writes the error log file as AptifyExceptionLog.txt in the Temp directory, which could be the User’s Temp folder or C:\Windows\Temp\. (Issue 23153)

Deleted Data Not Recorded in Record History

In Aptify, there is an issue where when a user deletes all of the text in a field, the record history shows it as Changed from Blank to Blank, which is not correct. Aptify 5.5.5 updates an object to ensure that in this scenario, the record history contain the correct information. (Issue 24270)

Exception Manager: Clean Up Exception Text

In Aptify, there is an issue where the Exception Text that is generated for a published exception contains information in the Properties section that does not add value, such as TargetSite, HelpLink, and Source properties when the property's value is null/Nothing. Aptify 5.5.5 updates an object and a configuration file to clean up the Exception Text. (Issue 23046)

Exception Manager: Large Number of Error Log Records Impacts View Performance

In Aptify 5.5.4, there is an issue in environments where the Exception Publisher is enabled. The Exception Publisher publishes exceptions to the Error Log entity in the Aptify database, but the time required to open Views increases as the Error Log reaches hundreds of thousands of records. Aptify 5.5.5 adds a stored procedure database object, spDeleteERRORLOGRecordBefore, to the Error Log entity to enable the deletion of all Error Log records created before a date specified in a parameter, @BeforeDate. (Issue 23493)

Field Level Security Breaks Multi-Entity Base Views

Currently in Aptify, there is an issue where fields may not be displayed when creating or running a view based on an entity’s multi-entity base view. This occurs when an entity has field level security enabled and the alternate base view includes fields from other entities. In this case, only the fields from the joined entity(s) are displayed. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Application object to ensure that the expected fields are displayed when field level security is enabled. (Issue AW-317)

Improve Thread Safety in the Script Engine

Currently in Aptify, there is an issue in multi-threaded environments where multiple threads can execute scripts simultaneously, where when Aptify scripts are executed, there are often problems where exceptions occur or data from one script instance can appear in another script instance. There are resources that are being shared between Script Engine instances that should not be shared. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the way the script is compiled into code and then executed. This includes changes to make properties and methods not static and to have the Run method instantiate a new instance of the Class that is generated by the compiled script to ensure that there is no sharing between the same instances. (Issue 23052)

IConvertibles Do Not Correctly Convert in AptifyLogin Code

Currently in Aptify there is an issue where sometimes users are unable to log in because the values that use the private internal class that run IConvertible are not converted correctly in the Aptify Login code. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the AptifyLogin.vb file to ensure that in this scenario, the Aptify Login objects compiled in .NET 4.5 work as expected. (Issue 24551)

Increase Entity Save Related Timeouts for Setup Programs

In Aptify, there is an issue where setup-related problems are occurring in environments with a large client database that attempt to update a newer version of Aptify. Aptify 5.5.5 updates three objects, Entities Entity, DB Object, and Full Text Entity, to ensure that in this scenario, the software update can be completed as expected.

In the AptifyEntitiesEntity object, the SQL timeout value is updated to use the value set in the QueryTimeOut attribute instead of 1200. Users can add the QueryTimeOut attribute to a config file to modify the timeout value as follows:

<add key="Aptify.Framework.DataServices.Constants.QueryTimeOut" value="[desired timeout value greater than 1200 seconds]"/>

In the AptifyFullTextEntities and AptifyDBObject objects, a default SQLTimeOut of 3600 (i.e., one hour) is added. The value of this timer can be modified by adding a SQLTimeOut attribute in the Full Text Indexes and Database Objects entities and specifying the value as appropriate.  (Issue 23460)

Melissa Data Interface Removing Address Information

In Aptify, there is an issue where when using the Melissa Data interface for address verification, and the first line in the address is a private mailbox number, such as # 315, the resulting address does not contain the private mailbox number and the second line of the address becomes the first line. For example, if Line 1 is #315, Line 2 is 5214F Diamond Heights Blvd, the resulting address would have Line 1 as 5214F Diamond Heights Blvd, and Line 2 would be blank. Aptify 5.5.5 includes a new object to ensure that in this scenario, the correct address is verified. The Aptify Melissa Data Web Service Verification object is also updated to address an issue where more of the address information is being removed as a result of address verification. (Issue 22558)

Text for Inner Exception Messages are Incorrect

Currently in Aptify, there is an issue where when an Exception has an Inner Exception, the message for the Inner Exception is not included in the Exception yext. Instead, the top level Exception message is duplicated for the Inner Exception. Aptify 5.5.5 updates an object to ensure that the Inner Exception message is included in the Exception text. (Issue 22949)

Unable to Apply Topic Code to Contact Log if Description Exceeds 250 Characters


Currently in the Aptify, there is an issue where when the Description field of a Contact Log record exceeds 250 characters, the selection of a topic code for the record results in the issuing of the Record Name must be 250 or fewer characters error, and the clearing of the topic code check box. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Topic Code Links object to ensure that in this scenario, the Description is truncated to allow the topic codes to be saved. (Issue AW-235)

Updated UI Part is not Downloaded to the Client Without Also Changing a Core UI Part

Currently in Aptify, there is an issue where after updating a User Interface (UI) Part, the updated UI Part is sometimes not automatically downloaded to the client. Aptify 5.5.5 updates an object to ensure that the updated UI Part is automatically downloaded as expected. (Issue 24173)

User Administration Wizard Fails

Currently in Aptify, there is an issue where when an environment has a large number of users (more than 90,000) and a user attempts to run the User Administration wizard, the wizard fails. This occurs in two scenarios: 1) A user logs in to Windows using a non-domain account, opens the User Administration wizard, and the wizard fails when the user selects a domain user to add, and 2) A user logs in to Windows using a domain account, attempts to open the User Administration wizard, the wizard does not load, and it crashes after a few minutes. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Users Viewer object by updating Step 2 of the wizard, adding a Search button to the Account drop-down list, and adding a Search button to the User Name drop-down list that appears for SQL Server Security users. These changes ensure that in this scenario, the User Administration wizard works as expected.

The User Name search matches the entered text to the beginning of the user names in the database (Begins With). A minimum of two characters must be entered in this search before results are returned. Wildcards are not supported for this search


 (Issue 22933)


The following issues are resolved in the Messaging system as part of Aptify 5.5.5.

Aptify Web: Attachment Functionality not Supported for Messaging

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when a user creates a message using the Aptify Messaging tool, files cannot be added to the Attachments tab. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a CS and a JavaScript file to ensure that in this scenario, attachments can be added to a message as expected. (Issue 18254)

Aptify Web Preview Pane Shows Incorrect Email Address after Selecting Secondary Email

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue in environments where the Persons Entity is configure to use the Aptify messaging tool (UseAptifyMessaging attribute is set to 1) and the user opens a Messaging session from the secondary email address from a Persons record, the Aptify Preview pane opens listing the Persons primary email address. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript file to ensure that in this scenario, the correct email address is listed. (Issue 24730)

Email Confirmation Message Not Sent For Bulk Messaging

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when a user sends a Bulk Messaging email and the DisplaySendConfirmationMessage attribute is enabled, a confirmation message asking the user whether the message should be sent is not shown. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript file to ensure that in this scenario, the confirmation message is always displayed, no matter the value of the DisplaySendConfirmationMessage attribute. (Issue 24417)

Messaging Does Not Work From Prompted Views

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where messages sent from Prompt views are failing. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Messaging functionality to ensure that message can be sent from Prompt views. (Issue 18298)

Previously Running Message Executes When Calling addMessage on Exiting a Message

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when an operation triggered by a message can cause a previously running message to be processed again. In this instance, the message at the top of the message queue is being processed, and another addMessage call begins to process the same message at the top of the queue. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript file to ensure that the message at the top of the message queue is removed at the start of processing to eliminate the possibility that the message is processed again. (Issue 24543)

Process Flows

The following issues are resolved in the Process Flows system as part of Aptify 5.5.5.

AptifyCreateProcessFlowRun: Transaction May Be Left Open If an Error Occurs When Creating Process Flow Runs Record

Currently in Aptify, there is an issue where when a user creates a Process Flow Runs record, a SQL batch is used to create the record and its inputs, the operation is wrapped in a transaction. However, since there is no exception handling in the SQL Batch, if the statement has an error after the Begin Transaction call and before the Commit Transaction, the Transaction may be left open. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the executable to add exception handling to ensure that the transaction is finalized on all paths. (Issue 23924)

Create GL Export Batch GE Object is not Passed to Another Component

In Aptify 5.5.2 and up, there is an issue where when a process flow is used to export general ledger (GL) batches, and the generic entity (GE) object is not passed to the second component. Aptify 5.5.5 updates an object to ensure that in this scenario, the GE object is passed as expected. (Issue 22787)

No Detailed Exception for Missing Action Maps in Debug Mode

Currently in Aptify, there is an issue where when debugging a Process Flow, there is not an informative exception when an Action Map is not defined for a particular Result Code. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Aptify Process Flow Engine to improve the user experience of the debugging tool. (Issue 22899)

Process Flow Engine Crashes Application/Service/Services Web Site When Executing Process Flow With Hundreds Of Steps

Currently in Aptify, there is an issue where when a Process Flow that executes hundreds of steps is run, the process hosting the Process Flow Engine crashes, reporting a problem in the CLR without any Aptify logged exceptions. This crash is caused by the method used to execute the steps in the process flow, triggering a stack overflow. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Process Flow Engine object to use a loop to execute the steps in the process flow, increasing efficiency and reducing the use of the stack. (Issue 24371)

Varbinary Fields are not Object-typed Input Properties in Generated CRUD Components

Currently in Aptify there is an issue where varbinary and varbinary(max) fields become String-typed Input Properties in the generated CRUD/Entity Operations Process Components. Aptify 5.5.5 updates an object to ensure that in this scenario, the varbinary and varbinary(max) fields are the Object type (since they are usually Byte[]-typed). (Issue 22874)

Setup Program

The following issues are resolved in the Aptify Setup program as part of Aptify 5.5.5.

Addmimemap Dynamic Compression Code Missing From Web Setup Program

In Aptify 5.5.3, the Addmimemap dynamic compression code for atom and msword setting is removed from the Aptify web interface setup program. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the web interface setup program to include this code. (Issue 24161)

Aptify Web Installation on SQL Server 2012 R2 Fails With Error ASP.NET 4.5 Not Detected

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where them web interface installation fails in an SQL Server 2012 R2 environment with an error indicating that ASP.NET 4.5 is not detected, when the destination computer has .NET 4.6 installed. The installation fails because the web interface setup program is hard coded to verify the presence of .NET 4.5. Any other version of .NET causes the installation to fail. Aptify 5.5.5 update the web interface setup program to verify the presence of .NET 4.5 and up. (Issue 24876)

New Setup Structure Required for Future Integrations

Aptify's new integration methodology for service packs requires changes to the structure of the setup program. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the service pack installation program to ensure that future service packs can be successfully installed, (Issue 23800)

Running Setup Causes Database to Crash

Currently there is an issue where running the setup.exe file to update the Aptify software can cause the Aptify database to crash. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the setup program to handle the exception that triggers the database crash and added code to disable generator-related event handlers before starting a service pack installation and enables these event handlers after the service pack installation is complete. (Issue AW-298)

Setup Failed for Last Step of Sevice Pack Update

In Aptify 5.5.3, there is an issue where sometimes when the service pack update setup program is run, the program fails. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Service Pack Base object to ensure that the service pack update setup program. (Issue 23834)

Viewing System

The following issues are resolved in the Viewing System as part of Aptify 5.5.5.

Join Logic for Base Views May Not Be Correct

When creating a Base View, some of the Joins that were generated were not correct.  For example, on the Persons With Person Companies base view, the join between Persons and Companiesare made to Persons.BillingContactID instead of Persons.CompanyID.  Aptify 5.5.5 updates the join logic to use the Virtual Field Join information as the first priority but also continue to support the scenario where another entity is brought in where that other entity provides the field that links back to the main entity.  For example, creating a base view on Companies that brings in fields from Cases, the join needs to be Company.ID = Cases.CompanyID.



Aptify Web: Add Support to Sort Records Within Sub-Type Grid

Aptify 5.5.5 updates the web interface to provide users with the ability to sort records within sub-type grids. This ability is controlled using the form template part AllowSort input property. When this property is set to 1, users are able to sort any columns in the sub type grid by clicking on the column header in either ascending or descending orderThe sort applies to the full set of records in the grid. An administrator will need to set this value for each form template part where re-sorting is allowed. The default value of this property is 0, which disables the sorting logic.

Record movement does not work properly within a sub-type grid once it is sorted. This is a known issue and will be resolved in an upcoming release..


(Issues 23312 and 23867)

Aptify Web: Export to Excel On A Drill Down View May Export All Results

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when an export to excel is performed from a drill down list view that is based on a view ID, all of the records in the full list view are exported, instead of the list of records in the drill down list view. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Services Layer and the UI (User Interface) Layer to pass and apply the SQL filter while filtering the rows to export to ensure that in this scenario, the exported file contains the expected records. (Issue 21685)

Aptify Web: Filter Value Should Get Selected When Entered

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue with Aptify view properties, where when a user adds a filter value that is not in the drop-down list, that value does not get selected if the user clicks outside the list box, Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript file to ensure that in this scenario, the value is selected as expected. (Issue 20756)

Aptify Web: In Chart View Summary Tab, Summary Function Field Always Loads as Average

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when a user working in a chart view sets the value of the Summary Function field in the Summary tab, after running the view, the value of Summary Function is always Average. Aptify 5.5.5 opens a JavaScript file to ensure that in this scenario, the Summary Function field remains as the value selected. (Issue 23172)

Aptify Web: List View Field List Does Not Load for Large Entities

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when a user attempts to open the Fields tab in a new view within an entity with a large number of records, the loading indicator appears, the screen locks, and the field list does not load. This issue updates Aptify so the field list loads as expected. (Issue 22979)

Aptify Web: Manual Column Resize Settings are not Used the Second Time View is Loaded

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when a user manually resizes column widths in a view, the new column widths are used again the first time the view is loaded, but a subsequent loading of the view does not not use those settings. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript file to make the column resizing process synchronous, to ensure that the user-defined column widths for a view are used as expected. (Issue 22779)

Aptify Web: Mouse Interaction is not Working for Specific Areas

Working with View Filters in the Aptify web interface requires selecting a value from the list before tabbing out of the field, which is not intuitive. Aptify 5.5.5 resolves that behavior to improve the user experience when defining view filters. (Issue 23430)


Aptify Web: Performance Issue Occurs When Setting Filter Values for All View Types

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where the application does not respond when setting filter values for any view type in environments with more than eight active users active. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript file to optimize the loading and binding of large data  at the client side and bind data on demand. (Issue 23140)

Aptify Web: Prompt View Does Not Display Results When Prompt Value Contains Apostrophe

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when a user creating a Prompt view and a prompt text value entered contains an apostrophe, the cursor changes to a loading indicator and the Prompt view does not display any results. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript file to ensure that in this scenario, the Prompt view displays as expected. (Issue 16739)

Aptify Web: Sub-View Generates an Error for a Hierarchical View

With 5.5.4, a list view with a hierarchy may fail to load in Aptify Web if a sub-view is specified for that hierarchy. This issue resolves that behavior and the sub-view loads as expected. (Issue 18060)

Aptify Web: View Fields are not Displayed in View Properties When All Available Fields are Moved to Selected Fields

In the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where the fields in the View Dialog's Fields list may disappear after moving all of the fields. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript file to address this issue. (Issue 23195)

Aptify Web: View Filters Are Ignored When Drilling Down Into A Chart View

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when a user drills down in records in a chart view, the drill down view does not filter records based on the group or section that is drilled down in addition to the filters applied at view level. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the viewing system to ensure that in this scenario, the drill down view filters as expected. (Issue 21842)

Aptify Web: View Filters Performance Delay: Support ViewFiltersSuggestedValueLists Entity Attribute For View Filters

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue in environments with large entities, where loading the values list for these entities can be subject to a significant delay, and a second delay can occur after loading the values list, when two or more characters are added to the Value area. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Viewing System to introduce two attributes (GlobalViewFiltersSuggestedValueList and ViewFiltersSuggestedValueList) that work together to control the values list, and a new stored procedure and service data object, spGetEntityFieldValuesConditonal. See Defining Views Attributes for Aptify Web for more information. (Issue 18269)

Aptify Web: View Filters UI Should Support Date Keywords

Currently in Aptify web, the ability to create view filters that use date keywords is not supported. Aptify 5.5.5 supports the ability to type in date keywords such as NOW, GETDATE(), and TODAY in view filter rules to create filter rules that are based on the current date. See About the Filter Rules Infrastructure for more information. (Issue 20758)

Aptify Web: View May Become Unresponsive When Working With Records Within the View

In the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where in some cases a prompt view may no longer return results after working with it for some time, a user is unable to go to a new page in a view. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the viewing system to address this issue. (Issue 22331)

Aptify Web: When Sorting Views With Over 500 Records Only The First 500 Are Sorted

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when a view contains over 500 records, and a user sorts the contents of the view, only the first 500 records are sorted. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the views utilities CS file and the entity list view framework views user interface JavaScript file to ensure that when a user sorts a view by a column, that the full set of records are sorted and then the results are displayed a page at a time, with the number of records in the page controlled by the paging settings. (Issue 19312/AW-47)

Exporting to Excel Feature for Views Exports Incorrect Date Format on Non-US Environments

In Aptify 5.5.4, there is an issue where when a user exports view results to Excel in an environment that is configured to use a non-United States date format, such as dd/MM/yyyy, the dates in the exported file are in the United States date format (MM/dd/yyyy). Aptify 5.5.5 updates an object to ensure that in this scenario, the dates in the exported Excel file are in the expected format. (Issue 23999)

Map Views: Pinpoint Functionality Limited to Highest Record in Database When Multiple Records are in Same Zip Code

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when using the Google Map API implementation and the data set is based on a particular zip code, the results only pin-point the record with the highest ID from the database. This is not at all useful when trying to view the number of persons in a particular area. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript and CSS file to ensure that in this scenario, the full set of records are identified on the map. (Issue 21306)

Pivot Grid: Measures on Numeric and Decimal Field are not Working

In the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where a user cannot create a pivot grid measure for numeric or decimal fields. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript file to address this problem. (Issue 23186)

Prompt Wizard on View is not Working for Date Field

In Aptify 5.5.4, there is an issue where the Prompt wizard may not open when you click the button on a view filter that uses a date. Aptify 5.5.5 updates two JavaScript files to resolve this issue. (Issue 22726)

Proximity Search Is Pulling Kilometers Instead of Miles

Currently in Aptify, when running the Proximity Search wizard, and the Proximity Type field is set to Close or Exact Distance, the wizard does not find all of the records that meet the search criteria when the units of measure for the Distance From Postal Code field is set to Miles. However, the full set of records are found when this field is set to Kilometers. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Proximity Search object to ensure that in this scenario, the full set of records are returned as expected. (Issue AW-238)

Scheduled View Emails are Generated and Sent for Dataless Views

In Aptify, there is an issue where scheduled views that do not contain any data are still generating Excel report files and emailing the files. Aptify 5.5.5 updates three objects and adds a new stored procedure database object, spCreateViewNew, and adds five metadata items to ensure that in this scenario an administrator can configure Aptify to either send no email at all, or send an email with the blank Excel report file. See About View Scheduling and Email Distribution. (Issue 14692)

View Fails to Load for Proximity Search When Certain Distance From Postal Code is Entered

In Aptify 5.5.3 and higher, there is an issue where in an environment with a proximity view where the distance from the postal code is 100, the view does not load with results and an error is displayed. However, if the distance from postal code is decreased to a smaller number, for example, 5, the view loads with results. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a database object to ensure that in this scenario, proximity views work as expected. (Issue 22130)

Resolved Issues (Core Business Applications)

The following core Aptify Business Application issues have been resolved in the Aptify 5.5.5:

Accounting Management

The following issues are resolved in the Accounting Management application as part of Aptify 5.5.5.

Aptify Web: GL Export Batch Wizard Does Not Work from Prompted Views

Currently in the Aptify web interface, when the GL Export Batch wizard is run from a prompted view, no qualifying records are displayed and the wizard cannot be run, though it can be run successfully from the desktop interface. Starting with Aptify 5.5.5, the GL Export Batch wizard can be run successfully from the web interface. (Issue 23362/AW-404)

AP Export Engine Assumes File Creation

In Aptify, there is an issue where the design of the Accounts Payable (AP) export engine always assumes that it will create vendor and transaction files and it does not support export methods that do not generate files. For example, the current AP export engine does not support exporting directly to SQL tables. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the AP Export Engine object to ensure support for export methods that do not generate files, checks for a vendor file, and adds a condition to determine whether a vendor file is empty to resolve an exception. (Issue 22602)

Aptify Web: Description Incorrect for AP Import Wizard

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where the description of the AP Import wizard is incorrect. The current description is Wizard for Import the AP. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a descriptor file for the wizard so that the description now reads as follows: Imports transactions from your Accounts Payable system for processing. (Issue 24474)

Aptify Web: Error Logged in Exception Log When Updating the PayPal Record

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when a user saves updates to the PayPal record, an error is logged in the Exception Log, but the updates are saved correctly. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Accounting Management application to ensure that in this scenario, errors are not logged in the Exception Log. (Issue 17868)

Aptify Web: Error When Running AP Export Wizard from the Product Cost Details Service

Currently in the Aptify web interface, the AP Export wizard does not start when run from the Product Cost Details service. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the system to ensure that the AP Export works as expected when it is run from the Product Cost Details service. (Issue 24509)

Aptify Web: Errors When Running AP Export Wizard From Prompt View

Currently in the Aptify web interface, the following issues occur when the AP Export wizard is run from a Prompt view:

  • Result file is blank and vendor file is not downloaded
  • If the user does not select records, the wizard does not run

Aptify 5.5.5 updates the system to ensure that the AP Export works as expected when it is run from a Prompt view. (Issue 24296)

Date Issue with Batch Wizard

Currently in Aptify, there is an issue where when a user runs the Batch Wizard for records that use a date format other than the U.S. format, an error is logged into the exception log, and the accounting period functionality cannot be used. The error is due to the date format being used in the SQL query not being compatible with the regional settings (for example, British English or en-AU). This issue occurs when batching Orders, Payments and Scheduled Transaction records. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Batch Wizard object to ensure that in this scenario, the Batch wizard works as expected and accounting periods can be set up. (Issue 23240)


The following issues are resolved in the Campaigns system as part of Aptify 5.5.5.

Add to Campaign Wizard: Person Not Added to Prospect List

Currently in Aptify, there is an issue where when a user adds a person using the Add to Campaign wizard, and the person is not added to the prospect list. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the setup program to ensure that the wizard updates the prospect list as expected. (Issue 24687)

GetCampaignPricing Method Not Returning Expected Result

Currently in Aptify, the system may be unable to correctly calculate an order’s total discount if the order and its lines include multiple campaigns with different types of discounts. This is due to the GetCampaignPricing method not returning the expected result when multiple types of discounts are present in one order. Aptify 5.5.5 updates two objects to ensure that in this scenario, the expected result is returned. (Issue 23426)

Initial Payment Amount Cannot be the Price of the Product when Campaign is Used on an Order

Currently in Aptify, there is an issue where when there is a campaign with products that have a 50 percent discount, a user places an order with a campaign, and enters an initial payment amount that is the standard price of the product, two errors are created. The first error is GL Entries for this payment were not correctly generated and the second is Attempted to divide by zero. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Payment Generate GL object to ensure that in this scenario, the payment can be set to the standard price of the product. (Issue 22865)

Committee Management

The following issues are resolved in the Committee Management application as part of Aptify 5.5.5.

Aptify Web: Cannot Save CommitteeTermMember Edits from Persons Form

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when a user attempts to modify the Committee Term Member information from a Persons record, the changes are not saved in the Committee Term Member record and an exception is thrown. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript file and object to ensure that in this scenario, the edits can be saved as expected. (Issue 18354)

Aptify Web: Incorrect Record Selected When a Committee Term Record is Selected From a Page Other Than Page 1

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue when a user attempts add a Committee Term from the Committee tab in a Persons record. If the user selects a record from any page in the grid other than the first page, an incorrect Committee Term record is added. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript file to ensure that in this scenario, the correct Committee Term record is selected.(Issue 23714)

Aptify Web: Link Box Hidden Filter Does Not Support Dynamic Values

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where the Visual Designer Link Box control does not support dynamic values set in code. This issue is seen in a scenario where when a user is adding or modifying a person in a Committee, and they view the list of Committees in the Committees tab of the Persons record, the list shows all of the Committees available when it should be filtered by the Committee Term values. This occurs even when the Current Committee Terms filter is selected. This issue is also seen in a scenario where the Registered Instructor Required option is not respected when a user creates a new class when a hidden filter returns only people linked to a company in a Classes Template - Instructor Field form template part with the Registered Instructor Required option selected, the Persons record does not filter out instructors that are not registered. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Framework Data Controls user interface (UI) JavaScript file and three UI Layer CS files to ensure that in these scenarios, the Link Box control can support dynamic values. These changes add a new property, dynamicHiddenFilter, to the Link Box control, which allows developers to configure the system to take precedence over the hidden filter set using an input map. (Issues 17792, 19992, and 20669/AW-48, AW-50 and AW-51)

Aptify Web: Validation Messages do not Display Properly for Committees Terms

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when a user fails to enter required information for committee terms, the validation messages that are displayed in the Desktop client are not displayed. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the associated process flow to ensure that in this scenario, the validation messages appear as expected. (Issue 23190)

Customer and Member Management

The following issues are resolved in the Customer and Member Management application as part of Aptify 5.5.5.

Aptify Web: Companies Duplicate Check Does Not Work

Currently in the Aptify web interface, using the duplicate checking functionality with the Companies entity cause errors and does not work. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Company Object object to ensure that in the above scenario, the duplicate check functionality works as expected in the web interface. (Issue 24520)

Aptify Web: Correct Contact Log Link is not Deleted

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when a user is deleting a link that is not the first link from a Contact Log with several links configured, the first link is deleted. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript file to ensure that in this scenario, the correct Contact Log link is deleted. (Issue 23436)

Aptify Web: Follow-up Contacts Do Not Inherit Parent Category and Type

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when a user opens a follow-up contact from the Follow Ups tab on a Contact Log record, the follow-up contact is not inheriting the category and type from the parent contact. This is due to all the required parameters are not passed to persist parent contact log values for new follow-up contacts. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a Service Pack Installer VB file to ensure that the category and type are inherited from the parent contact, as expected. (Issue 18929/AW-44)

Aptify Web: Merge Tool Field Level Drag and Drop Does Not Work After Record Level Drag and Drop

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where the Record Merge tool field-level drag and drop functionality stops working after record-level drag and drop is used. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Entity List View user interface JavaScript file to ensure that in this scenarios, the Record Merge tool field-level drag and drop functionality works as expected. (Issue 24195/AW-43)

Aptify Web: Problem With Add To Committee Wizard in Committees > Members Tab 

Currently in the Aptify web interface, when a user in the Members tab of a Committees record clicks the More drop-down list, there is an option, Add Persons to Committee Wizard, which does not work as expected. This wizard does not appear in on the Members tab in the Aptify Desktop client. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Applications Committee Terms JavaScript file and three elements of the software installer to ensure that the Add Persons to Committee Wizard link is removed from the drop-down list. (Issue 24919/AW-84 and AW-201)

Aptify Web: Security can be Changed on a List Record Without Permission

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where the security setting for a List record can be changed by unauthorized users. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the web interface to ensure that the security setting for the List record is respected. (Issue 22734)

Dates Section of Tasks Form Not Aligned Properly

Currently in Aptify, there is an issue where the fields in the Dates section of the Tasks form sometimes do not align correctly. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the placement of the associated the Form Template Part Placement and the label size. In addition, a label culture Form Template Part is deleted. (Issue AW-219)

Merging Two Companies Incorrectly Updates Quotation Order

In Aptify 5.5.2 and up, there is an issue where when a user merges two company records, the quotation orders that existed for the non surviving company are not updated correctly. When an existing membership subscription has a quotation order associated with it and the Bill To company is changed on that subscription, the quotation order is updated incorrectly by the system.  The effect of the update to the quotation order is the removal of the Bill To company and the Bill To Same As Ship To option is selected. This occurs only when merging two companies. Aptify 5.5.5 updates an object to ensure in this scenario, the quotation orders are updated correctly. (Issue 22615)


The following issues are resolved in the Expos system as part of Aptify 5.5.5.

Meeting and Housing Management

The following issues are resolved in the Meeting and Housing Management application as part of Aptify 5.5.5.

Meeting Start Date Should Always Be Before End Date

Currntly in the Aptfy desktop and web interfaces, when select the end date for a meeting, it is  possible to select a date that is before the start date.  Starting with Aptify 5.5.5, when a meeting's end date is less than the start date, a validation message is displayed alerting the user of the error so it can be corrected. (Issue 10495/AW822)

Aptify Desktop and e-Business: Product Prerequisite Message Does Not Appear on the Related Session Dialog

Currently in the Aptify Desktop client and Aptify e-Business 5.5.3, there is an issue in an environment where a session of a meeting has a prerequisite session, a user adds a new order for the meeting product, and the registrant is changed in the Related Meeting Sessions dialog, the Product Prerequisite message does not appear. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the OMD Controls, Orders Entity, and Product Prerequisite objects, adds an Attendee Entity Instance Record to the Product Prerequisite Filter Rule Type, and updates the Meeting Registration e-Business user control to ensure that in this scenario, the expected result is returned. (Issue AW-111)

Aptify Web: Exception is Issued for Meeting Conflct Instead of Warning Message

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue in environments where meeting conflicts are not allowed, meeting conflicts are resulting in exceptions, when the expected behavior is the issuing of a Warning message. Aptify 5.5.5 updates two JavaScripts and the Orders Entity object to ensure that in this scenario, Warning messages are generated as expected. (Issue 15828)

Aptify Web: Venue Address Information Does Not Flow Down on Meetings Location Tab

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when a user creates a Venue record by filling in the address, the address from the Venue record does not flowdown to the Location Sub-Tab of the Meetings record. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Applications Minified JavaScript file to ensure that in this scenario, the venue address information flows down as expected. 

If the venue associated with the meeting is changed, the address will change to the new venue's address. If the venue is removed from the Meeting Locations tab, the address for the venue persists. 


 (Issue AW-114)

Badge Name, Badge Company Name, and Badge Title Not Respected When Different Registrant is Selected

In Aptify 5.5.4, there is an issue in an environment with an order that has a Ship To person defined, where a user adds a Meeting product with sessions, and attempts to change the registrant to a person other than the Ship To person, after saving the order, the Badge Name, Badge Company Name, and Badge Title fields do not reflect the information for the new registrant. Instead these fields contain values for the Ship To person. Aptify 5.5.5 updates an object file to ensure that in this scenario, these fields contain information related to the new registrant, as expected. (Issue 24088)

New Meeting Wizard: New Meeting Does Not Open After the Wizard Finishes When Option Is Selected

Currently in Aptify, there is an issue where when the New Meeting wizard is run and the Open the new Meeting after it has been created option is selected, the new Meeting record is not opening. Aptiy 5.5.5 updates an object and two JavaScript files to ensure that in this scenario, the new Meeting record opens as expected. (Issue 20522)

TotalRegistrants Field in a View Does Not Update When Meeting Registrants are Removed from an Order

In Aptify, there is an issue where in a list view of meetings, the TotalRegistrants field is not being updated in the view when a registrant is deleted from an order. Aptify 5.5.5 updates an object and a stored procedure to ensure that in this scenario, the TotalRegistrants field updates as expected. (Issue 23239)


The following issues are resolved in the Order Entry system as part of Aptify 5.5.5.

Concurrent Orders Can Cause Connection Timeout

 Currently with Aptify, some organizations may experience "out of memory" or timeout errors when attempting to save more than one order at a time. Aptify 5.5.5 updates multiple instances of singleton instance caching to help eliminate these timeouts from occurring. If you continue to experience timeout issue, contact Aptify Support


Update the spGetSubscriptionQuotations Stored Procedure to Improve Performance on Orders

 Currently in Aptify, when an order has a large number of order lines, the order may take a long time to ship if it is invoking the spGetSubscriptionQuotations stored procedure. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the spGetSubscriptionQuotations stored procedure to no longer use the vwSubscriptionOrdersLink view which greatly increases the time in which the order is shipped in these cases.


Allow Description Override on Order Lines Record is not Respected When Order is Saved

In Aptify Desktop client, there is an issue where when a user adds Subscription product to an order, has the Allow Description Override option selected, and edits the Description field, the order line description reverts to the original default description after the order is saved. Aptify 5.5.5 updates an object to ensure that in this scenario, the order line description does not revert in the Desktop client. (Issue 22562)

Aptify Desktop: Cancellation Wizard Error When Generating Credit Memo if Currency Symbol Is Not a Dollar Sign

Currently in the Aptify Desktop client, there is an issue when in an environment where the Currency Symbol has been changed from $ to another value, like US$ or the Euro symbol, and the Keep on Account option is selected in the Order Cancellation wizard, an error occurs. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Cancellation Wizard object to ensure this error is not generated in this scenario. (Issue 24446

Aptify Desktop: Payment Types Filter Logic Is Not Respected On Some Forms Using Payment Info Control

Currently in Aptify 5.5.4, when an Aptify Desktop client user specifies an Organization on the Filters tab of a Payment Types record, that payment type should only be available for the employees of that organization for making payments, but this filtering logic is not respected on the following forms:

  • Standing Orders
  • Company Saved Payment Methods (SPMs)
  • Person Saved Payment Methods (SPMs)
  • Bulk Order Customer Payment sub type

Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Payment Information Control and Standing Orders Layout Controls objects to ensure that in these scenarios, the expected result is returned.

This issue applies only to the Aptify Desktop client.

The solution to this issue does not resolve payments made against Marketplace Listing in the scenario above. In this case, organizational filters may not be respected. This is a known issue set to be resolved in a future release of Aptify. Contact Aptify Technical Support for updates.

 (Issue 24557)

Aptify Web: Balance and Order Total Fields Show Incorrect Amounts When Meeting Product and Session with Price is Added

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when a user adds a Meeting product and a Session with Prices are added to a Meeting product, the Balance and Order Total fields show incorrect amounts. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Order Entry system to ensure that in this scenario, the correct amounts are displayed. (Issue 18895)

Aptify Web: Display Shipment Confirmation Message When Changing The Order Status To Shipped

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when an order's status is changed to Shipped, a message prompt does not appear asking whether all the items have been shipped, which is generated for the same action in the Aptify Desktop client. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the applications orders JavaScript file so that in this scenario, a confirmation message prompt displays. (Issue 19190/AW-46)

Aptify Web: Errors in Orders from Bulk Order Wizard When BypassCompanyFlowdown is Set to 1

Currently in the Aptify web interface, in environments where the BypassCompanyFlowdown attribute is set to 1 in the Orders entity, the following errors occur in individual orders resulting from running the Bulk Order wizard:

  • Bill To Company value flows down incorrectly
  • Order is identified as a Company order instead of an individual order

Aptify 5.5.5 updates four VB files, the Bulk Orders Generic Entity object, and the Bulk Order Process Component object to ensure that the orders are created correctly. (Issue 23927/AW-39)

Aptify Web: Exceptions are Logged for Bulk Order Wizard

Currently in the Aptify web interface, exceptions are logged for the Bulk Order wizard in the following scenarios:

  • When deleting a Product record in the Select Products page, exception is logged when No is clicked in the confirmation dialog box.
  • When adding a Meeting product in the Select Products page, exception is logged. This also occurs on the Bulk Orders form.

Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Framework Data Controls JavaScript file to ensure that in the above scenarios, exceptions are not logged. (Issue 23627/AW-57)

Aptify Web: GL Batch Wizard Contains All Order Records When Run From Form Tab in Persons Record

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when the GL Batch wizard is run from a Form tab in a Persons record, the wizard loads all of the qualified Orders records, when it should only load the Orders records linked to the Persons record. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Batch Wizard Process Flows object to ensure that in this scenario, only the expected Orders record are loaded. (Issue AW-306)

Aptify Web: Invoice Consolidation Wizard Validation, Multicurrency, and Display Errors

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there are issues with the Invoice Consolidation wizard, described below:

  • Validation error message is not issued when a user attempts to allocate an amount that is more than the credit amount available. In addition, the wizard allows the process to move to the next step.

    In the Desktop client, the wizard does not allow the process to move to the next step.

  • Wizard allows the process to proceed to the next step when a user attempts to try to allocate an amount greater than the order balance. However, a validation error message is issued.

    In the Desktop client, the wizard does not allow the process to move to the next step.

  • When a Person or Company has an order with two different currencies and a credit memo is available for only the one of the currencies, an incorrect validation message is issued. In addition, the wizard does not allow the process to move to the next step when a credit memo becomes available for the other currency. Also, the wizard is not processing in instances where there is a Person with an order with a balance in US currency, and for the same Person there is another order in another currency with a credit memo available for that currency.

    The user is able to move to the next step once a new credit memo is created for that currency.

  • Wizard permits the user to go back a step after the payment is created. The wizard should disable the back button. 
  • No orders are displayed on the Credit Order page when a user enters more orders for a Person or Company such that a second page of orders appears, selects the second page on the Select Credit page, returns to the first page of the wizard without making any changes, a new Person is entered with one page of orders, and the user resumes running the wizard.

Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Invoice Consolidation Process Component object to ensure that the wizard works as expected. (Issue 24031)

Aptify Web: Order Data Not Shown in Correct Columns in Exported Excel File

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when a user exports a view of orders to Excel, any blank fields in the view do not appear in the correct column in the exported Excel file. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript file to ensure that in this scenario, the fields in Excel exports of order data appear as expected. (Issue 23369)

Aptify Web: Order Line Price and Allow Override Not Working Correctly

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where the options that control a product price are not working correctly. For example, when a product has been configured in the Desktop client to use the Allow Price Selection option, the product price cannot be selected using the web interface. The same problem also applies to the use of the Allow Free and Allow Price Override options. Aptify 5.5.5 updates two JavaScript files to ensure that the options that control a product price work as expected.  (Issue 16042)

Aptify Web: Orderline Record Should Retain Badge Company Name and Badge Title

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when a user is placing a Meeting order for a member that does not have a company linked to their record, and when they enter a Badge Company Name or Badge Title and ship the order and reopen the order again, the Badge details are no longer in the Order. This issue can also be replicated with a person that has a company link. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript file to ensure that the Order record saves the Badge details as expected. This is supported for both taken and shipped orders. (Issue 23605)

Aptify Web: Payment Control is Disabled for Standing Order

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where the Payment control for a standing order is disabled when re-opening a record, when that record has no data in the Payment control in the Order Information tab, has been saved, and there was an attempt to fulfill the order, which fails (as it should). Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Applications Payment Information User Interface JavaScript file to ensure that in this scenario, the Payment control is not disabled. (Issue 20912/AW-53)

Aptify Web: Price Not Kept for Product When Set in AddProduct With UserPricingOverride

Currently in the Aptify web interface, when a user adds a Product to an Order, the ProductPrice endpoint is called to add the product to the Order and calculate the Price. Typically, the AddProduct method on the Orders Entity object is used to add the Product. There is an issue where when an override of AddProduct is created that sets the Price and the UserPricingOverride flag to true, the ProductPrice endpoint does not respect the Price set in AddProduct. When AddProduct overrides the Price and sets the UserPricingOverride flag to true on the OrderLine, the Price set in AddProduct should not be overwritten unless UserPricingOverride is set to true. Aptify 5.5.5 updates an object so that in this scenario, the product price is kept as expected. (Issue 24328)

Aptify Web: Product is Available On Bulk Orders Wizard and Form When Currently Sold Option is Cleared

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where Products that have the Currently Sold option cleared are available for selection in the Bulk Orders wizard and form. When a user selects one of these Products in the wizard, an error is thrown when the resulting Bulk Orders form is saved. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the bulk orders user interface JavaScript file to add a hidden filter to ensure that in this scenario, the Products that are not currently sold do not appear in the Bulk Orders wizard and forms.  (Issue 23782/AW-60)

Aptify Web: Related Products Not Displayed in the Orderline After Adding Associated Product

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when a user working on an orderline adds an associated product, a dialog box listing the related products does not display. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a JavaScript file to ensure that in this scenario, the dialog box listing the related products displays as expected. (Issue 16254)

Aptify Web: Selection Does Not Persist in Bulk Order Wizard When Using the Next and Back Buttons

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when running the Bulk Order wizard, if the user specifies the Order Type as Regular in the Select Order Details page, clicks Back to return to the Select Products page, and clicks Next to return to the Select Order Details page, the value in the Order Type field returns to the default value, Quotation. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the BulkOrderWizard.Welcome Page process flow and the Data Controls user interface framework JavaScript file. (Issue 23626/AW-56)

Aptify Web: Unable to Add Product on Order Line When Product ID is Less Than 10000

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when a user creates an order and adds a product with an ID greater than 10,000, the product does not get added to the orderline, and no exception is logged. This is due to the value set in the MaxProductCount attribute, which sets the number of product records that are returned in the web interface. This attribute has a default value of 10,000. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the applications products, application orders, and applications orders user interface JavaScript files to have the maximum product functionality poll the database to obtain the details for products with product IDs greater than the value in the attribute, and save the returned product data in the product information cache to enable these products to appear in the orderlines. In addition, some changes are made to address exceptions for kit type product validations. (Issue AW-55/23433)

Aptify Web: Unable to Set Quantity to 0 in Order

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue that occurs in environments in which an organization does not have any specific members, the quantity of the product cannot be set to 0. When a user attempts to modify the quantity of the product to 0, it changes back to 1. Aptify 5.5.5 updates an object to ensure that the quantity can be set to 0. (Issue 23147)

Autoship on Bulk Order Record Hangs Application After Saving

Currently in the Aptify web interface, when a user selects the Autoship option in a Bulk Orders record and attempts to save the record in Ready and Approved status, the record may not get saved and may cause the application to become unresponsive. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Aptify.Services.Framework.Utilities object to ensure that the record is saved as expected. (Issue 23655)

Batching Orders Locks Down the Tax Details on an Order

In Aptify 5.5.2, there is an issue where when a user opens a batched order, the tax details cannot be seen because the order is locked down. This issue occurs in the Aptify Desktop client and Aptify web interface. Aptify 5.5.5 updates Orders Entity object to ensure that in this scenario, the tax details for a batched order can be viewed as expected. (Issue 23444)

Bulk Order Wizard Runs When Order has no Product or Customer or Quantity of Product is 0


Currently in the Aptify web interface, there are two issues with using the Bulk Order wizard: 1) Wizard is able to proceed when no products are added or the product quantity is 0, and 2) Wizard is able to proceed when no customers are added. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Services Framework, Services Framework Utilities, Bulk Order Wizard, and Bulk Orders Generic Entity objects and the Wizards user interface Framework JavaScript file to provide validation messages for the wizard in both interfaces, and provide an error message for the Bulk Orders form. (Issue AW-115)

Cannot Cancel Multiple Meetings that have Meeting Conflict as Conflict Prohibited

In Aptify 5.5.1 and up, there is an issue where in an environment where an order with multiple meetings that all have the Meeting Conflict field set to Conflict Prohibited, and a user attempts to cancel some of the orderliness, the Object reference not set to an instance of an object (Order ID=9895) error is displayed and is unable to with the cancellation. When the Aptify web interface is used in this scenario, the user can proceed through the Cancellation wizard and finish the wizard, but a Cancellation order is not created, nor is an error is thrown. Aptify 5.5.5 updates an object to ensure that in this scenario, cancelling multiple meetings works as expected. (Issue 22612)

Cannot Use Shipment Type Plugin to Calculate Shipping Charge in Aptify Web

In Aptify 5.5.3 and up, there is an issue in the Aptify web interface for environments that use a shipment type plugin to calculate shipping charges, where shipping charges cannot be calculated when a user changes the shipping type for an order to a shipping type that uses the plugin. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Shipping Calculator object to ensure that in this scenario, the shipping charges can be calculated as expected. (Issue 23134)

Custom Plugin for Orders Entity Does Not Work

Currently in Aptify there is an issue in environments that use an Orders entity plugin to generate custom payment schedules, where the generated schedule subtype records are being cleared. This is due to some code that clears subtypes regardless of whether there are custom schedules. Aptify 5.5.5 updates an object to ensure that in this scenario, the Orders entity plugin generates custom payment schedule records as expected. (Issue 23245)

For Prompt View Bulk Order Wizard Not Working When Record not Selected

Currently in Aptify, when a user opens the Bulk Order wizard from a prompt view and does not select a record, the wizard does not add all the records to the bulk order as expected. Aptify 5.5.5 updates an object to ensure that all of the records in the prompt view are included in the Bulk Order, as expected. (Issue 24115)

Include All and Include From Prompt View not Working on Bulk Order Wizard

Currently in the Aptify web interface, when running the Bulk Order wizard, users are unable to include records from a prompt view. Aptify 5.5.5 updates two JavaScript files to ensure that running the Bulk Order wizard from a prompt view works as expected. (Issue 24155)

Order Cancellation Wizard Fails to Proceed After Selecting Order Line for Cancellation

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when a user selects an order line to cancel from the Order Cancellation wizard, the wizard does not run and an error is generated. Aptify 5.5.5 updates an object to ensure that in this scenario, the Order Cancellation wizard runs as expected. (Issue 23413)

PayPal Merchant Error: Given Key was not Present in Dictionary

Currently in Aptify, there is an issue where a PayPal error occurs because the expected key is not present in the dictionary. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Electronic Payment Verisign object to ensure that in this scenario, PayPal works as expected. (Issue 24258)

Public Class is Misspelled

Currently in Aptify, there is an issue where a Public Class in the Invoice Consolidation code is misspelled, where it appears as InvoiceConsolidationPaymentGenration, but should be InvoiceConsolidationPaymentGeneration. Aptify 5.5.5 updates a Visual Basic file to ensure that this Public Class is spelled correctly. (Issue 24838)

Reference Transaction: Number Gets Incorrectly Overwritten For Saved Payment Methods With Same Credit Card Number

In Aptify 5.5.4, there is an issue where when a Persons record has two different Saved Payment Method (SPM) records for same credit card number, but they are tied to different Credit Card Reference Transaction Payment types (which in turn are tied to different merchant accounts), and one of the SPM records is used to pay for an order, the new reference transaction number received from the merchant account is updated for both the SPM records. The reference transaction number (and reference transaction expiry date) should be updated only in the SPM record that is used to pay for the order. This issue is also seen in Company SPM records. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Payments object and modifies the SQL for two stored procedures to ensure that in this scenario, Person and Company SPM records are processes as expected. Aptify 5.5.5 also updates the Payments object by adding a parameter to a procedure to get a single record from payment methods and modified parameter data type. (Issue 23731)

Save for Future Use Option Does Not Appear After Upgrade

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where after upgrading to Aptify 5.5.3, the Save for Future Use option does not appear on the Orders form for payment types that have the Allow “Save for Future Use” option enabled. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Aptify.Applications.PaymentInformation.UI JavaScript file to ensure that the Save for Future Use option appears on the Order form as expected. (Issue 23938)

Shipping Charges are not Calculated After Editing Shipping Charges

Currently in the Aptify web interface, when a user creates a new order, adds a product with the Include In Shipping Calc option selected, clicks the shipping link, and edits the shipping charges, the shipping charges are not updated. Aptify 5.5.5 updates an object to ensure that in this scenario, the shipment charges are updated. (Issue AW-236)

Shipping Charges Recalculated on Original Order

In Aptify, when the Orders entity attribute, ShippedOrTaken, is set to 1, and a user partially ships an order that fulfills a backorder, the shipping cost on the original order is recalculated based on the partial shipment, when it should not. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Orders Entity and Order Controls objects and adds a new field to the Orders entity to ensure that in this scenario, the order is not saved and a validation message for the missing Ship To or Bill To person is issued. (Issue 22763)

Transaction ID Error Occurs When Saving Approved/Ready Bulk Order

Currently in Aptify, when a user attempts to save a Bulk Order record in Ready and Approved status, a Transaction ID error may occur. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Generic Entity object to ensure that the record is saved as expected.

If your environment includes large or complex queries, such as complex non-List views and approving large bulk orders, Aptify recommends that you consider increasing the value of the Query Timeout key in the SOA web.config file on the web server to ensure that these queries do not timeout before they have completed running. You can increase the value of the Query Timeout key by performing the procedure in the Administering Query Timeout Values topic.

(Issue 24117)

Unable to Save Order for Class Product


There is an issue in the Aptify Desktop client, where the solution to a previous issue with the Conflict wizard creating duplicate sub-types causes a user to be unable to save an order for a class product. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Generic Entity object to ensure that in this scenario, an order for a class product can be saved as expected. (Issue 24775)


The following issues are resolved in the Products system as part of Aptify 5.5.5.

Error While Creating Product Price of Base Price Type in Rule-Based Process Flow Code

In Aptify, there is an issue where when a user creates a product price of the Percent of Base price type in a rule-based process flow code, an error is logged. Aptify 5.5.5 updates an object by adding a condition that checks that ParentProductObject does not have a value set, to ensure that in this scenario, the creation of a product price in a rule-based process flow code works as expected. (Issue 22764)

Unable to See Added Filters in Filter Rules

Currently in Aptify there is an issue where when a user opens a product price Filter Rules record after the record was initially created and saved, the details for the record are not displayed. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the filter rules framework user interface JavaScript file to ensure that when a product price Filter Rules record is opened after it's initial creation, the details in the record display as expected. (Issue AW-93)

Subscriptions and Membership

The following issues are resolved in the Subscriptions and Membership system as part of Aptify 5.5.5.

Accounting User Does Not Have Subscription Fulfillment Permission

Currently in Aptify there is an issue where an accounting user account does not have fulfillment rights for subscriptions. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the spGetCurrentSubscriberListRefresh stored procedure to ensure that accounting users accounts can perform subscription fulfillment. (Issue 24356)

Subscription Renewal Wizard Memory Leak

Currently in Aptify, there is an issue where there is a memory leak in the Subscription Renewal wizard. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the Alerts, Event Fire, Check Inventory, Cancellation Wizard, Product Price, and Subscription Renewal objects to correct Singleton Classes usage for better usability and memory consumption. (Issue AW-109)

Survey Management

The following issues are resolved in the Survey Management application as part of Aptify 5.5.5.

Aptify Web: Missing Accordion and Other Elements in Surveys Panel View Form

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when a user opens the Surveys Panel View, the left hand side of the form is missing, resulting in the structure of the survey not being visible. Aptify 5.5.5 updates two CSS files to ensure that the Surveys Panel View is displayed as expected. (Issue 23271)

Resolved Issues (Add-On Applications)

The following new features for Aptify add-on applications have been included in Aptify 5.5.5:


  The following issues are resolved in the Advertising add-on application as part of Aptify 5.5.5.

The issues resolved in this section are only applicable for organizations that have the Advertising add-on application for Aptify 5.5.5. 

Education Management System

 The following issues are resolved in the Education Management System add-on application as part of Aptify 5.5.5.

The issues resolved in this section are only applicable for organizations that have the Education Management System add-on application for Aptify 5.5.5.  

Aptify Web: Class Schools List Not Filtered

Currently in the Aptify web interface, there is an issue where when a user is adding a class to an existing course, the list of schools includes all Companies, instead of just showing the schools that are specified for the course. Aptify 5.5.5 updates the setup program with a new function to ensure that in this scenario, the list of schools is filtered as expected. (Issue 19409/AW-49)

Class Registration Date Completed Not Auto-Populated When Close Meeting Wizard is Run

In Aptify 5.5.1 and up, there is an issue where when a user runs the Close Meeting wizard, class registration dates completed cannot be automatically populated with the end date of the meeting. The date completed should be populated once the Close Meeting wizard Status for Attendees is changed to Attended/Attended (no credit) or Passed for the class registration record. Aptify 5.5.5 updates an object file to ensure that in this scenario, the data completed automatically populates as expected. (Issue 23846)


The following issues are resolved in the Fundraising Management add-on application as part of Aptify 5.5.5.

The issues resolved in this section are only applicable for organizations that have the Fundraising Management add-on application for Aptify 5.5.5.  

Cancelled Pledges Do Not Calculate Taxes Correctly

 In Aptify 5.5.1 and up, there is an issue where in an environment where pledges are taxed, the tax calculation is incorrect when a pledge is canceled, and as a result, the correct amount is not credited for the cancelled pledge. Aptify 5.5.5 updates an object to ensure that the correct amount is credited when a taxed pledge is canceled. (Issue 22616)

Resolved Issues (e-Business Support)

The following issues that support Aptify e-Business are included in Aptify 5.5.5:

Password Not Hashed on View Object Record

In Aptify e-Business 5.5.2 with Aptify 5.5.2 and up, there is an issue where the password for a web user is sometimes shown in the Record History’s Object Viewer as an unecrypted value. Aptify updates the Object Viewer and Generic Entity objects to ensure that the password for a web user is hashed as expected. (Issue 23439)

Non-Generated Database Object Table Changes

Below is a list of non-generated Database Objects that have been modified due to changes made with the release of Aptify 5.5.5. If your organization has modified objects from any of the database objects below while retaining the name of the original database object, additional modification will be necessary to integrate any changes made with upgrading to Aptify 5.5.5.

Note to Developers

If your organization has directly altered any of the objects below, those alterations will be overwritten when the core object is replaced during the upgrade process. If a modification to the functionality of a core database object is required, a copy of the core object should be created with a unique name. The modified functionality may then be implemented in the copied object. Again, the existing object itself should not be modified; developers should create a copy of the object using a different name if different functionality is required. See Best Practices When Developing for Aptify for more details. 

Database Object Name


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