Installing the Aptify 6.2

Installing the Aptify 6.2

Errors When Running the Aptify 6.2 Setup

If you experience a problem installing Aptify 6.2, see Troubleshooting Aptify 6.2 Installation Problems for more information. 

The following instructions provide a step-by-step guide for the installation of Aptify 6.2 to a system that already has one of the following versions of Aptify installed:

  • Aptify 6.1
  • Aptify 6.0
  • Aptify 5.5.6
  • Aptify 5.5.5
  • Aptify 5.5.4
  • Aptify 5.5.3
  • Aptify 5.5.2

Your server must be running Aptify 5.5.2 or above, prior to installing the Aptify 6.2 update. There is currently NO direct path to update from Aptify 5.5.1 and below versions to Aptify 6.2. Any system running these earlier versions will first be required to update to Aptify 5.5.2 prior to applying Aptify 6.2 update. See Installing the Aptify 5.5.2 Update.

Important Pre-Installation Considerations

  • Review Troubleshooting Aptify 6.2 Installation Problems prior to installing Aptify 6.2. before proceeding with the installation. This guide provides information on issues that you may encounter running the Aptify 6.2 or Aptify Web 6.2 setup. If you know, for example, that you have a required field on the Person entity that does not have a default value, this will need to be resolved prior to installation to be successful for Aptify 6.2.
  • Review the upgrade instructions given here on Troubleshooting Aptify 6.2 post installation errors. This guide will provide instructions to follow when you encounter an issue post the installation. 
  • Installing Aptify 6.2 on the Aptify sample data set takes approximately three hours. Depending on the size of your database, the installation process may take up to six hours.

  • This installation can only be applied to a server running Aptify 5.5.2. If your server is running an earlier version, you must upgrade to Aptify 5.5.2 first before applying this version.
  • For best results, Aptify recommends that an organization install service packs, add-on applications, and new versions in the order in which they are released.

Important Post-Installation Considerations

  • If you are running one or more instances of an Aptify application server, you will need to run the Object Repository Synchronizer utility to update the application server's Program Files folder so it has the latest Aptify objects. The Object Repository Synchronizer is included in the service pack's Utilities folder. See Configuring Multiple Instances of the Aptify Asynchronous Processor for more information about running more than one instance of the Application Server.

  • Please refer the post Installation Upgrade Instructions for setting the App setting entries, troubleshooting post installation errors, etc. See Troubleshooting Aptify 6.2 post installation errors.
  • If you are running eBusiness Classic with Aptify 6.2, download the EBusinessShoppingCart assembly of version from Object Repository and paste it in e-Business Classic bin. See Downloading an Object or Object Package Using the Dashboard for more information.
  • Aptify Web now calls the Views service on every page change in the entity list view.  Customers with view that load slowly will now see this slowness on every page change.  It is recommended that these views be optimized using SSMS (or another query optimizer tool) when upgrading to improve the performance of the view SQL.
  • Run the U.S. zip code update utility on your Aptify server. See Running the Update Utility for U.S. ZIP Codes.
  • Check in the API bin folder for the ConfigManifestForm.dll file. If the file is available, delete it. This file may exist on systems that have gone through a major version upgrade. This file is not required by Aptify SOA or Aptify Web – it should be removed from the AptifyServicesAPI bin folder if it exists since it will force your app pool to run in 32-bit mode (without this file, your AptifyServicesAPI app pool can run in 64-bit mode).

  • If using Crystal Reports, verify that the correct versions of Crystal Reports have been installed. See Verifying the Installed Version of Crystal Reports for more information. If the incorrect version is installed, see Installing the Installing the Provided Version of Crystal Reports for more information. 

  • If using SSRS Reports, verify that the SSRS setup is installed and configured. See Installing Aptify SSRS Reports Setupfor more information. SSRS setup is by default installed with 6.1 upgrade installation. If a Client on 6.1 wants to upgrade to 6.2 and configure SSRS , then reset the attribute "InstallSSRS" to True in Setup.Exe.Config file, before starting the 6.2 installation. By default this attribute is set to False and will not reinstall SSRS since it is already installed and configured with 6.1 installation.

    Set the attribute as following in Setup.Exe.Config if SSRS need to be installed new during 6.2 installations

    <add key="InstallSSRS" value="True" />

  • Aptify recommends that you consider enabling SQL Server snapshot isolation. Review the information in Enabling SQL Server Snapshot Isolation to determine whether enabling this function would improve your Aptify environment, and if needed, perform the steps to enable the function.
  • If you have an Aptify Mobile Point of Sales installation, you will need to run the Object Repository Synchronizer utility to update the Aptify SOA bin folder so it has the latest Aptify objects. The Object Repository Synchronizer is included in the service pack's Utilities folder. Follow the object synchronization instructions in Step Four: Configuring Mobile Point of Sale Post-Installation to update the bin.
  • If you are planning on installing the Aptify 6.2 Web interface, you must first install Aptify 6.2 database updates. See Implementing the Aptify Web Interface for more details on installing the web interface.

  • Under AptifyServicesAPI > In web.config. There is a setting: <add key="Aptify.Services.Csrf.DisableWarning" value="false"/>

    With this default setting to false, the user will be intimated by a warning message in the Event viewer about CSRF protection is disabled. This warning will appear for every Web service call. In case, if the user wants to disable this warning message, please go ahead and change the setting value to "true" to disable the warnings in Event Viewer.

    You also need to restart the IIS for changes to reflect.

  • New attribute support in Aptify 'Shell.exe.config' and 'web.config' was added to restrict FlowdownCompanyOrderDefaultPerson to Orders object by default for e-Business 6.0.

    • When the attribute is been set to "false", Order placed through will not set to ‘BillToID’ or ‘ShipToID’ based on the company default order person.

    • Attribute Aptify.Applications.OrdersEntity.FlowdownCompanyOrderDefaultPerson should be set to "true" for products other than e-Business 6.0, so for Company only order a specified person to flow down.

  • With Aptify 6.2 release, there are major version upgrades done for jQuery, Kendo UI, and .Net Framework (from 4.5 to 4.8). Please refer to the link to get more information on the updated Aptify utilities, Application Server, GDPR, Integration setups, and support software.


    Do not run Object Synchronizer on e-Business SOA bin.

  • For Configuring Wootric, please follow the steps given below:

    • Under Aptify > In Web.config.

    • Find "connect-src" under this setting (<add name="Content-Security-Policy" value="default-src).

    • And add these URLs after "connect-src": https://eligibility.wootric.com https://production.wootric.com https://wootric-eligibility.herokuapp.com

      Add these URLs with a space gap between them.

    • Go to Under Aptify > Script > Aptify.Wootric.js.
    • Open this and edit the values for your Wootric account.
      It will look similar as shown in the image.
    • You can set this value (window.wootric_survey_immediately = true;) to False if you don't want the survey to pop-up immediately (Recommended for the production environment).

If you run into any errors, post Installation, please refer the directions available here for troubleshooting the problem.

Installation Procedures

Perform the following procedures to install Aptify 6.2:

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