Form Template Part Bindings

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Form Template Part Bindings


Form Template Bindings can be used to perform a limited set of common form automation such as enabling/disabling/showing/hiding a part or tab, updating a value (in recent builds), or changing a cssClass/style (in recent builds). These actions are triggered by changes of values in the record the form is working with.


Environment and Setup Limitations

  • Form Template Bindings only work in vNext
  • They can only be configured in the rich client
  • Configuration requires navigating the Form Template metadata to find the appropriate Form Template Parts record


Form Template Binding Cheat Sheet

  1. Open the Form Template Part of the item that will be affected
  2. On the Bindings tab, add a new Bindings record
    1. Type = Standard (the other option may not be implemented)
    2. Property = appropriate action. Select from the list below. You may need to type this depending on the version of Aptify. The list of options is:
      • Enabled [1 = enabled, 0 = disabled]
      • Value [value gets entered into the control which pushes it to the underlying field]
      • Visible [1 = visible, 0 = hidden]
      • Tab.Enabled [only works on tabs]
      • Tab.Visible [only works on tabs]
      • cssClass [value becomes the name of the cssClass for the control]
      • style: [value becomes the style of the control]
    3. On Value = value to apply when the filter rule is true.
    4. Off Value = value to apply when the filter rule is false. Typically the opposite of On Value.
  3. On the Bindings record’s Filter Rules tab, add a new Filter Rule
    1. Type = Form Template Part Binding
  4. On the Filter Rules record’s Filter Rule Items tab, add a new Filter Rule Item
    1. Entity Instance Entity = Name of the Entity that the form is working with
    2. Entity Instance = Form Template GE
    3. Field = Name of a field on the record that the value to test is pulled from
    4. Operator = What kind of test is performed on the value pulled from the field
    5. Value = What the value pulled from the field is compared to
  5. Repeat step 4 as many times as necessary to get all the required filters for the rule
  6.  If necessary, adjust the logic of the Filter Rule created in step 3


Text Based Example

End Result: The Birthday textbox on the Persons form should be hidden for non-members, and shown otherwise.


Binding (step 2)

Result: The Form Template Bart (eg. Birthday textbox) will be hidden if the Filter Rule is True

Type = Standard

Property = Visible

On Value = 0

Off Value = 1


Filter Rule Item (step 4)

Result: Returns True if the Person is a non-member

Entity Instance Entity = Persons

Entity Instance = Form Template GE

Field = MemberTypeID

Operator = =

Value = 2


Filter Rule (step 3)

Result: Return True if the one Filter Rule Item is True

Name = Persons Form.Use Birthday Field

Type = Form Template Binding

Logic String Generated = checked

Logic String = 1

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