Form Template Part Bindings
Form Template Bindings can be used to perform a limited set of common form automation such as enabling/disabling/showing/hiding a part or tab, updating a value (in recent builds), or changing a cssClass/style (in recent builds). These actions are triggered by changes of values in the record the form is working with.
Environment and Setup Limitations
- Form Template Bindings only work in vNext
- They can only be configured in the rich client
- Configuration requires navigating the Form Template metadata to find the appropriate Form Template Parts record
Form Template Binding Cheat Sheet
- Open the Form Template Part of the item that will be affected
- On the Bindings tab, add a new Bindings record
- Type = Standard (the other option may not be implemented)
- Property = appropriate action. Select from the list below. You may need to type this depending on the version of Aptify. The list of options is:
- Enabled [1 = enabled, 0 = disabled]
- Value [value gets entered into the control which pushes it to the underlying field]
- Visible [1 = visible, 0 = hidden]
- Tab.Enabled [only works on tabs]
- Tab.Visible [only works on tabs]
- cssClass [value becomes the name of the cssClass for the control]
- style: [value becomes the style of the control]
- On Value = value to apply when the filter rule is true.
- Off Value = value to apply when the filter rule is false. Typically the opposite of On Value.
- On the Bindings record’s Filter Rules tab, add a new Filter Rule
- Type = Form Template Part Binding
- On the Filter Rules record’s Filter Rule Items tab, add a new Filter Rule Item
- Entity Instance Entity = Name of the Entity that the form is working with
- Entity Instance = Form Template GE
- Field = Name of a field on the record that the value to test is pulled from
- Operator = What kind of test is performed on the value pulled from the field
- Value = What the value pulled from the field is compared to
- Repeat step 4 as many times as necessary to get all the required filters for the rule
- If necessary, adjust the logic of the Filter Rule created in step 3
Text Based Example
End Result: The Birthday textbox on the Persons form should be hidden for non-members, and shown otherwise.
Binding (step 2)
Result: The Form Template Bart (eg. Birthday textbox) will be hidden if the Filter Rule is True
Type = Standard
Property = Visible
On Value = 0
Off Value = 1
Filter Rule Item (step 4)
Result: Returns True if the Person is a non-member
Entity Instance Entity = Persons
Entity Instance = Form Template GE
Field = MemberTypeID
Operator = =
Value = 2
Filter Rule (step 3)
Result: Return True if the one Filter Rule Item is True
Name = Persons Form.Use Birthday Field
Type = Form Template Binding
Logic String Generated = checked
Logic String = 1
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