Creating Venues for Meetings
Creating Venues for Meetings
Venues records contain information about sites where meetings are held. Multiple meeting room configurations can be based on a single venue, as there might be more than one events (with different configurations) held in that space through the year.
Venues records are also used to store information about expositions including floor plan configurations. The same Venues record can be used for both the Meeting Management and Expo Management applications. See Creating Venues for Expos for more information about using Venue records in conjunction with the Aptify's Expo Management module.
Follow the steps below to create a new Venues record:
- Open a new record from the Venues service found under the Meeting Management application.
- Alternatively, you can open new Venues records from the Expo Management application.
- Alternatively, you can open new Venues records from the Expo Management application.
- Enter the name for the venue in the Name field.
- If this venue is part of a larger venue, enter the name of that parent venue in the Parent field.
- If this venue is part of a larger venue, enter the name of that parent venue in the Parent field.
- Specify the venue's location in the address fields.
- If desired, specify directions for locating the venue in the Directions field.
- Enter the name of the company that sponsors the venue and the primary contact person in the Vendor and Vendor Contact fields.
- For venues associated with meeting room, only information on the General tab is required. See Creating Venues for Expos for more information about using Venue records in conjunction with the Aptify's Expo Management module.
- Save and close the Venues record.
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