About the Dashboard Selection Methodology

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About the Dashboard Selection Methodology

An application may have multiple dashboards associated with it that a particular user can access. When a user selects an application in Aptify, the system uses the following methodology to determine which dashboard to display:

  • If the user has previously specified a default dashboard for this application, the system displays that dashboard. See Specifying a Default Dashboard for information on how a user selects a default dashboard.
  • If there is no default dashboard for a particular user and application, the system selects a User-scope dashboard first (if one exists for the current user). If a User-scope dashboard does not exist, the system selects a Group-scope dashboard. If neither a User or Group dashboard exists, then the system selects the Global-scope dashboard.
    • Note that dashboard selection purposes, a user is associated with only one group (his/her Primary Group). A user is assigned a Primary Group in the Users record.
    • If the system identifies multiple dashboards with the same scope, the system uses the record with the lowest rank.
    • If the system identifies multiple dashboards with the same scope and the same rank, the system display the dashboard whose record has the lowest ID.
  • Even if the system does not display a dashboard by default, a user can still switch to that dashboard (assuming it is available to the user). Also, a user can specify any of his/her available dashboards as the default dashboard for a particular application. See Switching Dashboards for details.

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