About the KPI Formulas Form

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About the KPI Formulas Form

The KPI Formula form identifies the DBObject or plugin that collects the desired information about the KPI from the database.

KPI Formulas Form


Attach any documents relevant to this KPI formula on the Attachments tab.


Batch Size

Enter the number of records that will be processed together when the CES plan is run. Entering '0' in this field will result in all records being processed in one batch.

DB Object Name

Identifies the name of the associated database object, if DBObject is selected as the type for this KPI formula. The field name links to the record for the associated database object. The default database objects are:

  • spAverageRevenueToOrgLast2Years
  • spGetTotalEventsAttendedLast3Years
  • spGetTotalCommitteesServedOnLast3Yearscore


Lists the description of this KPI formula.

Formula Assembly

Identifies the name of the assembly for the KPI formula, if Plugin is selected as the type for this KPI formula.

Formula Class

Identifies the name of the class for the KPI formula, if Plugin is selected as the type for this KPI formula.

Formula Object

Identifies the name of the plug-in for the KPI formula, if Plugin is selected as the type for this KPI formula.


Lists the name of this KPI formula.


Identifies the owner of this KPI formula. The field name links to the associated employees record.


Indicates the status of the formula. This is an informative field and does not have any effect. The valid values are:

  • Active
  • Inactive


Identifies the type of KPI formula. The value values are:

  • DBObject
  • Plugin

Whether DBObject creates KPI Results?

Enable this option to have the database object create the KPI results. Clear this option to have the results calculated by the CES plan.

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