About the Aptify GL Interface Points

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About the Aptify GL Interface Points

The following table summarizes the areas within Aptify that link to General Ledger (GL) accounts:

Aptify Service


Implementation Considerations

Product Categories

Allows user to create a template for product GL Account assignments. The general ledger accounts assigned to the Product Category will default to new products assigned to that category.

Financial reporting requirements should be evaluated early in the implementation cycle. The financial reporting requirements will help to determine how the Product Categories and Products should be used and configured.


Aptify provides functionality that allows a user to define unique general ledger account for each Product.

Any Products created under that Product Category inherit the general ledger accounts assigned at the Product Category level. This default should be changed in instances where an organization requires a unique account in the general ledger for the financial activity related to the product.

Payment Types

Payment Types are used when processing customer payments in Aptify. Users are able to define the general ledger account that will be debited when a payment is processed using a specific payment type.

An organization should establish the types and form of payments currently accepted, and the related asset accounts to be debited in connection with receipt of each of these payment types. This is a critical in that it could impact an organization's ability to perform bank reconciliation at the end of the month.

GL Payment Levels

Payment Levels allow the cash receipt to be placed into multiple GL accounts for the same payment type.

Organizations will typically want to create a one-to-one relationship between Payment Types and General Ledger Accounts. However there are instance such as the receipt of an Intra-Company Payment, or a Non-Accounts Receivable Cash Receipt, where Payment Levels could be utilized.

GL Order Levels

Order Levels allow for the use of multiple sets of GL Accounts for each product depending on the order. Order Levels allows the user to "override" the default GL Accounts.

Determine whether any of the following exist for the organization:

  • Inter-Company Sales
  • Single Products that require multi-account reporting.
  • International Sales that may require isolation for financial reporting and currency translation.

Service Charges

Service Charges allows users to automatically record the expense and liability related to Credit Card processing fees.

Calculation of Credit Card service fees must be determined; specifically whether the fees are calculated and deducted by the Credit Card company, or if the organization is required to calculate/track the related charges and remit a periodic payment.

Shipment Types

Shipment Types allows users to automatically record the income or expense related to product shipments.

The organization must determine whether shipping charges are applied to orders, as well as who pays the shipping charge – the organization or the customer.

Sales Tax Rates

An organization can assign the GL accounts used to record sales tax liabilities to tax jurisdictions.

The organization must determine the set of tax jurisdictions on whose behalf tax must be collected, as well as the applicable rates within each jurisdiction.


Allows user to specify a discount GL account on a per Campaign basis. Then, orders that use that company record the discount amount against the GL account defined at the campaign level.

Financial reporting requirements should be evaluated early in the implementation cycle. The financial reporting requirements will help to determine if an organization needs to track discounts at the Campaign level.


Aptify provides functionality to define GL accounts for specific organizations for accounts not defined at the product level. Also, a user can define GL accounts to track Due To/Due From liabilities in multi-entity accounting scenarios.

For installations that support multiple organizations simultaneously, an implementation team needs to plan and configure the system's Organizations, GL Accounts, and inter-organization strategy prior to go-live.

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