About the Grants Form

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About the Grants Form

This service stores information about grants made by the organization to grantees.

Grants Form

Top Panel

Grant Name

The name of the grant.

Manager (Required)

The employee who oversees the grant. This field links to the Employees service.

Currency Type (Required)

The Currency Type field indicates the currency type for which the grant is based. This field links to the Currency Types service.

Parent Grant

Specifies the parent grant if this grant is a subsidiary of a larger grant. This field links to another record in the Grants service.

Approval Status (Required)

Specifies the grant's current status. Standard options include:

  • Awaiting Funds: The Grant is waiting for funding.
  • Awaiting Funds/Due Diligence Begun: The Grant is waiting for funding and due diligence has already started for the grant.
  • In Progress: The Grant is currently in progress.
  • Paid/Payments: Payments have been made towards the Grant.
  • Closed: The Grant has been closed and is no longer Active.
  • Cancelled: The Grant has been cancelled and is no longer Active.

Aptify automatically updates the status as the grant moves through its phases (for example, when a due diligence record is added, the status changes from Awaiting Funds to Awaiting Funds/Due Diligence Begun). You can also manually update the status as needed.

Note that saving a grant with a status of Closed or Cancelled locks down the field and prevents further updates.

Attachments Tab

This tab stores any files relevant to this record.

Balance Tab

Total Donations Received

Specifies the amount of cash pledges received that is being used to fund this grant. Note that a user manually enters the donation amount in this field.

Total DAF Allocations Received (read-only)

Specifies the total amount from all Donor Advised Fund Allocations that are linked to this Grants record. See Allocating Money from Donor Advised Funds for information on how to link a Donor Advised Fund Allocation to a Grant.

Subtotal (Cash Value) (read-only)

The sum of the Total Donations Received and the Total DAF Allocations Received fields

Total Pledged

Specifies the amount of outstanding pledges that have been committed to by donors but have not yet paid. Note that a user manually enters the donation amount in this field.

Total (Gross Value) (read-only)

The sum of the Subtotal (Cash Value) and the Total Pledged fields.

Total Fees

The total fees that apply to this grant.

Deduct Fees? (Required)

When checked, specifies that fees should be deducted from the grant's available balance.

Fee Details

Displays information about the fees for this grant.

Grant Agreement Amount

The grant's total funding available to the grantee. This is the amount specified in the Grant Agreement with the grantee. Typically, this is the Total (Gross Value) minus fees, if applicable.

Total Estimated Payments (read-only)

The sum of the pending Grant Disbursements for this grant (that is, disbursements with a Status of Pending or Request Payment Approval).

Total Completed Payments (read-only)

The sum of the approved Grant -Disbursements for this grant (that is, disbursements with a Status of Approved, Notify Bookkeeper or Paid).

Current Balance (read-only)

The Subtotal (Cash Value) minus Total Fees (if Deduct Fees? is checked) minus Total Completed Payments.

Cancellation Tab

Cancellation Reason

If the Approval Status is set to Cancelled, this field specifies the reason for the grant's cancellation.

Comments Tab

This tab stores any additional information concerning this record.

Disbursements Tab

This tab stores links between Grant Reports and Grant Payments. See About the Grant Report Payment Links Form.

Due Diligence Tab

This tab stores information about the due diligence steps taken prior to approving this grant. See About the Grant Due Diligence Form.

General Tab

Grant Record Started

The date the grant record was created. This field defaults to the current date for new records.

Grant Completed

The date the grant was marked as Closed or Cancelled.

Organization Grantee (Required)

Specifies if the grantee is an organization as opposed to an individual.

Grantee Company

The organization/company receiving the grant. This field links to the Companies service.

Grantee Direct Contact

The grant's direct contact at the company (if Organization Grantee is checked). For a grant to an individual, this field identifies the person receiving the grant. This field links to the Persons service.

Grantee Secondary Contact

For a grant to an individual (if Organization Grantee is not checked), this field identifies a secondary contract for the grantee. This field links to the Persons service.

Grantee Executive Director

Executive director for the grantee company (if Organization Grantee is checked). This field links to the Persons service.

Modifying the Caption for the Grantee Secondary/Grantee Executive Director Field

If the grantee is a company (the Organization Grantee option is selected), the Grantee Executive Director field is available to identify the executive director for the grantee company. If a user clears the Organization Grantee option, the Grantee Executive Director field is relabeled as the Grantee Secondary Contact field to identify the secondary contact for the grantee.

Due to the two possible meanings for this field, Aptify has implemented the following solution to update the caption of the Grantee Executive Director/Grantee Secondary Contact, depending on whether the grantee is a company or an individual:

  • If you want to change the caption of the field when the grantee is a company (Grantee Executive Director label), modify the caption using the standard Visual Designer steps. See the "Copying and Modifying an Existing Form Template for more information on how to use the Visual Designer.
  • If you want to change the caption of the field when the grantee is an individual (Grantee Secondary Contact label), modify the Local String of the Grantee Secondary Contact Culture Strings record to the appropriate label. See Working with Culture Strings for more information about modifying with culture strings.


Grantee Finance Director

Finance director for the grantee company (if Organization Grantee is checked). This field links to the Persons service.

Grantee Board Chair

Chair person of the board that oversees the grantee. This field links to the Persons service.

Multiple Donors (Required)

Specifies if multiple donors are providing funds for this grant.

Donor Main Contact

The main contact for the grant's donor(s). This field links to the Persons service.

Donor Secondary Contact

A secondary contact for the grant's donor. This field links to the Persons service. This field is only available if Multiple Donors is not checked.

Donor Credit

The person, company, or organization credited for sponsoring this grant.

Date Agreement Received

The date the grant agreement was received.

Agreement Location (Required)

The grant agreement's location: Electronic or Hard Copy.

Grant Agreement Tab

Approval Status (Required)

The current status of the grant agreement. Standard options include No Agreement, Agreement Ready, Approval Needed, and Approved and Sent.

Request Grant Agreement Approval

This option does not drive system functionality by default but is provided to be used in conjunction with Aptify's Process Pipeline technology to automate processes related to grant management. See Managing Process Pipelines for more information.

Send Agreement

This option does not drive system functionality by default but is provided to be used in conjunction with Aptify's Process Pipeline technology to automate processes related to grant management. See Managing Process Pipelines for more information.

Date Sent

Date the grant agreement was sent.

Date Received

Date the grant agreement was received.

Notification Tab

The fields on this tab are for tracking purposes only and do not drive standard system functionality. These fields are provided to be used in conjunction with Aptify's Process Pipeline technology to automate processes related to Grants. See Managing Process Pipelines for more information.

Payments Tab

This tab displays the list of Grant Disbursements linked to this grant. See About the Grant Disbursements Form.

Purpose Tab

Purpose Type (Required)

The grant's purpose. Standard options include General Charitable Operations, Specific Project or Program, and Subgrantee(s).

Proposal Location (Required)

The location of the grant proposal. Standard options include Electronic and Hard Copy.

Country (Required)

Specifies where the grantee is located or where the grantee will conduct the grant's project. This field links to the Countries service and most be filled in to save the record. This field becomes read-only after saving the Grants record.

Field Of Service

Identifies the organization's area of interest that this grant addresses.

Purpose Detail

Summarizes the purpose of this grant as outlined in the proposal.


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