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About the Grant Due Diligence Form

This sub-type entity stores information about the due diligence steps taken to confirm that a grantee is suitable for a particular grant. These records can be opened or created only from a Grants record's Due Diligence tab.

Due Diligence Form

Comments Tab

This tab stores any additional information concerning this record.

General Tab


The due diligence step performed for this grant. This field links to the Due Diligence Steps service.


The location of the supporting materials related to this due diligence step. The standard options are blank (i.e., not received yet), Electronic, and Hard Copy.

Status (Required)

The due diligence step's current status. The standard options are Awaiting, Received, and Approved.

Date Approved

Specifies the date that the grantee passed this step in the review process, if applicable.

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