About the UI Parts Form
This service stores User Interface parts, which store HTML, JavaScript, CSS and other UI elements used to display forms, dashboards, and other features in Aptify's browser-based interface. The UI Parts service can be used to get these components via AJAX. This web form was added for the web interface in Aptify 5.5.1 and updated in Aptify 5.5.2.
Aptify 5.5.1 UI Parts Form | Aptify 5.5.2 and up UI Parts Form |
Attachments Tab
The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the UI Parts record. The tab becomes available when the record is initially saved.
General Tab
The name of the UI Part. If the part is generated (that is, generated by one of Aptify's Metadata Generators) the part is named based on the type of element that is generated. For example, if it is a form template, the ID of the Form Templates is followed by the UI Part Type. For example, Form Template ID:12345 Form Template UI Part CSS.
Part Type
The type of UI element, as defined by the UI Part Types service. The default options are Container, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and JSON.
A description of the UI parts. If the part is generated (that is, generated by one of Aptify's Metadata Generators) the description is based of the type of element that is generated.
When selected the UI Part was generated by one of Aptify's Metadata Generators. When cleared, the record was created manually.
Key Value
Reserved for future use.
Text (Aptify 5.5.1 Only)
Depending on the on the type of UI part, defines the metadata for the part. For example, if this is a HTML part, the HTML syntax for the part if defined in this field. If this is a CSS part, the CSS syntax is populated in this field.
This field is in the General tab of this record only in Aptify 5.5.1. In Aptify 5.5.2, this field was changed into the Text tab.
Part Links Tab
If this UI part is related to any other part, those parts are listed on the Part Links tab of UI Parts records. UI parts that are containers, are used to contain multiple UI Parts under a single UI Parts record. For example, a form template will link to one UI Part that is a Container for HTML, CSS and JavaScript UI Parts, all which will be listed on the container part's Part Links tab.
Text Tab (Aptify 5.5.2 and up)
Depending on the on the type of UI part, defines the metadata for the part. For example, if this is a HTML part, the HTML syntax for the part if defined in this field. If this is a CSS part, the CSS syntax is populated in this field.
In Aptify 5.5.1, this tab was a field in the General tab of this record. In Aptify 5.5.2, the Text field was changed into a tab.
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