Uninstalling the Aptify Database Server
Uninstalling the Aptify Database Server
Follow these steps to remove the Aptify database server components from a server.
- Click Start > Control Panel to open the Windows Control Panel.
- Double-click Add or Remove Programs (Windows 2003) or Programs and Features (Windows 2008) to open the Add or Remove Programs dialog.
- Select Aptify 5.5 from the list of installed programs and click Remove.
- The Uninstall wizard launches automatically.
- The Uninstall wizard launches automatically.
- When prompted, click Yes to confirm that you want to remove the program from your computer.
- When prompted that the uninstall is complete, click Finish to close the window.
- Close the Add or Remove Programs window.
- If still present on the computer, delete the Aptify folder (typically, C:\Program Files\Aptify 5.0 unless you installed the client on the server and specified a different location for the install files) to complete the uninstall process.
- Click Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2008 > SQL Server Management Studio to open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
- Enter login credentials for a system administrator account when prompted to connect to the server.
- Delete the APTIFY database from the SQL server.
- Expand the tree within the Object Explorer to open the appropriate SQL server.
- Expand that server's Databases folder.
- Right-click the APTIFY database and select Delete from the pop-up menu.
- Delete any SQL Server logins that are no longer required.
- Deleting the Aptify database does not delete the SQL Server Login for any user you created using Aptify.
- Before deleting a Login, confirm that the login is not currently being used by another database on the SQL server.
- Follow these steps:
- In the tree, expand the Security > Logins menu item for the SQL server.
- Select the user login that you want to delete and press the Delete key.
- Click OK to delete the login.
- Close Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
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