Using the Aptify Messenger

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Using the Aptify Messenger

Starting in Aptify 5.5.3, the Aptify web interface provides the ability to chat with other Aptify users that are currently on-line. 

Clicking the Messenger button in the Aptify web interface toolbar opens the Aptify Messenger window.

Aptify Messenger Window

The Aptify Messenger window is made up of three fields. You can use the first field to enter a note about what you are doing today, which will be added to the information about you in the user listings seen by other viewers. You can use the second field to search for an on-line Aptify user. The third field lists the users that are currently logged into the Aptify environment.

Clicking the listing for a user launches an instant messaging session with that user. 

Aptify Message Session Window

The Aptify Messaging session window works like other instant messaging applications, with information about the other user, a field to view the conversation, and a field to write and edit your text. Other features of note include the following:

  • Add User button (upper-right corner): Click this to add additional active Aptify users to your instant messaging session.
  • Text formatting tools (on the left between text fields): These are standard text formatting tools that you can use to modify the appearance of your messages before you send them.
  • Video Call button: Click this to request a video call session with the other user. Both users must have video cameras for a Video Call session to open, and the other user must agree to start the Video Call session. 
  • Send Opened Tab button: Click this to select a currently open tab in your Aptify web interface to send to the other user.

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About the Messenger button


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