Using Spaces in the Web Interface
Spaces is Aptify’s rendering of today’s social streaming tools. Most people are familiar with applications like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Yammer. These technologies provide users with a “feed” of information based on preferences.
Traditionally, a user has needed to look for information by actively navigating through a dashboard, via records, and by using normal search tools to find the information they need. This requires proactive searching, navigation, and the creation of views on the part of the user. In contrast, Spaces enables a user to receive relevant information via a feed and includes a number of more powerful features. In addition to functioning as a newsfeed, Spaces provides users with the capability to perform actual work without having to leave this area of the application.
Some of the functions available via Spaces include:
- News feed updates with the capability to link content directly to related records, including Persons and Companies.
- Commenting on specific actions with links to related records, including Tasks, Contact Logs, and Topics.
- Comments in-line as part of an existing thread, including hyperlinking, attachments, and images.
The following topics further discuss the Spaces feature:
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