About the Commission Agreement Detail Tiers Form
The user can edit tiers that display in the Commission Agreement Details record, whether they are created individually or whether they are inherited from a Commission Rate Scales record.
Range From
The Range From field is the lower end of the rate scale range. The lower range value is not included in the range. Note that each tier is expressed in the currency type of the Commission Agreement.
Range To
The Range To field is the upper end of the rate scale range. The upper range value is included in the range. Note that each tier is expressed in the currency type of the Commission Agreement.
Override Range Scale
The Override Range Scale option only displays on an established Commission Agreement Detail Tiers record. To allow editing of the Range From and Range To fields in an established Commission Agreement Detail Tiers record, select the Override Range Scale option. To lock the range fields and make them read-only, clear the option.
Commission Rate
The Commission Rate field holds the commission percentage of the tier. The user can edit this field if the Override Rate Scale option is selected. Using a whole number to indicate the percentage, enter the commission percent for this tier.
If the Use Absolute Amount option is selected, enter an amount to grant as a commission amount instead of a percentage to multiply against the amount for that tier.
Use Absolute Amount
The user can select the Use Absolute Amount field if the Override Rate Scale option is selected. Instead of granting a percentage on a certain tier, a business may wish to reward a sale representative by granting a base number instead of a percentage. Once the Use Absolute Amount option is selected, edit the Commission Rate field to represent the amount to grant as a commission for achieving the specified tier instead of a percentage of the sales on that tier.
Override Rate Scale
The Override Rate Scale option allows the user to override either a preexisting rate on a tier of a Rate Scale record or change the rate from a percentage to an absolute value. An absolute value rate grants a base number for achieving the tier instead of a percentage of the sales on that tier.
The Comments field contains any additional details relevant to the Commission Agreement Detail Tiers record.
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