About the Commission Payments Form
Commission Payments records can be created manually from the Commission Payments service or through the Commission Payment wizard. The Commission Payment wizard generates a Commission Payments record with all the data filled in while manually creating a Commission Payments record is generally for making adjustments.
Top Panel
Name (Required)
The name of the payment includes the name of the sales representative or company and the date period. The Name field is populated from the name generated from the payment wizard. To rename the Commission Payments record, select the text in the field and modify it as necessary.
Payee Information
Type (Required)
The type of the payee information can be either Payroll, Person or Company. The type flows down from the type used in the Commission Payment wizard.
The field label varies depending on the type of payee listed in the Type field. This field is populated from the name generated during the Commission Payment wizard process.
Commission Payment Totals
The Commission Payments Totals section on the Commission Payment record contains read-only fields that list the total commissions, the total adjustments and the total commission payment. The data listed in these fields are calculated during the Commission Payment wizard process and are listed here for review.
Attachments Tab
The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the Commission Payments record.
Comments Tab
The Comments tab contains any comments relevant to the Commission Payments record.
Details Tab
The Details tab breaks down the commission payment on three different levels. It shows the tiers used to calculate the commission, the details of the commission (including the spot rate used to calculate the commission when applicable), and any adjustments made to the commission amount.
Adjustments Sub-Tab
The Adjustments sub-tab lists adjustment records that are added to adjust the commission payment. The total amount of all the adjustments in the sub-tab appear in the Commission Payment Total section on the Commission Payments record.
If an adjustment needs to be made to the commission payment, create a new adjustment record by clicking on the New Adjustment Record button.
Source Details Sub-Tab
The Source Details sub-tab shows the details of each business transaction that make up the commissions for the specified time period.
- Double-clicking a Source ID cell opens the corresponding Orders record for review.
- Selecting a Details cell opens the corresponding Commission Payment Source Details record for review.
Tier Calculations Sub-Tab
The Tier Calculations sub-tab displays the Agreement ID record, the time period for the commission, the tier, range, base amount and rates for the commission, and the actual amount paid on that tier.
Selecting the Agreement ID cell opens the Commission Agreement record used for the commission. The user can review the agreement information directly from the payment record without having to search for the specific agreement record.
General Tab
For Commission Period
The For Commission Period section of the tab lists the date range for the commission payment. These fields flow down from the dates entered during the Commission Payment wizard process and they define the time period for the commission payment. The date fields are read-only if the payment is generated with the wizard.
From (Required)
The From field represents the beginning date the commission payment uses to group the business transactions.
To (Required)
To field represents the end date the commission payment uses to group the business transactions.
Status Information
The Status Information section of the tab shows the status of the commission payment, whether it has been paid or not, and the date it was paid. When the Commission Payment record is created in the wizard, the commission is labeled as unpaid until the payment information is approved by a qualified user. All the fields in this section are updatable until the payment has been approved.
Status (Required)
The Status field defaults to "Unpaid" and changes to "Paid" when the Payment record is approved. It can also be updated manually.
Approved By
The Approved By field lists the user who "approves" the Commission Payment. It populates automatically with your Employees record when you approve a payment. It can also be updated manually.
Date Approved
The Date Approved field populates with the date the Approve Payment process is run.
Effective Date
The Effective Date is the date the commission payment becomes a liability to the Payee. The Effective Date field populates with the date entered during the Commission Payment wizard process. This date can be changed as necessary until the payment is marked approved.
Approve Payment Button
The Approve Payment button changes the status of the Commission Payment record from unpaid to paid, inserts your Employees record in the Approved By field, inserts the current date in the Date Approved field, and locks down all the fields on the General tab.
Paid Date
The Paid Date field populates with the date entered during the Commission Payment wizard process. This date can be manually changed at any time until the payment has been marked approved.
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