Understanding Order Entry

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Understanding Order Entry

Designed to be flexible enough to handle the most complex product and pricing requirements, the Aptify Order Entry system is capable of meeting the needs of almost any organization's order entry and Customer/Member service requirements. The Aptify Order Entry system allows organizations to process any type of transaction within one module. With Aptify, a single order can combine many different types of transactions. For instance, a service representative could process a new membership, register that individual for a meeting, and sell a book all in one transaction with one invoice.
Using Aptify, all income-generating items are classified as products, including booth space at expos, meeting registrations, and membership dues. Aptify has developed a sophisticated method of tracking the extended information associated with these complex transactions within the Product service as well as the Order Entry system. Unlike some generic products that encourage workarounds to handle these types of transactions through a centralized Order Entry system, the Aptify Order Entry system was designed with all of the transactions in mind.
The Aptify Order Entry system provides full-feature order and payment processing. The Order Entry system has the following features and capabilities:

  • Orders can be placed for multiple and diverse products on the same invoice.
  • The Orders and Payments records automatically pull in address information from customer records for both shipping and billing addresses, which saves order processing time.
  • Pricing information is automatically pulled from a Products record. Each product can be configured to have any number of pricing options, which can be associated with different marketing campaigns and member/customer types. The Order Entry system has logic that automatically selects the best price each customer or member is eligible for and also allows for price overrides with appropriate permissions.
  • The Order Entry system automatically creates back orders for products that are not -currently in stock. The shipping status for regular and back-ordered items is maintained separately so that partial orders can be shipped and invoiced.
  • Income from certain items, such as membership dues and subscription orders, is earned over time and therefore should not be entirely recognized at the time of the order. To accommodate this, Aptify has a deferred income option that can automatically generate scheduled transactions over a given time period to recognize the income as it is earned.

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