About Order Entry Forms

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About Order Entry Forms

This topic provides field-by-field information on every form used in the Aptify Order Entry application. The topic included here are intended for use as a reference for the various fields on any Orders or Payments form. The forms are in alphabetical order. Within each form, tabs are also addressed in alphabetical order.

Note that the fields marked as required in this topic are required at the entity level. In some cases, a required field may already have a default value so a user does not need to specify a value for these fields before saving the record. You can review the list of fields required at the entity level through the Desktop client by opening the appropriate Service Properties dialog (by right-clicking the service in the Navigation Bar and selecting Properties) and clicking the Fields tab.

The following forms are documented under this topic:

The following services appear in the Order Entry application but are described in other topics. Refer to the locations specified below for information on the following services:

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