Ordering Meetings and Sessions
In Aptify, meeting sessions are tracked and ordered separately from the main meeting. If you add a meeting that has related sessions to an order, Aptify displays a dialog that allows the order taker to select all or some of the sessions related to that meeting. However, if you want to bundle a meeting together with one or more sessions so that the related sessions are automatically added to the order, you can create one or more Product Groupings of the meeting and its related session. When an order entry clerk adds the product grouping to an order, the related sessions are added automatically to the order as separate order lines, bypassing the dialog. Once added, an order entry clerk can also remove/add sessions as necessary.
See Creating Kit Products and Product Groupings for information on creating product groupings.
Note that related sessions can appear automatically on an e-Business website when a customer/member registers for a meeting on-line.
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