About the Subscription Fulfillments Form

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About the Subscription Fulfillments Form

The Subscription Fulfillments record is used to create a recipient list for a particular issue and generate distribution information. Also, each time a subscription is fulfilled, an issue is deducted from the remaining number of issues in the subscription.

Subscription Fulfillments Form

Top Panel


TheĀ ProductĀ field contains the name of the subscription product that is being fulfilled. This field links to the Products service.


TheĀ NameĀ field is for the name of the fulfillment run. Generally a subscription fulfillment name should indicate which issue or time period the fulfillment covers.

Distribution Date

The distribution date is the date the subscription product is sent to the customers either via mail, fax, or email.

Date Prepared

The date prepared is the date the fulfillment list is prepared.


A volume number indicates which volume of the subscription is fulfilled in this record.


An issue number indicates which issue of the volume of the subscription is fulfilled in this record.

Attachments Tab

TheĀ AttachmentsĀ tab lists any files relevant to the Subscription Fulfillment record.

Comments Tab

TheĀ CommentsĀ tab contains any comments relevant to the Subscription Fulfillment record.

Output Tab

Email Button

TheĀ EmailĀ button option is only available if the distribution type defined on the Products record is for email. From the generated list of subscription recipients for the fulfillment period or volume/issue, the output format is a list of recipient's names and their corresponding email addresses. The output text file can be named and stored in the location as indicated in the field next to theĀ EmailĀ button.

Fax Button

TheĀ FaxĀ button option is only available if the distribution type defined on the Products record is for a fax. From the generated list of subscription recipients for the fulfillment period or volume/issue, the output format is a list of recipient's names and their corresponding fax numbers. The output text file can be named and stored in the location as indicated in the field next to theĀ FaxĀ button.

Mailing Labels Button

The Mailing Labels option is only available if the distribution type defined on the Products record is a hard shipment. From the generated list of subscribers for the fulfillment period or volume/issue, clicking this button opens the Report wizard. A user then selects a mailing label report to print labels for the recipients.

Copy To Clipboard Button

Click this button to copy email addresses or fax numbers (depending on the subscription's Distribution Type) to the Windows clipboard so the data can be pasted into another file.

Recipients Tab

Use Subscription End Dates

TheĀ Use Subscription End DatesĀ option creates a fulfillment list based on the end date on the subscription product. As long as the fulfillment date is before the End Date on the customer's subscription, regardless of the issues they have received, the volume/issue listed on the fulfillment record is sent to the subscriber. If this option is used, it is possible to resend the same volume/issue to the recipient.

Use Vol and Issue Number

TheĀ Use Vol and Issue NumberĀ option creates a fulfillment list based on the subscribers who have not received the volume and issue as listed in theĀ VolumeĀ andĀ IssueĀ fields on the Subscription Fulfillment record. This option will add individuals to the recipient list if the number of issues they have received to date is less than the number of issues in the subscription product. Thus, a fulfillment can be run several times in a month for the same volume and issue, but only the subscribers who have not had that volume and issue fulfilled will be included on the fulfillment list.

Person:Ā The name of the recipient.If you configured the subscription product to allow a Grace Period, select theĀ Use Volume and Issue NumberĀ option when creating Subscription Fulfillments. The Grace Period functionality is not supported by the Use Subscription End Dates option. SeeĀ Adding a Subscription Grace PeriodĀ for information on specifying a Grace Period.

Create List Button

TheĀ Create ListĀ button generates the list of subscribers to include in the fulfillment based on the subscription end dates or the volume and issue numbers.

Recipient List

The following information appears for each line of the recipient list:

  • Company:Ā The recipient's company.
  • Distributed By:Ā The subscription's distribution type.
  • Start Date:Ā The subscription's start date.
  • End Date:Ā The subscription's current end date.
  • Sent:Ā The number of issues in the subscription that have been sent to the recipient to date.
  • Left:Ā The number of issues remaining in the subscription.
  • Bulk:Ā The number of copies of the issue sent to the recipient.

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