About the Campaigns Form
Campaigns records contain information about individual marketing campaigns. They indicate which products are part of the campaign and any special discounts offered. If a campaign is indicated during the order entry process, any special prices or discounts for products listed in the campaign are offered to the customer. Campaigns can be linked to tasks and may include a list of prospect persons and companies.
Top Panel
Name (required)
The name of the campaign.
If this campaign is part of a larger campaign, the name of the parent campaign appears in this field.
The Description field contains a brief description of the campaign.
Start Date
The Start Date is the date the campaign begins and the discounts are in effect. The default date is the current date.
End Date
The End Date is the date the campaign ends and the discounts are no longer offered.
Type (required)
The type of campaign is entered in the Type field. This field links to the Campaign Types service.
The Status field indicates whether the campaign is in the planning stage, in-progress, canceled, or completed. Campaign pricing is only available when the Status is set to InProgress.
Coordinator (required)
Name of the person coordinating the campaign. This field links to the Employees service.
The name of a Meeting associated with the campaign. This field links to the Meetings service.
Invitation Required
If this box is checked, only customer/members who will be invited to participate in the campaign should qualify for campaign pricing. Note that this field is for informational purposes only. By default, a campaign discount can be applied to an order for any customer who provides a valid -campaign reference.
Activity Forecast Tab
This tab displays information about the marketing activities related to the campaign. See About the Activity Forecast Form.
Attachments Tab
The Attachments tab stores any files relevant to the Campaigns record.
Costs Tab
This tab displays information about the expected costs associated with this campaign. See About the Campaign Costs Form.
Discounts Tab
This tab lists the discounts applied to products or product categories for this campaign.
Product Categories Sub-Tab
The Campaign Product Categories sub-tab displays the product categories that are included in this particular campaign. From this sub-tab, product categories are added to the campaign. Each product category in the campaign can have one discount per member type per currency type.
Products Sub-Tab
The Campaign Products sub-tab displays the products that are included in this particular campaign. From this sub-tab, products are added to the campaign. Each product in the campaign can have one discount per member type per currency type.
Documents Tab
This tab lists the Campaign Documents associated with this campaign.
GL Accounts Tab
This tab lists the GL Accounts displays all GL Account records associated with this campaign. See About the GL Accounts Form for Campaigns.
Objective Tab
This tab displays the objective of the campaign.
Orders Tab
This tab displays the orders linked to this campaign.
Prospect List Tab
Lists all prospects stored as Campaign List Detail records for the campaign. See About the Campaign List Detail Form.
Segments Tab
The Segments tab lists all Campaign Segments defined for this campaign.
Sub-Campaigns Tab
If this campaign is a parent for other campaigns, these child campaigns appear on this tab.
Tasks Tab
The Tasks tab lists all Tasks associated with this campaign. This tab has two sub-tabs: List and Calendar. The List sub-tab displays a hierarchical list view of all tasks linked to the current campaign. For each task on the list, you can expand the view hierarchy to display any sub-tasks for that task.
The Calendar sub-tab displays the tasks on a month view calendar based on the task's Date Assigned and Due Date.
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