Adding Course Parts to Classes
Adding Course Parts to Classes
The Parts tab of the Classes record lists the course parts that make up the class, including lessons, quizzes, and labs. Each Classes record can have multiple course parts associated with it. By default, a Class inherits all of the Class Parts specified at the corresponding Courses record when you save the Classes record for the first time, but you can also modify the Parts as needed. Follow these steps to add or modify Course Part information for Classes.
These instructions assume that you have already created the Classes record to which you want to link a Course Part. See Creating a Class Type Class or Creating a Meeting Type Class for instructions
- In the Classes service of the Education application, open the Classes record to which you want to add or edit one or more Course Parts.
- If the Course to which the Class is linked has one or more Course Parts associated with it, these Course Parts should have flowed down to the Class automatically when the Classes record was created.
- If the Course to which the Class is linked has one or more Course Parts associated with it, these Course Parts should have flowed down to the Class automatically when the Classes record was created.
- Click the Parts tab and review the set of existing Course Parts linked to it.
- Add additional Course Parts to the class as necessary.
- Click the New icon in the toolbar to open a new Parts record.
- In the Course Part field, enter the name of the part. This field links to the Course Parts service.
- By default, the Require Prior Parts Complete option is selected. You can clear this option, if appropriate.
- For Aptify LMS, this option specifies that a student needs to complete the prior Course Parts linked to the same course before he or she can access this part's content online. When this option is selected, a student taking a course online will not be able to access this part's content (that is, the hyperlink to the content is disabled) until the prior parts have been completed.
- For Aptify LMS, this option specifies that a student needs to complete the prior Course Parts linked to the same course before he or she can access this part's content online. When this option is selected, a student taking a course online will not be able to access this part's content (that is, the hyperlink to the content is disabled) until the prior parts have been completed.
- In the Start Date and End Date fields, specify the starting and ending dates for this part.
- If left blank, the Course Part content will be available online to students for as long as the class is available (based on the class's end date and the dates specified in the Class Registrations record), and prior parts have been completed (if the Require Prior Parts Complete option is selected).
- If Start Date and End Date are specified, the Course Part hyperlink to the online content will only be available to students for the date range specified (typically, the Start and End Dates will be less than or equal to the class's Start Date and End Date). Note that prior parts must be completed before the hyperlink is available (if the Require Prior Parts Complete option is selected).
- If a student accesses the Class page on an e-Business site before the part's Start Date or after the End Date, the hyperlink for that part is not available.
- In the Comments field, enter any relevant comments.
- Click OK to save and close the form.
- Modify any existing parts as necessary to specify starting and ending dates for the part, comments, or to modify the Require Prior Parts Complete setting.
- Double-click a row to open its corresponding Parts record.
- When specified, the values in the Start Date and End Date fields indicate when the Course Part's hyperlink is active on the e-Business site. The part's online content can only be accessed if today's date falls in the range specified. Note that if the StartDate and EndDate fields are left blank, the part's hyperlink is always available (assuming that the class is available for the student and that the previous parts have been completed.
- Organize the Course Parts within the Parts grid so that they appear in the order in which you want them to be appear to the student online.
- Save and close the Classes record.
, multiple selections available,
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