Creating Commission Plan Item Records

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Creating Commission Plan Item Records

Commission Plan Items contains all the products or product categories evaluated in a Commission Plan. All Commission Plan Item records entered in a particular Commission Plan define which Commission Base Formula calculates the commission for the individual products or inclusive product categories over a specific period of time.

  1. From the Commission Plan Items tab on the Commission Plan record, open a new Commission Plan Items record.
  2. If not automatically populated, enter the Commission Plan.
  3. In the Name field, enter a plan item name that describes the commissioned product.
  4. In the Type field of the Product/Product Category Information section of the record, select Product to create a Commission Plan Item for a product or select Product Category to create a Commission Plan Item for a product category.
  5. Depending on the Product Type selected in the previous step, use the Find feature to select the name of the Product or Product Category that the commission calculates.
    • If you selected the Product Category type, you can check the Apply to Sub Categories box to apply the commission plan to the products in any subcategory of the specified category.

  6. In the Base Calculation Specifications section, enter a Base Formula that was defined during the setup process in. See Creating a Commission Base Formula for more information on base formulas.
    • Only the base formulas related to the Commission Source selected on the General tab of the Commission Plan record are available.

  7. In the Commission Period field, select the time period from the list to determine which items are included in the commission calculation.
      • Monthly
      • Weekly**
      • Per Order
      • Quarterly
      • Semi-Monthly
      • Bi-Weekly**
      • Annually

    **The weekly and bi-weekly Commission Periods require a date to indicate which day of the week the commission period will begin. The weekly or bi-weekly ending date indicates that the commission period begins the next day.

  8. Enter any comments in the Comments field as necessary.

  9. Click Save to finish creating the Commission Plan Items record.
  10. Repeat steps 1 through 9 for each item (product or product category) a commission is calculated.

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