Managing Commission Payments Records

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Managing Commission Payments Records

This topic addressed methods of managing the Commission Payment records, and contains the following sub-topics:

The Commission Payments records, which are typically generated by the Commission Payment wizard, reflect the commission payments for one or more sales representatives to a Company, Person or Payroll. The payment records contain all the details used to calculate the commission payment and are an excellent source for viewing all the information about the commission. Once the commission payment details have been reviewed, the commission is ready for approval by an authorized user. The Commissions module does not validate the approving person to make sure they are authorized (this is done through the permissions settings), but it does require the name of the person who approves the commission payment to be included on the Commission Payment record.

The top level of the record includes the name of the commission payment (generated from the Wizard), the type of the payee, and the name of the payee. Commission payment totals are listed on the upper right of the Commission Payment record; the totals include total commission amounts, total adjustment amounts and the total commission payment amount. The time period the commissions were calculated and the status of the payment (whether it has been paid or unpaid) are listed on the General tab of the record.

Commission Payments Record
Commission Payments records can also be created through the Commission Payments service. However, the only option available when creating manual Commission Payments records is to create an adjustment through the Commission Payment Details record.

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