Removing an Application

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Removing an Application

This topic describes how to remove an application from a user's profile.

Perform the following steps to remove an application to your profile using the Desktop client:

  1. Open the Application dialog using one of the following methods:
    • Click the Aptify button and select Applications from the pop-up menu.
    • From the Navigation Bar, right-click the Home heading and select Applications from the pop-up menu.
    • From the Folder List, right-click the Home heading and select Applications from the pop-up menu.

    • The Applications dialog appears. This dialog contains two columns:
      • The left-hand column lists the applications that are available to the user but are not currently in the user's profile.
      • The right-hand column lists the applications that are currently in the profile.

  2. In the right-hand column, locate the Application that you want to remove.
    • You can perform a keyboard search to find a particular application. To do so, select the column in the right-hand window and type the first characters in the name of the application you are searching for. When a match exists, the selection will change to that row.
    • If you cannot read an Application's name, widen the Name column by dragging the line between Name and Description in the header.

  3. Select the application and click the double left arrow (<<). The application moves to the available applications list.

    Remove Selected Application
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 as necessary until all desired applications have been removed from the installed list.
    • You can also move more than one application at a time by holding down the CTRL or SHIFT key when selecting multiple applications.

      Remove Multiple Applications

  5. Click OK to close the Applications dialog box.
    • The removed applications no longer appear in the Folder List or Aptify menu.

    See Using the Application Context Menu for information on the options that are available when right-clicking an Application in the Navigation Bar and Folder List.

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