Creating a Substitute Class

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Creating a Substitute Class

If desired, you can track acceptable substitute classes and courses as separate records in Aptify. Follow these steps to add a substitute class to Aptify:

  1. Open a new record from the Classes service.
  2. Enter an identifying Class Number for this course.
    • Generally an organization uses a class number to identify each class of the same course. Aptify recommends that the class number you enter indicates that this is a substitute class.

  3. Select or enter the Course.
    • Enter the course for which this class is a substitute.

  4. Select a Product for the class (or create a new product, if necessary).
    • This field is not applicable to substitute classes that are given outside of the organization but it is a required field to save a Classes record.

  5. In the Type field, select one of the following options: Classroom, At Work, Independent Study, or Internet to describe the class setting for the substitute class.
  6. On the General tab, select or enter the School that is offering this substitute class.
  7. Enter or select the name of the Instructor of the substitute class.
  8. Click the Substitute tab.
  9. Select the Substitute Class box.
  10. Enter the substitute course that this class is related to in the Substitute Course field.
    • This assumes that you are tracking substitute courses as Courses records.

  11. Enter the Start and End Dates for this substitute class.

    Classes Record's -Substitute Tab
  12. Save and close the Classes record.

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