About the Advertising Contracts Form

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About the Advertising Contracts Form

The Advertising Contracts record maintains information about contracts (such as rate cards, sales representatives, and orders) that advertisers are negotiating or have signed.

Advertising Contracts Record

Top Panel

Name (required)

The Name field is for uniquely naming the advertising contract.

Advertiser (required)

The Advertiser field contains the name of the company contracting to advertise in one or more publications. Use the Find feature to select a company or click the Advertiser link to create a new Companies record for the advertiser.

Advertiser Contact (required)

Enter the name of a contact person from the advertising company. Use the Find feature to select a contact or click the Advertiser Contact link to create a new Persons record for the advertiser contact.


If the contracting company is using an advertising agency to negotiate the contract or handle its advertising campaigns, use the Agency and Agency Contact fields in addition to the Advertiser and Advertiser Contact fields. The Agency company is also the company who is billed for the insertion order. Enter the name of the agency assigned to the contract. Use the Find feature to select an agency or click the Agency link to create a new Companies record for the agency.

Agency Contact

Enter the name of a contact person from the agency. Use the Find feature to select an agency contact or click the Agency Contact link to create a new Persons record for the agency contact.

# of Insertions (read-only)

The number of approved Advertising Insertion Orders records listed on the Insertion Order tab of the Advertising Contracts record displays in this field. Saving the Advertising Contracts record updates the number of approved insertions.

Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the Advertising Contracts record.

Comments Tab

The Comments tab contains any comments relevant to the Advertising Contracts record.

General Tab

Date Applied

Enter the date when negotiations began for the advertising contract. The current date is the default.

Date Accepted

The date accepted is the date when the advertising contract is signed.

Start Date (required)

The start date identifies the beginning date for the advertising contract.

End Date (required)

The end date identifies the end date for the advertising contract.


The status of the contract can be either Proposed, Active, Completed, On Hold, or Cancelled. Proposed is the default. When a contract record is saved with a status other than Proposed, the Advertiser, and Agency fields are disabled and cannot be modified. By changing the status back to "Proposed" the advertiser and agency fields can be modified.
This field does not prevent the creation of an insertion order from this contract.

IO Rate Card Amt (read-only)

This field displays the Insertion Order Rate Card Amount, which is the total of the rate card amounts from insertion orders associated with this advertising contract.
All insertion orders that are associated with this advertising contract are listed in the Advertising Contracts record on the Insertion Orders tab.

IO Actual Amt (read-only)

The Insertion Order Actual Amount is the total amount that the advertiser is actually paying for all insertion orders tied to the advertising contract. The total is the rate card amount for insertion orders related to the advertising contract, minus any rate card discounts.

Short Rate Penalty %

If an advertiser commits to an advertising contract but does not fulfill the contract, the advertiser may be required to pay a short rate penalty. Enter the penalty percentage here: enter 10 to indicate 10%.


An advertiser may commit to 12 advertisements, one in each issue of a monthly product for one year. By committing to a large number of advertisements, the advertiser gets a discount. If the advertiser only follows through with buying 6 of those advertisements, a Short Rate penalty percentage may apply. The penalty is intended to recover the amount of the discount that was not "earned," and to discourage advertisers from overestimating the number of advertisements they will buy.

Calculating the Short Rate is a report-driven function. Run a report at the end of the year to see which advertisers did not fulfill their contracts, then apply the short rate penalties as agreed to and send out the bills.

Discount IO Rate Card Amt (read-only)

The Discount Insertion Order Rate Card Amount is the total amount of discounts from the rate cards for insertion orders associated with this advertising contract.

Insertion Orders Tab

The Insertion Orders tab becomes available after the Advertising Contracts record is saved for the first time. Select a radio button to view insertion orders associated with the advertising contract. They are sorted into five categories: Quote, Approved, Cancelled, Verbal, and All. The default is All.

Publications Tab

Each Advertising Contract must contain one or more advertising products. The Publications tab contains the Publications records that identify the advertising rate card and frequency for each specific advertising product.

Sales Reps Tab

The Sales Reps tab tracks all sales representatives who work on the advertising contract. The primary sales rep and associated split percentage fields must be populated on the sub-tab.

Primary Sales Rep (required)

The primary sales representative is the sales representative who is the lead sales representative for the contract. Use the Find feature to select a primary sales representative or click the Primary Sales Rep link to create a new Persons record. The primary sales representative listed at the contract level will also be the primary sales representative initially on any insertion order for the contract.

Split Percentage (required)

The split percentage is the percent commission the primary sales representative earns on the advertising contract. For example, if this representative receives half of the commissions related to this contract, enter 50. The default percentage is 100.
Other sales representatives can be added to the sub-tab and will flow down to each insertion order created under the specific advertising contract.

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