Registering Groups for a Meeting in Aptify e-Business
When a Company Administrator views a Meeting Information page, an additional button labeled Register Group appears at the bottom of the screen, as shown below.
Here is how a Company Administrator registers multiple people from his/her company for the same meeting:
- The Company Administrator browses to the Meeting Information page for a particular meeting.
- If the meeting includes one or more sessions, the administrator checks the box next to each applicable session to include it in the registration.
- All selected sessions will be added to the cart for all of the selected registrants. The administrator can remove sessions for particular individuals as needed from the shopping cart.
- All selected sessions will be added to the cart for all of the selected registrants. The administrator can remove sessions for particular individuals as needed from the shopping cart.
- The administrator clicks the Register Group button.
- The administrator selects the people at his/her company to register for the meeting.
- The grid only shows people who are not currently registered for the meeting.
- The number of spaces available for the meeting is shows above the grid. If the number of registrations exceeds the available number of spaces, one or more of the selected registrants will be put on the wait list.
- For each registrant, the administrator can set the person's badge information by clicking the Preview/Edit link.
- After identifying the registrants, the administrator clicks the Register button to proceed to the View Cart page. From the cart, the administrator can remove any sessions for particular individuals.
- The administrator completes the checkout process to process the registrations.
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