About the CM Tool Unpacker Interface

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About the CM Tool Unpacker Interface

CM Tool First Release

This is first official release of the Aptify Configuration Migration (CM) Tool. If you have any questions or problems using the tool please contact Aptify Technical Support. Your feedback is appreciated!

When the user selects the Open Configuration for Unpacking option and successfully logs in, the Configuration Management (CM) Tool Unpacker form is displayed.

Unpacker Form

The functionality in this form can be broken down into the following sections:

Configuration Information Section

Configuration Information Section

In the Configuration Information section, the configuration migration version and database server details are displayed. The pack name and pack path details are also listed.


The name of the destination server. This field is populated based on the information specified at login.


The version of the Aptify destination database. This field is populated based the information specified at login.

Config Migration Version

The version of the Configuration Migration Tool installed on the destination server.

Pack Name

The name of the pack to be unpacked on the destination server. This field is blank when the Packer interface is first opened. This field is auto-populated as you type in the name of the pack in the Folder Selection.  

Pack Path

The location of the pack to be unpacked. This field is auto-populated as you type in the name of the pack in the Folder Selection. 

Folder Selection Section

In the CM Tool Unpacker form Folder Selection section, the user needs to select the pack path and based database paths. This section contains the following fields:

Pack Path

The data path where the data is packed within a specific folder structure, as shown in the Packing tree. See the Tree View Section for more information. Once the user specifies the pack path, the Tree View section is loaded with the list of entities or metadata to be unpacked. If the user selects a root directory that contains multiple packs, and clicks enter or tab, a pop-up window displays listing all the available packs in that directory, and the user can select one for unpacking.

Base Database

The name of the base database, usually APTIFY.

Upgrade Existing

Selecting this option upgrades the destination Aptify database.

Upgrade Existing Records

Check this option if you want to update existing records.

Remove joined fields from entity, if joined entity is missing

Check this option if you do not want to unpack joined fields if the entity in which those fields are from are not present in the pack or on the destination server.

Remove calculated fields from base view, if required metadata is missing

Check this open if you don't want to unpack calculated fields that do not have the required metadata in the pack or on the destination server.


Validation Summary Tab

The CM Tool Unpacker form Validation Summary tab contains a list of rules that validate unpacker settings, and provides the ability to validate the data loaded from the pack folder before going for unpacking. Clicking the Validate button starts the validation process. Aptify recommends running the validation before performing the unpacking action.

This tab also provides the ability to define new validation rules based on user requirements. See Understanding the CM Tool Validation Rules for more information.

Unpack Log Tab

The Configuration Management (CM) Tool Unpacker form Unpack Log tab displays details about the internal processes that are executing while the packed data is being unpacked. The unpack log can be used to track the items that have been unpacked and to troubleshoot any unpacking problems.

Unpack Log Tab 

  • Details on any exceptions that occur while unpacking data are displayed in red.
  • During the unpacking action, the unpacking processing details are automatically saved in text format in the pack directory
  • After the unpacking action is completed, the unpack log is saved as UnpackLog.rtf in the pack directory, and the text format log is deleted.
  • If a user interrupts the unpacking action before it is completed, the unpack log remains in the text format.
  • Separate log files are created for each run of the unpacking tool.

Set Default Value Tab

Entity Mapping

Pre/Post Scripts

On the Pre/Post Scripts tab, you can run scripts before and after unpacking.

Tree View Section

In the Tree View section, the Pack Node is displayed as the Root Node in a tree. This name is replaced with your pack name.

  • Entities folder contains the list of entities that are selected from the Entities tab.
  • Metadata folder contains the list of metadata with their records that are selected from the Metadata tab.
  • Common folder contain a list of metadata that is common among the entities and metadata.
  • The Tree View section also contains Search field that can be used to search for any entity or metadata within tree.

In the CM Tool Unpacker Form Tree View, the entities or users or groups that are already present on the destination Aptify database are indicated with a check to the right of the check box, as shown below.


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