Canceling a Subscription or Membership Dues Order

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Canceling a Subscription or Membership Dues Order

If a customer wants to cancel a subscription or membership and receive a refund or credit for the remainder of the subscription that has not yet been fulfilled, an organization can create a cancellation order, either manually or using the Order Cancellation wizard. This is the same process for canceling any other type of shipped order in Aptify.

See Cancelling a Shipped Order for instructions.

However, when canceling a subscription or dues order, keep the following points in mind:

  • If one or more issues of the subscription have already been fulfilled, you may need to create a partial cancellation (and a partial refund). To accomplish this, enter any partial term amount as a decimal value. To calculate this value, divide the number of issues being canceled by the total number of issues purchased for that term. For example, to cancel six issues of a 12-issue subscription, enter -.5.  To cancel five issues of a 12-issue subscription, enter -.4167.
    • For a manual order cancellation, you enter the quantity to cancel as a negative decimal value.
    • If using the Order Cancellation wizard, you can enter the quantity to cancel as a fraction or as a decimal (you also do not need to specify the negative sign).
    • See Best Practices for Partial Subscriptions for additional information on calculating a partial cancellation decimal amount.

  • If canceling a bulk subscription (where two or more copies of each issue are sent to the recipient), all copies of a bulk subscription must be canceled at one time, regardless of whether the cancellation is performed manually or using the Order Cancellation Wwzard. To reduce the number of copies in a bulk subscription, cancel the original bulk subscription entirely and then create a new subscription for the desired number of subscription copies.
  • If canceling a membership dues order, remember to modify the person's or company's membership type, membership status, and termination date on the appropriate Persons or Companies record to reflect this cancellation.
    • Aptify automatically updates the existing Termination Date for Persons linked to a specified Company when that Company's Termination Date is modified.

  • If canceling a subscription that has a corresponding Standing Order for auto-renewal -purposes, Aptify automatically changes the Standing Order's Status to Inactive to prevent future automatic fulfillments.
  • Since subscriptions and dues involve deferred income, when you create a cancellation order for all or part a subscription order, Aptify automatically generates a Scheduled Transaction Group when the cancellation order ships. When the group is expanded, each cancellation Scheduled Transactions record offsets a corresponding Scheduled Transactions record created for the initial subscription order.
    • For example, the figure is the original entry from the subscription purchase.

Scheduled Transaction of Subscription Purchase

  • Below figure is the record generated from the partial cancellation of the subscription. Note the offsets in the general ledger (GL) Account amounts.

Scheduled Transaction of Partial Cancellation of Subscription

  • When you create a partial cancellation for a subscription, Aptify reduces the number of Issues Purchased on the Subscriptions and modifies the End Date of the subscription according. In the example below, the amount was reduced by 6 issues and by 6 months.

Subscription With Partial Cancellation

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