About the Sample Application Dashboards
The Motor Loaner System application includes two sample dashboards that are provided to illustrate how a developer can create a dashboard that centralizes content and functionality for a specific set of users:
Manager's Dashboard
This dashboard was designed to assist Managers conduct day-to-day activities by making common tasks and information readily available from one screen. This dashboard is associated with the Motor Loaner Administration application and embeds many of the sample Views provided with the application (as defined in About the User Interface Design for the Sample Application).
This dashboard, shown above, includes five Dashboard Areas, each with one Dashboard Part. The Dashboard Parts are described below:
- Top Area Button Bar: The button bar on the Manager's Dashboard includes these buttons:
- Vehicle Report: This button opens the Vehicle Crystal Report, described in Creating Client-Specific Crystal Reports in Aptify. The button properties specify that the report use the All Vehicles List View as its source (since Crystal Reports require a source view).
- Find Associates: This button opens the Find dialog for the Associates service.
- New Associate: This button opens a new Associates form.
- New Vehicle: This button opens a new Vehicles form.
- Find Model: This button opens the Find dialog for the Vehicle Models service.
- Middle Left Service Tickets Pending Approval View: This area contains an Entity List View Part that displays the Service Tickets Pending Approval List View, which is a shared view owned by the sa user. See Service Tickets Sample Views.
- Middle Right All Vehicles Available for Rent Pivot Table: This area contains a View Container Part that displays the All Vehicles Available for Rent Pivot Table, which is a shared view owned by the sa user. See Vehicles Sample Views.
- Bottom Left Top 5 Rented Vehicle Models in Last Month List View: This area contains an Entity List View Part that uses a dynamic SQL statement rather than a Views record as its source. It creates a list view of the top five vehicle models with the most Rental Agreements in the last month.
- Note that the length of the SQL statement in this situation cannot exceed 255 characters (this corresponds to the field size for the DashboardPartInputMap entity's Source field).
- In cases where the appropriate SQL statement must exceed 255 characters, Aptify recommends that you add a database object to the system and use it to retrieve information from the database.
- For this view, Aptify created a function called fnGetTop5RentalModels to return the five vehicle models with the most Rental Agreements in the last 30 days. This function is referenced in the figure below. Note that Aptify created this function as a Database Objects record in Aptify and added it to the Rental Agreements entity's DB Objects tab to ensure it is properly deployed to other systems.
- Bottom Right Top 5 Least Used Vehicle Models in Last Month List View: This area contains an Entity List View Part that uses a dynamic SQL statement rather than a Views record as its source. It creates a list view of the top five vehicle models with the least Rental Agreements in the last month.
- Note that the length of the SQL statement in this situation cannot exceed 255 characters (this corresponds to the field size for the DashboardPartInputMap entity's Source field).
- In cases where the appropriate SQL statement must exceed 255 characters, Aptify recommends that you add a database object to the system and use it to retrieve information from the database.
For this view, Aptify created a function called fnGetBottom5RentalModels to return the five vehicle models with the fewest number of Rental Agreements in the last 30 days. Note that Aptify created this function as a Database Objects record in Aptify and added it to the Rental Agreements entity's DB Objects tab to ensure it is properly deployed to other systems.
To review the Dashboard layout in more detail, create a copy of the Manager's Dashboard and then click the Options... link and select the Edit 'Copy of Manager's Dashboard' menu item.
Rental Clerk Dashboard
This dashboard was designed to assist Rental Clerks conduct day-to-day activities by making common tasks and information readily available from one screen. This dashboard is associated with the Motor Loaner Customer Service application and embeds many of the sample Views provided with the application. It also links to the sample application's Check-Out and Check-In wizard. See About the User Interface Design for the Sample Application for more information on the intended design of this dashboard.
This dashboard, shown above, includes three Dashboard Areas, each with one Dashboard Part. The Dashboard Parts are described below:
- Top Area Button Bar: The button bar on the Rental Clerk Dashboard includes these buttons:
- Check-Out Wizard: This button launches the Check-Out wizard, which is related to the Rental Agreements entity. Note that the button's properties do not specify a source view since the wizard does not require a view to execute. See Review the Sample Application Wizards for more information on the sample application's wizards.
- Check-In Wizard: This button launches the Check-In wizard, which is related to the Rental Agreements entity. Note that the button's properties do not specify a source view since the wizard does not require a view to execute.
- Find a Vehicle: This button opens the Find dialog for the Vehicles service.
- Find Service Ticket: This button opens the Find dialog for the Service Tickets service.
- New Customer: This button opens a new Customers form.
- Find Customer: This button opens the Find dialog for the Customers service.
- Bottom Left Vehicles Returned Soon View: This area contains an Entity List View Part that displays the Vehicles Due Soon List View, which is a shared view owned by the sa user. See Rental Agreements Sample Views.
Bottom Right Vehicles Available for Rent View: This area contains an Entity List View Part that displays the Vehicles Available for Rent List View, which is a shared view owned by the sa user. See Vehicles Sample Views.
To review the Dashboard layout in more detail, create a copy of the Rental Clerk Dashboard and then click the Options... link and select the Edit 'Copy of Rental Clerk Dashboard' menu item.
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