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About the Sample Application Views

The Motor Loaner system includes a set of sample views that illustrate how to use views to extract data from the system. These views are owned by the sa user but are stored in shared folders so you can easily link to them when logged in as another user (such a the provided Manager or Clerk user). The sa user shares views in the following services:

  • Rental Agreements
  • Service Tickets
  • Vehicles

To link to a shared folder, right-click one of the services listed above and select Connect to Shared Folder from the context menu and then browse to the sa user's shared folder.

See Connecting to a Shared View Folder for more information on how to connect to a shared view.

This topic describes the following sample views provided with the application on a service-by-service basis:

Rental Agreements Sample Views

The Rental Agreements service includes the following sample views shared by the sa user:

  • Vehicle's Rental History List View: This is a formatted list view that displays all Rental Agreements. This is the view that appears on a Vehicles record's Rental History tab (the view is filtered at the Vehicles form to only return rentals for the currently displayed vehicle). Therefore, it does not include a column that identifies the vehicle. See Modifying the Vehicles Form Template Example for more information.
    Vehicle's Rental History List View 
  • All Rental Agreements List View: This is a formatted list view of all Rental Agreements that displays a different set of fields than the Vehicle's Rental History view to identify the vehicle, customer, and rental clerks involved in the transaction.
    All Rental Agreements List View 
  • Vehicles Due Soon List View: This formatted list view is filtered to display those Rental Agreements that have a blank Return Condition (in other words, Rental Agreements for checked out vehicles). The displayed Rental Agreements are sorted by Expected Return Date in ascending order. This view is displayed on the Rental Clerk dashboard (see Rental Clerk Dashboard)
  • Vehicles Returned By Associate Pivot Table: This pivot table displays a count of vehicles returned on a particular day grouped by Check In Clerk.
    Vehicles Returned By Associate Pivot Table 
  • Vehicles Rented By Associate Pivot Table: This pivot table displays a count of vehicles rented on a particular day grouped by Check Out Clerk.
  • Most Popular Vehicles Rented Chart View: This pie chart displays vehicle rentals by vehicle model to provide an analysis of the most popular vehicles based on all Rental Agreements.
    Most Popular Vehicles Rented Chart View 
  • Most Popular Vehicles Rented in Given Range Chart View: This chart view uses the same pie chart settings as the Most Popular Vehicles Rented Chart View except this chart includes a prompt filter to allow a user to specify a start and end date to filter Rental Agreements.
  • Most Popular Vehicles Rented in Last 7 Days Chart View: This chart uses the same pie chart settings as the Most Popular Vehicles Rented Chart View except this chart includes a filter on Rental Date to only return Rental Agreements in the last seven days (Rental Date is less than or equal to GETDATE()-7). (Does GETDATETIME populate this as well????)

Service Tickets Sample Views

The Service Tickets service includes the following sample views shared by the sa user:

  • Vehicle's Service History List View: This is a formatted list view that displays all Service Tickets. This is the view that appears on a Vehicles record's Service History tab (the view is filtered at the Vehicles form to only return service tickets for the currently displayed vehicle). Therefore, it does not include a column that identifies the vehicle. See Modifying the Vehicles Form Template Example for more information.
  • Damage Report for Given Range List View: This is a formatted list view that uses a prompt filter to allow a user to specify a start and end date to return the set of Service Tickets with a Service Type of Damage for the specified date range.
  • All Service Tickets List View: This is a formatted list view of all Service Tickets that displays a different set of fields than the Vehicle's Service History view to identify the vehicle involved in the transaction.
  • Service Tickets Pending Approval: This formatted list view displays the Service Tickets that have a Status of Complete but have the Release to Fleet box unchecked. This view appears in the Manager's Dashboard (see Manager's Dashboard).

    Pending Approval View Properties 
  • Vehicles Repaired Over Last 7 Days Chart View: This 3-D Area Chart is filtered to display completed service tickets over the past seven days grouped by Service Technician and by Date Serviced.

Vehicles Sample Views

The Vehicles service includes the following sample views shared by the sa user:

  • Vehicle Models Grouped by Status Chart View: This 3-D pie chart displays all Vehicles by their current status. This is the view that appears on a Vehicle Models record's Inventory tab (the view is filtered at the Vehicle Models form to only return vehicles of the currently displayed model). See Adding Tabs to the Vehicle Models Form Template Example for more information. This chart includes a drill-down to the Vehicle Model's Inventory List View, described below.
  • All Vehicles Available for Rent Pivot Table: This pivot table displays a count of all vehicles available for rent grouped by Vehicle Model. This pivot table appears in the Manager's Dashboard (see  Manager's Dashboard).
  • Vehicle Model's Inventory List View: This formatted list view displays all Vehicles. However, since it is the drill-down view for Vehicle Models Grouped by Status Chart View, when accessed from that chart on a Vehicle Model's records, the view only displays information for vehicles of a particular model (the currently displayed Vehicle Models record) and of a particular status (the status a user selects from the pie chart). See Adding Tabs to the Vehicle Models Form Template Example for more information.
  • All Vehicles List View: This formatted view displays all vehicles sorted by the Year/Manufacturer/Model field.
  • Vehicles Available for Rent List View: This formatted filtered view displays Vehicles with a status of Available. This view appears in the Rental Clerk dashboard (see Rental Clerk Dashboard).
  • High Mileage Vehicles List View: This formatted list view displays all Vehicles but in descending order for the Current Mileage field (in other words, the vehicles with the highest mileage appear first). This view uses a Page Size of 10 records.
    High Mileage Vehicles List View 


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