Configuring Wizards in the Aptify Web Interface
Configuring Wizards in the Aptify Web Interface
To implement the support of wizards across multiple interfaces, the administrator must configure the availability of Wizards in the Wizard UI Platforms tab.
Important Note
After installing Aptify, and when creating new wizard, you must add the appropriate UI Platforms for all metadata wizards. By default, UI Platforms are not specified, and wizards are not available in either the Aptify Desktop client or web interface.
Open a new or existing Wizards record and set the values on the Wizard UI Platforms tab as described to configure wizard support as listed below:
- To enable support for the wizard in the Aptify web interface, add a record for HTML Web only.
- To enable support for the wizard in the Aptify Desktop interface, add a record for Windows Desktop Client only.
- To enable support for the wizard in both platforms, add records for both Windows Desktop Client and HTML Web.
- To disable wizard support in both platforms, remove all Wizard UI Platform records.
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