Configuring Outlook Dashboard Components

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Configuring Outlook Dashboard Components

Since Aptify 5.5.2, if your user’s dashboards include the Aptify’s Microsoft Outlook dashboard, you can display Outlook email in the Aptify browser-based interface. If your organization has a Outlook Web Access (OWA) option, you can specify the OWA URL in the web.config file found in the top-level folder of the Aptify site. Replace the comment between the square brackets ([ ]) with the address of your OWA (for example, https://email.domain.com/owa).

  • Aptify.framework.configuration.dashboardComponents.outlookUrl = "[Insert Outlook Web Access URL here to activate Outlook Dashboard Components]";

For example:

Aptify.framework.configuration.dashboardComponents.outlookUrl = "https://email.domain.com/owa"

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