About the Advanced Wizard Options

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About the Advanced Wizard Options

The metadata wizard infrastructure provides a standard processor and rendering objects that control the behavior of the wizards and their appearance. If necessary, a developer can create his or her own processor and/or rendering objects to modify the features and functionality provided by the standard objects.

Processor Object

Aptify includes a standard processor that provides the business logic for the wizard (this logic applies regardless of whether the wizard is run from the Windows application or from Aptify Web Access). If necessary, a developer can implement his or her own processor object to change any of this logic. Note that any new processor object should sub-class the base AptifyWizardProcessor object. See the Aptify Software Development Kit (SDK) for information on this object.
Once this processor object has been created, the developer or an administrator adds it to the Object Repository and specifies the files details on the Wizards record's Processor tab, including:

  • Processor Object: This field specifies the Object Repository location of a wizard-specific or -organization-specific processor.
  • Processor Class: This field specifies the fully qualified namespace/class name that provides the processor logic contained in the Processor Object. "
  • Processor Assembly: This field specifies the name of the Processor Object's assembly.

Rendering Objects

Aptify provides a standard user interface model for rendering metadata wizards within Aptify's Windows application and Aptify Web Access. However, if necessary, a developer can implement his or her own Windows or Web object to change the appearance of a wizard or wizards. Note that any new rendering object should sub-class the base Aptify GenericWizardForm class. See the Aptify Software Development Kit (SDK) for information on this class.
Once this rendering object has been created, the developer or an administrator adds it to the Object Repository and specifies the files details on the Wizards record's Rendering tab (complete the set of Windows or Web fields depending on the nature of the object):

  • Object (Windows or Web): This field specifies the Object Repository location of a wizard-specific or organization-specific user interface design for the wizard.
  • Class (Windows or Web): This field specifies the fully qualified namespace/class name that provides the logic contained in the rendering object.
  • Assembly (Windows or Web): This field specifies the name of the rendering object's assembly.

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