About the International Support Funds Form

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About the International Support Funds Form

International Support Funds are funds designed to aid a particular international relief effort. Each International Support Fund is linked to two fundraising products in Aptify: a restricted fund and an unrestricted fund. The restricted fund holds contributions where the donor requested that the money be used to aid the specific effort only. The unrestricted fund hold contributions that can be allocated as needed by the organization.

International Support Funds Form

Attachments Tab

This tab stores any files relevant to this record.

Comments Tab

This tab stores any additional information concerning this record.

General Tab

Name (Required)

The name of the International Support Fund.

Category (Required)

The International Support Fund's category. This field links to the International Support Fund Categories service.

Status (Required)

The current status of the fund: Active or Inactive.

Date Created (Required)

The date the fund was created.

Date Closed

If applicable, the date the fund was closed.

Manager (Required)

The employee responsible for overseeing this fund. This field links to the Employees service.

Country (Required)

The Country where aid from this International Support Fund is directed. This field links to the Countries service.

Inactivate Fund (Required)

If the fund becomes inactive, select the option to indicate that it is inactive.

No New Donations (Required)

If the fund stops accepting new donations, select the option to indicate this change in the fund procedures.

Donor Releases Control (Required)

If donors release control of the donations, select the option. Contributions from donors who release control are accounted for in the fund's Unrestricted Product. If the donor does not release control, the contributions are accounted for in the fund's Temporarily Restricted Product.


Displays when this International Support Fund is applicable or when the event occurred for which this fund provides aid.

Temporarily Restricted Product (Required)

Specifies the fundraising product to which money is allocated when a donor does not release control over the contribution and indicates that donations to this fund can only be used for the specified relief effort.

This field links to the Products service.

Unrestricted Product (Required)

Specifies the fundraising product to which money is allocated when a donor releases control over the contribution and indicates that donations to this fund can be allocated by the organization as needed. This field links to the Products service.


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