Working with SSRS Reports using Visual Studio

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Working with SSRS Reports using Visual Studio

This section provides information for updating the SSRS Report query with Visual Studio. Follow the below step-by-step procedure to create or update an SSRS Report query:

  1. Open Visual Studio.
  2. Create a New Project or open an existing  Reporting Services project.
  3. From Reports folder, open an existing .rdl report file or 'Add a new report' to the reports.
  4. In the report, make the changes you wish to include.
  5. Under Data Source, right-click and open the Data Source Properties.
  6. Change the Data Source Properties as shown below.
  7. Under Data Sets, right-click the Dataset and update the query.
  8. Click Query Designer.
  9. Click Ok.
  10. In the Parameters tab, right-click and open the Parameter Properties.
  11. Change the Parameter properties as shown below.
  12. Save the report.
  13. Update the SSRS report in the ORO and upload the report file to the Reporting Server.


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