About the Common Validation Rules for CM Tool

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About the Common Validation Rules for CM Tool

CM Tool First Release

This is first official release of the Aptify Configuration Migration (CM) Tool. If you have any questions or problems using the tool please contact Aptify Technical Support. Your feedback is appreciated!

The following validation rules are available for use when packing and unpacking entity and metadata configurations. 

Foreign Keys

Validates foreign keys. If, within the tested database, there is a reference to a table that does not exist, correct to ensure data integrity and proper database behavior.


Ensure entity link fields are present for all linked entities. In addition, check that foreign key references are valid.

Missing/Incorrect Database Object Reference

Validates all database objects have valid Database Objects record references. Including views and stored procedures. 


If the failed data is present in the destination database then skip the validation rule and continue packing.


  1. Open the entity(s) listed and go to DB Object tab.
  2. Verify that the linked database object is valid, if not create or link a valid database object.
  3. The query above will help you to find all linked database objects in the database.

Unlinked Stored Procedure to Generated Entity

Validates that all Non-Generated database objects are linked to an entity or database object.  Any item in this list will not be moved in the upgrade.  


If you want the database object unpacked on the destination server, link the listed database object(s) to an entity or database object before packing. Otherwise, you will need to move the objects manually.

Validate Entity Fields [calculated] Database Objects

Validates database objects used for calculated fields are included with the entity.  These database objects should be linked to the entity through the entity's DB Objects tab.


    1. Verify the database object is valid for the calculated field listed.
    2. Go the entity's DB object tab and confirm the field's database object is listed, if not, create it manually.

Specific Entity Field Validator

Validates field integrity by verifying the Entity Field Definition found in the EntityFields entity and the base table for the entity are the same.


  1. Open the field(s) in the list.
  2. Select the Options tab, uncheck the In Table option and save the entity, or regenerate the entity.  

Missing/Incorrect Entity Linked Object Repository Object Reference

Validates all database objects have valid Database Objects record references. Including views and stored procedures.


If the missing metadata is present in the destination database then skip the validation rule and continue packing.


  1. Open the entity(s) listed and go to DB Object tab.
  2. Verify that the linked database object is valid, if not create or link a valid database object.

The query below will help you find all linked database objects in the database.


SELECT EntityID,RepositoryObject 
FROM [ENTITY_DATABASE]..EntityrepObjRequirement
WHERE RepositoryObject <> '' AND RepositoryObject NOT IN(
SELECT p.Name + '.' + ob.Name 
FROM [ENTITY_DATABASE]..ObjectRepositoryObject ob INNER JOIN 
[ENTITY_DATABASE]..ObjectPackage p ON p.ID = ob.ObjectPackageID) 

Database Objects with GRANT SQL in the SQL Text

Validates SQL and Grant SQL syntax is on separate tabs. With legacy versions, there are instances when both are included on one tab. This needs to be corrected before continuing.


  1. Open that database object(s) listed and check the query written under the SQL tab.
  2. If it contains a Grant SQL statement, copy the code from the SQL tab to the Grant SQL tab. 


Missing Base Views

Any base Views not contained within APTIFY as an Database Object Record will not be transferred. Consider creating a DB Object Record for any view found within this validation, and link it to an appropriate Entity. Otherwise, you will need to manually create the view on the destination. 

Invalid NULL Default Value for Entity Fields

Validates fields with a numeric SQL Data Type do not have a default value of NULL. You will need to change this value or the Entity will not unpack on the destination.


  1. Open the numeric field(s) listed.
  2. Check Default value under the field’s General tab
  3. If it has null value, replace it with appropriate numeric value.

Indexes not Generated by Aptify

Validates all non-Framework entities have generated indexes. If not, indexes should be created manually.


  1. Open the entity(s) listed. If the entity does not exist, create a new entity.
  2. Select the Indexes Tab and the new index option.
  3. Drop the index created from backend and recreate it from the wizard.
  4. Pack this entity and unpack it on the destination server for creating required indexes.

Missing Object Repository Items

Validates that all Object Repository objects exist in the database.  Icon related objects can be ignored, but all other missing objects must be relinked or the reference removed.


Verify the Object Repository Object(s) listed are valid. If the object does not exist, create it manually. 

Unlinked Stored Procedures to Entity or Database Object

Validates that all Non-Generated database objects are linked to an entity or database object.  Any item in this list will not be moved in the upgrade.  


If you want the database object unpacked on the destination server, link the listed database object(s) to an entity or database object before packing. Otherwise, you will need to move the objects manually.

Base Table Not Generated on Database

Validates that all entities listed in the Entities entity have a generated base table. 


  1. Regenerate the entity.
  2. If this does not work then, open SQL Management Studio server and create above mentioned Base table for the entity manually.

Validate Entity's Link Entities Record

Validates that entities that are linked to the entities selected for packing exist in the pack.  All linked entities should present in the pack or on the destination server before unpacking.


You do not need to pack these database objects if they exist on the destination server.


  • Verify if the above mentioned linked entities need to be included in this pack and re-pack.

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